View Source Tyyppi.Struct (tyyppi v0.12.3)

Creates the typed struct with spec bound to each field.



See Tyyppi.Example.Struct for the example of why and how to use Tyyppi.Struct.



iex> defmodule MyStruct do
...>   @type my_type :: :ok | {:error, term()}
...>   Tyyppi.Struct.defstruct foo: atom(), bar: GenServer.on_start(), baz: my_type()
...> end
iex> types = MyStruct.types()
...> types[:foo]
  definition: {:type, 0, :atom, []},
  module: nil,
  name: nil,
  params: [],
  source: nil,
  type: :built_in
...> types[:baz]
  definition: {:type, 0, :union, [
    {:atom, 0, :ok},
    {:type, 0, :tuple, [
      {:atom, 0, :error}, {:type, 0, :term, []}]}]},
  module: Test.Tyyppi.Struct.MyStruct,
  name: :my_type,
  params: [],
  quoted: {{:., [], [Test.Tyyppi.Struct.MyStruct, :my_type]}, [], []},
  source: :user_type,
  type: :type



Since there is no place for default values in the struct declaration, where types are first class citizens, defaults might be specified through @defaults module attribute. Omitted fields there will be considered having nil default value.

iex> %Tyyppi.Example.Struct{}
  bar: {:ok, :erlang.list_to_pid('<0.0.0>')}, baz: {:error, :reason}, foo: nil}



iex> {ex, pid} = {%Tyyppi.Example.Struct{}, :erlang.list_to_pid('<0.0.0>')}
iex> Tyyppi.Example.Struct.update(ex, foo: :foo, bar: {:ok, pid}, baz: :ok)
{:ok, %Tyyppi.Example.Struct{
  bar: {:ok, :erlang.list_to_pid('<0.0.0>')},
  baz: :ok,
  foo: :foo}}
iex> Tyyppi.Example.Struct.update(ex, foo: :foo, bar: {:ok, pid}, baz: 42)
{:error, [baz: [type: [expected: "Tyyppi.Example.Struct.my_type()", got: 42]]]}



iex> pid = :erlang.list_to_pid('<0.0.0>')
iex> ex = %Tyyppi.Example.Struct{foo: :foo, bar: {:ok, pid}, baz: :ok}
iex> put_in(ex, [:foo], :foo_sna)
  bar: {:ok, :erlang.list_to_pid('<0.0.0>')},
  baz: :ok,
  foo: :foo_sna}
iex> put_in(ex, [:foo], 42)
** (ArgumentError) could not put/update key :foo with value 42 ([foo: [type: [expected: "atom()", got: 42]]])

Link to this section Summary


Declares a typed struct. The accepted argument is the keyword of {field_name, type} tuples. See Tyyppi.Example.Struct for an example.

Puts the value to target under specified key, if passes validation, raises otherwise

Puts the value to target under specified key, if passes validation

Updates the value in target under specified key, if passes validation, raises otherwise

Updates the value in target under specified key, if passes validation

Link to this section Functions

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Declares a typed struct. The accepted argument is the keyword of {field_name, type} tuples. See Tyyppi.Example.Struct for an example.

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put!(target, key, value)

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@spec put!(target :: struct, key :: atom(), value :: any()) :: struct
when struct: %{required(atom()) => any()}

Puts the value to target under specified key, if passes validation, raises otherwise

@spec put(target :: struct, key :: atom(), value :: any()) ::
  {:ok, struct} | {:error, keyword()}
when struct: %{required(atom()) => any()}

Puts the value to target under specified key, if passes validation

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update!(target, key, fun)

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@spec update!(target :: struct, key :: atom(), updater :: (any() -> any())) ::
  struct | no_return()
when struct: %{__struct__: atom()}

Updates the value in target under specified key, if passes validation, raises otherwise

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update(target, key, fun)

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@spec update(target :: struct, key :: atom(), updater :: (any() -> any())) ::
  {:ok, struct} | {:error, any()}
when struct: %{__struct__: atom()}

Updates the value in target under specified key, if passes validation