View Source Tarearbol (tarearbol v1.11.2)

Tarearbol module provides an interface to run tasks in easy way.


iex> result = Tarearbol.ensure(fn -> raise "¡?" end, attempts: 1, raise: false)
iex> {:error, %{job: _job, outcome: outcome}} = result
iex> {error, _stacktrace} = outcome
iex> error
%RuntimeError{message: "¡?"}



Executes all the scheduled tasks immediately, cleaning up the queue.

Ensures the task to be completed; restarts it when necessary.

Same as Tarearbol.ensure/2, but it raises on fail and returns the result itself on successful execution.

Executes Tarearbol.ensure_all_streamed/2 and collects tasks results.

Runs a task specified by the first argument at a given time.

Runs a task specified by the first argument in a given interval.

Spawns the task for the immediate async execution.

Spawns an ensured job asynchronously, passing all options given.


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drain(jobs \\

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Executes all the scheduled tasks immediately, cleaning up the queue.

@spec ensure(
  (-> any()) | {atom(), atom(), list()},
) :: {:error, any()} | {:ok, any()}

Ensures the task to be completed; restarts it when necessary.

Possible options:

  • attempts [default: :infinity] Might be any of @Tarearbol.Utils.interval type (5 for five attempts, :random for the random amount etc)
  • delay [default: 1 msec]. Might be any of @Tarearbol.Utils.interval type (1_000 or 1.0 for one second, :timeout for five seconds etc)
  • on_success [default: nil], the function to be called on successful execution (arity ∈ [0, 1] or tuple {Mod, fun} where fun is of arity zero or one.) When the arity of given function is 1, the result of task execution is passed
  • on_retry [default: nil], same as above, called on retries after insuccessful attempts or one of [:debug, :info, :warn, :error] atoms to log a retry with default logger
  • on_fail [default: nil], same as above, called when the task finally failed after attempts amount of insuccessful attempts
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ensure!(job, opts \\ [])

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@spec ensure!(
  (-> any()) | {atom(), atom(), list()},
) :: {:error, any()} | {:ok, any()}

Same as Tarearbol.ensure/2, but it raises on fail and returns the result itself on successful execution.

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ensure_all(jobs, opts \\ [])

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@spec ensure_all(
  [(-> any()) | {atom(), atom(), list()}],
) :: [error: any(), ok: any()]

Executes Tarearbol.ensure_all_streamed/2 and collects tasks results.

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ensure_all_streamed(jobs, opts \\ [])

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@spec ensure_all_streamed(
  [(-> any()) | {atom(), atom(), list()}],
) :: Enumerable.t()

Wrapper for Task.Supervisor.async_stream/4.

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run_at(job, at, opts \\ [])

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@spec run_at(
  (-> any()) | {atom(), atom(), list()},
  DateTime.t() | String.t(),
) :: Task.t()

Runs a task specified by the first argument at a given time.

If the second parameter is a [DateTime] struct, the task will be run once. If the second parameter is a [Time] struct, the task will be run at that time on daily basis.

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run_in(job, interval, opts \\ [])

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@spec run_in(
  (-> any()) | {atom(), atom(), list()},
  atom() | integer() | float(),
) :: Task.t()

Runs a task specified by the first argument in a given interval.

See [Tarearbol.ensure/2] for all possible variants of the interval argument.

@spec spawn(
  (-> any()) | {atom(), atom(), list()},
) :: Task.t()

Spawns the task for the immediate async execution.

Link to this function

spawn_ensured(job, opts)

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@spec spawn_ensured(
  (-> any()) | {atom(), atom(), list()},
) :: Task.t()

Spawns an ensured job asynchronously, passing all options given.