View Source Tesla (tesla v1.13.0)

A HTTP toolkit for building API clients using middlewares.

Building API client

use Tesla macro will generate basic HTTP functions (e.g. get/3, post/4, etc.) inside your module.

It supports following options:

  • :only - builder will generate only functions included in the given list
  • :except - builder will not generate the functions that are listed in the options
  • :docs - when set to false builder will not add documentation to generated functions


defmodule ExampleApi do
  use Tesla, only: [:get], docs: false

  plug Tesla.Middleware.BaseUrl, ""
  plug Tesla.Middleware.JSON

  def fetch_data do

In example above ExampleApi.fetch_data/0 is equivalent of ExampleApi.get("/data").

defmodule ExampleApi do
  use Tesla, except: [:post, :delete]

  plug Tesla.Middleware.BaseUrl, ""
  plug Tesla.Middleware.JSON

  def fetch_data do

In example above except: [:post, :delete] will make sure that post functions will not be generated for this module.

Direct usage

It is also possible to do request directly with Tesla module.


Common pitfalls

Direct usage won't include any middlewares.

In following example:

defmodule ExampleApi do
  use Tesla, only: [:get], docs: false

  plug Tesla.Middleware.BaseUrl, ""
  plug Tesla.Middleware.JSON

  def fetch_data do

call to ExampleApi.fetch_data/0 will fail, because request will be missing base URL.

Default adapter

By default Tesla is using Tesla.Adapter.Httpc, because :httpc is included in Erlang/OTP and does not require installation of any additional dependency. It can be changed globally with config:

config :tesla, :adapter, Tesla.Adapter.Hackney



Options that may be passed to a request function. See request/2 for detailed descriptions.


build_adapter(fun) deprecated

Builds URL with the given query params.

Dynamically build client from list of middlewares and/or adapter.

Perform a DELETE request.

Perform a DELETE request.

Perform a GET request.

Perform a GET request.

Returns value of header specified by key from :headers field in Tesla.Env.

Perform a HEAD request.

Perform a HEAD request.

Perform a OPTIONS request.

Perform a OPTIONS request.

Perform a PATCH request.

Perform a PATCH request.

Perform a POST request.

Perform a POST request.

Perform a PUT request.

Perform a PUT request.

Adds given key/value pair to :opts field in Tesla.Env.

Perform request and raise in case of error.

Perform a TRACE request.

Perform a TRACE request.


@type option() ::
  {:method, Tesla.Env.method()}
  | {:url, Tesla.Env.url()}
  | {:query, Tesla.Env.query()}
  | {:headers, Tesla.Env.headers()}
  | {:body, Tesla.Env.body()}
  | {:opts, Tesla.Env.opts()}

Options that may be passed to a request function. See request/2 for detailed descriptions.


This function is deprecated. Use client/1 or client/2 instead.
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build_client(pre, post \\ [])

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This function is deprecated. Use client/1 or client/2 instead.
@spec build_url(Tesla.Env.url(), Tesla.Env.query()) :: binary()

Builds URL with the given query params.

Useful when you need to create an URL with dynamic query params from a Keyword list


iex> Tesla.build_url("", [user: 3, page: 2])

# URL that already contains query params
iex> url = ""
iex> Tesla.build_url(url, [page: 2, status: true])
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client(middleware, adapter \\ nil)

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Dynamically build client from list of middlewares and/or adapter.

# add dynamic middleware
client = Tesla.client([{Tesla.Middleware.Headers, [{"authorization", token}]}])
Tesla.get(client, "/path")

# configure adapter in runtime
client = Tesla.client([], Tesla.Adapter.Hackney)
client = Tesla.client([], {Tesla.Adapter.Hackney, pool: :my_pool})
Tesla.get(client, "/path")

# complete module example
defmodule MyApi do
  # note there is no need for `use Tesla`

  @middleware [
    {Tesla.Middleware.BaseUrl, ""},

  @adapter Tesla.Adapter.Hackney

  def new(opts) do
    # do any middleware manipulation you need
    middleware = [
      {Tesla.Middleware.BasicAuth, username: opts[:username], password: opts[:password]}
    ] ++ @middleware

    # allow configuring adapter in runtime
    adapter = opts[:adapter] || @adapter

    # use Tesla.client/2 to put it all together
    Tesla.client(middleware, adapter)

  def get_something(client, id) do
    # pass client directly to Tesla.get/2
    Tesla.get(client, "/something/#{id}")
    # ...

client = "admin", password: "secret")
MyApi.get_something(client, 42)
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delete(client, url, opts)

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@spec delete(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), [option()]) :: Tesla.Env.result()

Perform a DELETE request.

See request/1 or request/2 for options definition.

delete("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
delete(client, "/users")
delete(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
delete(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
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delete!(client, url, opts)

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@spec delete!(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), [option()]) ::
  Tesla.Env.t() | no_return()

Perform a DELETE request.

See request!/1 or request!/2 for options definition.

delete!("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
delete!(client, "/users")
delete!(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
delete!(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
@spec delete_header(Tesla.Env.t(), binary()) :: Tesla.Env.t()

Perform a GET request.

See request/1 or request/2 for options definition.

get("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
get(client, "/users")
get(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
get(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
@spec get!(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), [option()]) ::
  Tesla.Env.t() | no_return()

Perform a GET request.

See request!/1 or request!/2 for options definition.

get!("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
get!(client, "/users")
get!(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
get!(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
@spec get_header(Tesla.Env.t(), binary()) :: binary() | nil

Returns value of header specified by key from :headers field in Tesla.Env.


# non existing header
iex> env = %Tesla.Env{headers: [{"server", "Cowboy"}]}
iex> Tesla.get_header(env, "some-key")

# existing header
iex> env = %Tesla.Env{headers: [{"server", "Cowboy"}]}
iex> Tesla.get_header(env, "server")

# first of multiple headers with the same name
iex> env = %Tesla.Env{headers: [{"cookie", "chocolate"}, {"cookie", "biscuits"}]}
iex> Tesla.get_header(env, "cookie")
@spec get_headers(Tesla.Env.t(), binary()) :: [binary()]

Perform a HEAD request.

See request/1 or request/2 for options definition.

head("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
head(client, "/users")
head(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
head(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
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head!(client, url, opts)

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@spec head!(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), [option()]) ::
  Tesla.Env.t() | no_return()

Perform a HEAD request.

See request!/1 or request!/2 for options definition.

head!("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
head!(client, "/users")
head!(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
head!(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
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options(client, url, opts)

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@spec options(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), [option()]) :: Tesla.Env.result()

Perform a OPTIONS request.

See request/1 or request/2 for options definition.

options("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
options(client, "/users")
options(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
options(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
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options!(client, url, opts)

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@spec options!(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), [option()]) ::
  Tesla.Env.t() | no_return()

Perform a OPTIONS request.

See request!/1 or request!/2 for options definition.

options!("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
options!(client, "/users")
options!(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
options!(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
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patch(client, url, body, opts)

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Perform a PATCH request.

See request/1 or request/2 for options definition.

patch("/users", %{name: "Jon"})
patch("/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
patch(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"})
patch(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
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patch!(client, url, body, opts)

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Perform a PATCH request.

See request!/1 or request!/2 for options definition.

patch!("/users", %{name: "Jon"})
patch!("/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
patch!(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"})
patch!(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
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post(client, url, body, opts)

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Perform a POST request.

See request/1 or request/2 for options definition.

post("/users", %{name: "Jon"})
post("/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
post(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"})
post(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
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post!(client, url, body, opts)

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Perform a POST request.

See request!/1 or request!/2 for options definition.

post!("/users", %{name: "Jon"})
post!("/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
post!(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"})
post!(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
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put(client, url, body, opts)

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Perform a PUT request.

See request/1 or request/2 for options definition.

put("/users", %{name: "Jon"})
put("/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
put(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"})
put(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
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put!(client, url, body, opts)

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Perform a PUT request.

See request!/1 or request!/2 for options definition.

put!("/users", %{name: "Jon"})
put!("/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
put!(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"})
put!(client, "/users", %{name: "Jon"}, query: [scope: "admin"])
@spec put_body(Tesla.Env.t(), Tesla.Env.body()) :: Tesla.Env.t()
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put_header(env, key, value)

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@spec put_header(Tesla.Env.t(), binary(), binary()) :: Tesla.Env.t()
@spec put_headers(Tesla.Env.t(), [{binary(), binary()}]) :: Tesla.Env.t()
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put_opt(env, key, value)

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@spec put_opt(Tesla.Env.t(), atom(), any()) :: Tesla.Env.t()

Adds given key/value pair to :opts field in Tesla.Env.

Useful when there's a need to store additional middleware data in Tesla.Env


iex> %Tesla.Env{opts: []} |> Tesla.put_opt(:option, "value")
%Tesla.Env{opts: [option: "value"]}
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request(client \\ %Tesla.Client{}, options)

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@spec request(Tesla.Env.client(), [option()]) :: Tesla.Env.result()

Perform a request.


  • :method - the request method, one of [:head, :get, :delete, :trace, :options, :post, :put, :patch]
  • :url - either full url e.g. "" or just "/some/path" if using Tesla.Middleware.BaseUrl
  • :query - a keyword list of query params, e.g. [page: 1, per_page: 100]
  • :headers - a keyword list of headers, e.g. [{"content-type", "text/plain"}]
  • :body - depends on used middleware:
    • by default it can be a binary
    • if using e.g. JSON encoding middleware it can be a nested map
    • if adapter supports it it can be a Stream with any of the above
  • :opts - custom, per-request middleware or adapter options


ExampleApi.request(method: :get, url: "/users/path")

# use shortcut methods
ExampleApi.get("/users/1"), "/users", %{name: "Jon"})
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request!(client \\ %Tesla.Client{}, options)

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@spec request!(Tesla.Env.client(), [option()]) :: Tesla.Env.t() | no_return()

Perform request and raise in case of error.

This is similar to request/2 behaviour from Tesla 0.x

See request/2 for list of available options.

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run_default_adapter(env, opts \\ [])

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trace(client, url, opts)

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Perform a TRACE request.

See request/1 or request/2 for options definition.

trace("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
trace(client, "/users")
trace(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
trace(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})
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trace!(client, url, opts)

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@spec trace!(Tesla.Env.client(), Tesla.Env.url(), [option()]) ::
  Tesla.Env.t() | no_return()

Perform a TRACE request.

See request!/1 or request!/2 for options definition.

trace!("/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
trace!(client, "/users")
trace!(client, "/users", query: [scope: "admin"])
trace!(client, "/users", body: %{name: "Jon"})