View Source VintageNetWiFi (vintage_net_wifi v0.12.6)
WiFi support for VintageNet
Configurations for this technology are maps with a :type
field set to
. The following additional fields are supported:
- WiFi options:ipv4
- IPv4 options. See VintageNet.IP.IPv4Config.
To scan for WiFi networks it's sufficient to use an empty configuration and call
the VintageNet.scan("wlan0")
%{type: VintageNetWiFi}
Here's a typical configuration for connecting to a WPA2-protected Wi-Fi network:
type: VintageNetWiFi,
vintage_net_wifi: %{
mode: :infrastructure,
networks: [%{ssid: "my_network_ssid", key_mgmt: :wpa_psk, psk: "a_passphrase_or_psk"}]
ipv4: %{method: :dhcp}
If your Wi-Fi adapter or module has support for running as an Access Point, then the following configuration puts it in AP mode, assigns a static IP address of and gives clients IP addresses from to
type: VintageNetWiFi,
vintage_net_wifi: %{
mode: :ap,
networks: [
ssid: "test ssid",
key_mgmt: :none
ipv4: %{
method: :static,
address: {192, 168, 0, 1},
prefix_length: 24
dhcpd: %{
start: {192, 168, 0, 30},
end: {192, 168, 0, 254}
To enable verbose log messages from the wpa_supplicant
, add verbose: true
to the
Experimental API for getting WiFi driver capabilities
Helper for checking whether a WiFi configuration has a network configured
Create a WiFi network config string for use in a QR Code
Configure WiFi using the most common settings
Convenience function to scan for access points
Quick way to receive WiFi credentials via WPS PBC
Summarize access point lists
@type qr_options() :: [hidden: boolean(), type: :WPA | :WEP | :nopass]
@spec capabilities(VintageNet.ifname()) :: map()
Experimental API for getting WiFi driver capabilities
This queries the wpa_supplicant
and driver to see what it supports. It's
useful for seeing whether WPA3, 5 GHz, and other things are supported. The
results aren't currently processed.
Helper for checking whether a WiFi configuration has a network configured
This is useful for checking whether a WiFi configuration is just good for scanning for WiFi networks or whether it actually could connect to another computer.
Returns false
if the configuration isn't a VintageNetWiFi one or if no
networks were specified.
To test an ifname
has a network configured, run:
VintageNet.get_configuration() |> network_configured?()
@spec qr_string(String.t(), String.t(), qr_options()) :: String.t()
Create a WiFi network config string for use in a QR Code
A QR Code created from the string returned by this function is scannable by almost any smartphone to allow easy access to a Wi-Fi network. The user only needs to agree to a prompt rather than enter credentials manually.
See for more format details.
Configure WiFi using the most common settings
If your network requires a password (WPA2 PSK and WPA3 SAE networks):
iex> VintageNetWiFi.quick_configure("ssid", "password")
If you're connecting to an open network, don't pass the password. Keep in
mind that if you're at a cafe or other location that has a captive portal,
isn't smart enough to bypass it.
iex> VintageNetWiFi.quick_configure("open_wifi_ssid")
Then run
to see when the network connects. If you're
writing a program, run VintageNet.get(["interface", "wlan0", "connection"])
to get the connection status or subscribe to that property for change
If you're on an enterprise network or use static IP addresses or need any
other special configuration handling, you'll need to call
instead. See VintageNetWiFi.Cookbook
for help with
creating configurations or manually construct the configuration map.
WiFi Authentication
VintageNetWiFi doesn't know whether the WiFi hardware you're using fully
supports WPA3 authentication. To avoid hard to understand errors,
defaults to WPA2. If you have hardware that supports
WPA3 and would like to use WPA2/WPA3 generic configurations, update your
config :vintage_net_wifi, :quick_configure, &VintageNetWiFi.Cookbook.generic/2
@spec quick_scan(non_neg_integer()) :: [VintageNetWiFi.AccessPoint.t()]
Convenience function to scan for access points
This function initiates a scan, waits, and then returns all of the discovered access points. It's intended for quickly seeing what's around.
If you'd like to use this in a program, but want to display access point options as they're found, here's how to do it:
VintageNet.subscribe(["interface", "wlan0", "wifi", "access_points"])
Then wait for messages. They'll be of the form:
{VintageNet, ["interface", "wlan0", "wifi", "access_points"], old_value, new_value, meta}
Both old_value
and new_value
will be lists of access points. You'll need
call VintageNet.scan/1
every 30 seconds or so to repeat the scan across all
WiFi channels. See also VintageNetWiFi.summarize_access_points/1
to get an
easier to manage list of access points for presentation to users.
@spec quick_wps(non_neg_integer()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, String.t()}
Quick way to receive WiFi credentials via WPS PBC
Call this function with a long enough timeout for you to press the WPS button on your access point. The WiFi gets configured as soon as the WPS credentials are received.
# Press WPS button on AP
@spec summarize_access_points([VintageNetWiFi.AccessPoint.t()]) :: [ VintageNetWiFi.AccessPoint.t() ]
Summarize access point lists
This function summarizes a list of access points, such as those returned from
or via calls to VintageNet.scan/1
checking the
["interface", "wlan0", "wifi", "access_points"]
property. The summary
provides a list that most people are used to seeing when looking for access
points. It does the following:
- When the same SSID is found on multiple channels, it picks the one with the best signal and removes the others.
- Filter out SSIDs used by mesh routers and other devices that wouldn't work
- Sort SSIDs by signal strength