View Source Valdi (Valdi v0.4.0)

Some helpers function to do validate data

  • Validate type
  • validate inclusion/exclusion
  • validate length for string and enumerable types
  • validate number
  • validate string format/pattern
  • validate custom function
  • validate required (not nil) or not
  • validate decimal

Each of these validations can be used separatedly

iex> Valdi.validate_type(10, :integer)
iex> Valdi.validate_type(10, :string)
{:error, "is not a string"}
iex> Valdi.validate_number(9, [min: 10, max: 20])
{:error, "must be greater than or equal to 10"}

Or you can combine multiple condition at one

iex> Valdi.validate(10, type: :integer, number: [min: 10, max: 20])
iex> Valdi.validate("email@g.c", type: :string, format: ~r/.+@.+.[a-z]{2,10}/)
{:error, "does not match format"}



Validate value against list of validations.

Apply validation for each array item

Validate embed types

Check if value is not included in the given enumerable. Similar to validate_inclusion/2

Checks whether a string match the given regex.

Check if value is included in the given enumerable.

Check if length of value match given conditions. Length condions are the same with validate_number/2

Validate list value aganst validator and return error if any item is not valid. In case of error {:error, errors}, errors is list of error detail for all error item includes [index, message]

Validate map value with given map specification. Validation spec is a map

Validate number value

Validate value if value is not nil. This function can receive a function to dynamicall calculate required or not.

Validate data types.


@type error() :: {:error, String.t()}
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@type support_length_types() :: String.t() | map() | list() | tuple()


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validate(value, validators)

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@spec validate(
) :: :ok | error()

Validate value against list of validations.

iex> Valdi.validate("email@g.c", type: :string, format: ~r/.+@.+.[a-z]{2,10}/)
{:error, "does not match format"}

All supported validations:

  • type: validate datatype
  • format: check if binary value matched given regex
  • number: validate number value
  • length: validate length of supported types. See validate_length/2 for more details.
  • in: validate inclusion
  • not_in: validate exclusion
  • func: custom validation function follows spec func(any()):: :ok | {:error, message::String.t()}

  • each: validate each item in list with given validator. Supports all above validator
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validate_decimal(value, checks)

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@spec validate_decimal(
) :: :ok | error()
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validate_each_item(list, validations)

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Apply validation for each array item

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validate_embed(value, embed_type)

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Validate embed types

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validate_exclusion(value, enum)

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Check if value is not included in the given enumerable. Similar to validate_inclusion/2

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validate_format(value, check)

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@spec validate_format(String.t(), Regex.t()) :: :ok | error()

Checks whether a string match the given regex.

iex> Valdi.validate_format("year: 2001", ~r/year:\s\d{4}/)
iex> Valdi.validate_format("hello", ~r/+/)
{:error, "does not match format"}
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validate_inclusion(value, enum)

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Check if value is included in the given enumerable.

iex> Valdi.validate_inclusion(1, [1, 2])
iex> Valdi.validate_inclusion(1, {1, 2})
{:error, "given condition does not implement protocol Enumerable"}
iex> Valdi.validate_inclusion(1, %{a: 1, b: 2})
{:error, "not be in the inclusion list"}
iex> Valdi.validate_inclusion({:a, 1}, %{a: 1, b: 2})
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validate_length(value, checks)

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@spec validate_length(
) :: :ok | error()

Check if length of value match given conditions. Length condions are the same with validate_number/2

iex> Valdi.validate_length([1], min: 2)
{:error, "length must be greater than or equal to 2"}
iex> Valdi.validate_length("hello", equal_to: 5)

Supported types

  • list
  • map
  • tuple
  • keyword
  • string
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validate_list(items, validators)

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@spec validate_list(
) :: :ok | {:error, list()}

Validate list value aganst validator and return error if any item is not valid. In case of error {:error, errors}, errors is list of error detail for all error item includes [index, message]

iex> Valdi.validate_list([1,2,3], type: :integer, number: [min: 2])
{:error, [[0, "must be greater than or equal to 2"]]}
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validate_map(data, validations_spec)

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@spec validate_map(map(), map()) :: :ok | {:error, map()}

Validate map value with given map specification. Validation spec is a map

validate_map use the key from validation to extract value from input data map and then validate value against the validators for that key.

In case of error, the error detail is a map of error for each key.

iex> validation_spec = %{
...>  email: [type: :string, required: true],
...>  password: [type: :string, length: [min: 8]],
...>  age: [type: :integer, number: [min: 16, max: 60]]
...>  }
iex> Valdi.validate_map(%{name: "dzung", password: "123456", email: "", age: 28}, validation_spec)
{:error, %{password: "length must be greater than or equal to 8"}}
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validate_number(value, checks)

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@spec validate_number(
  integer() | float(),
) :: :ok | error()

Validate number value

iex> Valdi.validate_number(12, min: 10, max: 12)
iex> Valdi.validate_number(12, min: 15)
{:error, "must be greater than or equal to 15"}

Support conditions

  • equal_to

  • greater_than_or_equal_to | min

  • greater_than

  • less_than

  • less_than_or_equal_to | max

    validate_number(x, [min: 10, max: 20])

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validate_required(value, func)

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Validate value if value is not nil. This function can receive a function to dynamicall calculate required or not.

iex> Valdi.validate_required(nil, true)
{:error, "is required"}
iex> Valdi.validate_required(1, true)
iex> Valdi.validate_required(nil, false)
iex> Valdi.validate_required(nil, fn -> 2 == 2 end)
{:error, "is required"}
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validate_type(value, struct_name)

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Validate data types.

iex> Valdi.validate_type("a string", :string)
iex> Valdi.validate_type("a string", :number)
{:error, "is not a number"}

Support built-in types:

  • boolean
  • integer
  • float
  • number (integer or float)
  • string | binary

  • tuple
  • map
  • array
  • atom
  • function
  • keyword

It can also check extend types

  • struct Ex: User
  • {:array, type} : array of type