View Source WaitForIt (WaitForIt v2.1.2)

Provides various ways of waiting for things to happen.


Elixir is a functional programming language with an emphasis on immmutability of data. However, when dealing with shared state or interacting with external systems, change happens.

WaitForIt provides various ways of waiting for such changes to happen.

While Elixir provides several language and standard library features (such as Process.sleep/1, receive/1/after, and Task.async/1/Task.await/2) that can be used to implement waiting, they are inconvenient to use for this purpose. WaitForIt builds on top of these language features to provide convenient and easy-to-use facilities for waiting on specific conditions. While this is likely most useful for test code in which tests must wait for concurrent or asynchronous activities to complete, it is also useful in any scenario where concurrent processes must coordinate their activity. Examples include asynchronous event handling, producer-consumer processes, and time-based activity.

Quick start

To use WaitForIt, you must first require WaitForIt or import WaitForIt.

There are three distinct forms of waiting provided. Jump to the docs for each for more information.


The wait/2 macro waits until a given expression evaluates to a truthy value.

# Wait up to one minute for a file to exist, and then print its contents
if WaitForIt.wait(File.exists?("data.csv"), timeout: :timer.minutes(1)) do
  IO.warn("Stopped waiting for the file to exist")


The case_wait/3 macro waits until a given expression evaluates to a value that matches any one of the given case clauses. It looks and acts like an Elixir case/2 expression except that it can take an optional else clause.

# Wait for 30 seconds for a directory to exist, and then write a file in it
WaitForIt.case_wait(File.stat("data"), timeout: :timer.seconds(30)) do
  {:ok, %File.Stat{type: :directory}} ->
    File.write!("data/greeting.txt", "Hello, world!")
  {:ok, %File.Stat{type: type}} ->
    IO.warn("Expected 'data' to be a directory but its type is #{inspect(type)}")

  {:error, reason} ->
    IO.warn("Could not stat 'data': #{inspect(reason)}")


The cond_wait/2 macro waits until any one of the given expressions evaluates to a truthy value. It looks and acts like an Elixir cond/1 expression except that it can take an optional else clause.

# Wait for up to one minute for either a specific file to exist OR for the top of the minute
# to be reached.
WaitForIt.cond_wait(timeout: :timer.seconds(10), frequency: 500) do
  File.exists?("data/process.json") ->

  NaiveDateTime.utc_now().second == 0 ->
  IO.warn("Stopped waiting since neither condition ever became truthy")


All three forms of waiting accept the same set of options to control their behavior:

  • :timeout - the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) before giving up
  • :pre_wait - wait for the given number of milliseconds before evaluating conditions for the first time
  • :frequency - the polling frequency (in milliseconds) at which to re-evaluate conditions
  • :signal - disable polling and use a signal of the given name instead

See Polling-based waiting for more information on the :frequency option and Signal-based waiting for more information on the :signal option.

Waitable expressions and waiting conditions

Waitable expressions and waiting conditions are fundamental concepts in WaitForIt.

A waitable expression is any arbitrary Elixir expression that can be evaluated one or more times to produce a value.

A waiting condition is a conditional expression that indicates whether waiting should continue or be halted with a particular value.

In the case of wait/2, there is a single waitable expression, which is passed as the first argument of the macro, and an implicit waiting condition, which is based on the truthiness of the associated waitable expression. For example:

WaitForIt.wait(2 + 2 == 5, timeout: 200)

In this example the waitable expression is 2 + 2 == 5 and the implicit waiting condition is the truthiness of that expression. The waitable expression is repeatedly evaluated until the value that it produces satisfies the waiting condition. In this case, the value of evaluating the expression is always false so it will never satisfy the waiting condition of a truthy value, and will therefore result in a timeout.

For case_wait/3, there is a single waitable expression and one or more explicit waiting conditions expressed as case clauses. For example:

WaitForIt.case_wait(File.stat("data.csv"), timeout: :timer.seconds(10)) do
  {:ok, %File.Stat{} = file_stat} -> IO.inspect(file_stat)

In this example the waitable expression is File.stat("data.csv"), which, upon evaluation, results in a value of either {:ok, %FileStat{}} or {:error, reason}. There is also one explicit waiting condition, which is the case clause {:ok, %File.Stat{} = file_stat}. The waitable expression will be repeatedly evaluated until it produces a value satisfying the lone waiting condition. In other words, it will wait until the file exists or a timeout occurs.

For cond_wait/2, there can be one or more waitable expressions and each one is paired with an implicit waiting condition, which is the truthiness of the waitable expression value. For example:

WaitForIt.cond_wait(timeout: :timer.hours(1)) do
  Date.utc_today().day == 1 -> IO.puts("It's the first day of the month")
  NaiveDateTime.utc_now().minute == 30 -> IO.puts("It's half past the hour")

In this example, there are two waitable expressions: Date.utc_today().day == 1 and NaiveDateTime.utc_now().minute == 30. Each of these is paired with an implicit waiting condition, which is the truthiness of the value produced by evaluating the expression.

Idempotency of waitable expressions

Waitable expressions are by their nature subject to change with repeated evaluations over time. Therefore, idempotent expressions are of little use in the context of waiting, since waiting would either halt immediately (if the expression already saitisfies the waiting conditions) or never halt at all (if it does not satisfy the waiting conditions).

It is important, however, that any side-effects that can occur during evaluation of the expression are safe and predictable, since the expression may be evaluated an inderminate number of times while waiting.

Polling-based waiting

By default, WaitForIt uses a polling-based waiting mode in which waitable expressions are periodically re-evaluated until waiting conditions have been met or a timeout has occurred. The frequency at which waitable expressions are evaluated can be controlled by the :frequency option, which specifies the delay between evaluations in milliseconds and is supported by all forms of waiting.

Polling "frequency"

The term "frequency" is something of a misnomer as it is used here, since it is a time value (milliseconds) rather than a rate. A more accurate term would be :polling_interval, or perhaps simply :interval, but :frequency is already in use.

For the curious, the actual frequency in Hertz can be derived from the value of the :frequency option using this formula: 1 / (:frequency / 1000)

Thus a :frequency value of 100 yields a frequency of 10 Hz.

Signal-based waiting

Signal-based waiting obviates the need for polling by using a signaling mechanism to indicate that waiting conditions should be re-evaluated in response to some event. With signal-based waiting, instead of periodically re-evaluating conditions at a particular frequency, a signal is sent to waiters to indicate when waiting conditions should be re-evaluated. It is expected that the signal/1 function will be used to unblock the waiting code in order to re-evaluate the waiting conditions.

To use signal-based waiting instead of polling-based waiting use the :signal option that is supported by all forms of waiting. The value of the :signal option is an arbitrary term (typically an atom or a tuple of atoms) that serves as the binding between the waiting conditions and the asynchronous code that can alter the outcome of those waiting conditions. When the :signal option is used, WaitForIt will automatically wait until a matching signal is received and then re-evaluate waiting conditions. If the waiting conditions are saitisfied then the wait is halted, if not then the wait continues until the next signal is received or a timeout occurs.

By way of example, imagine a typical producer-consumer problem in which a consumer process waits for items to appear in some buffer while a separate producer process occasionally place items in the buffer. In this scenario, the consumer process might use the wait/2 macro with the :signal option to wait until there are some items in the buffer and the producer process would use the signal/1 function to tell the consumer that it might be time for it to check the buffer again.

# CONSUMER process
WaitForIt.wait Buffer.count() >= 4, signal: :wait_for_buffer

# PRODUCER process
# put some things in buffer, then signal waiters

Notice that the same signal name, :wait_for_buffer, is used by both the consumer and the producer, which is what allows the producer to signal to the consumer that waiting conditions should be re-evaluated. It is important to realize that just because a signal has been emitted does not necessarily mean that any waiting conditions have been satisfied. Rather, a signal indicates that waiters should re-evaluate their waiting conditions to determine if they should continue to wait or not.

Using WaitForIt in tests

One common use case for waiting on the results of asynchronous operations is in tests, particularly in integration or end-to-end tests. This section will present examples of using the various forms of waiting in test code. All examples assume that the WaitForIt module has been imported in the test module, such as follows:

defmodule MyTest do
  use ExUnit.Case
  import WaitForIt

The wait/2 macro can be used directly in assertions, since it returns the truthy or falsy value that the waitable expression evaluated to (i.e. a truthy value for successful waits or a falsy value for timeouts). For example, to assert that a particular database record is eventually inserted into the database can be as simple as:

assert wait(Repo.get(User, user_id))

Alternatively, pattern-matching can be used in some cases to make stronger assertions, such as:

assert %User{first_name: "Elijah"} = wait(Repo.get(User, user_id), timeout: 1_000)

The case_wait/3 macro offers greater flexibility in the sense that it allows for matching on any one of a series of case clauses and also allows for the use of an else block if none of the case clauses eventually match. For example, to assert that a particular database record is eventually inserted and that it has particular values:

case_wait Repo.get(User, user_id), timeout: 1_000 do
  %User{id: ^user_id} = user ->
    assert user.first_name == "Elijah"
    assert, ~D[2023-07-20]) == :eq
  unexpected ->
    flunk("Expected a User record for Elijah, got something else: #{inspect(unexpected)}")

Or to test if exactly one or two records are returned for a particular query, something like the following can be used:

case_wait Repo.all(some_query), timeout: 2_000, frequency: 500 do
  [only_thing] -> assert == 42
  [thing1, thing2] -> assert == 1 and == 2
  [] -> flunk("expected one or two things, got no things")
  [_ | _] = things -> flunk("expected one or two things, got #{length(things)} things")

A note on "catch-all" clauses

It is common to include "catch-all" clauses in normal Elixir case/2 and cond/1 expressions. Often, a case/2 expression will include a final catch-all clause (like _) which will always match, Similarly, a cond/1 expression will typically include a final always-truthy condition (like true) which will always match.

When using the waiting variants of these constructs, case_wait/3 and cond_wait/2, it is not recommended to use such catch-all clauses. The reason for this is that, since catch-all clauses by definition always match, including one as a waiting condition would not allow for re-evaluating any other waiting conditions and would terminate the wait immediately after the first evaluation.

Instead of using a catch-all clause that always matches, an else clause can be used instead. Both case_wait/3 and cond_wait/2 support else clauses, and these clauses are evaluated whenever a waiting operation results in a timeout, which allows for customizing the behavior and return value of the expression in the event of a timeout.



Type to represent an expression that can be waited on.

Options that can be used to control waiting behavior.

Options that can be used to control waiting behavior.


Wait until the given expression evaluates to a truthy value.

The same as wait/2 but raises a WaitForIt.TimeoutError exception if it fails.


Wait until the given expression matches one of the case clauses in the given block.

The same as case_wait/3 but raises a WaitForIt.TimeoutError exception if it fails.


Wait until one of the expressions in the given block evaluates to a truthy value.

The same as cond_wait/2 but raises a WaitForIt.TimeoutError exception if it fails.


Send a signal to indicate that any processes waiting on the signal should re-evaluate their waiting conditions.


@type wait_expression() :: Macro.t()

Type to represent an expression that can be waited on.

@type wait_opt() ::
  {:timeout, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:frequency, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:pre_wait, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:signal, atom() | nil}

Options that can be used to control waiting behavior.

@type wait_opts() :: [wait_opt()]

Options that can be used to control waiting behavior.

See wait_opt/0.


Link to this macro

wait(expression, opts \\ [])

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Wait until the given expression evaluates to a truthy value.

Returns the truthy value that ended the wait, or the last falsy value evaluated if a timeout occurred.


The value returned from this macro has changed as of version 2.0.

In previous versions, {:ok, value} would be returned for the success case, and {:timeout, timeout_milliseconds} would be returned for the timeout case.

As of version 2.0, the final value of the wait expression is returned directly, which will be a truthy value for the success case and a falsy value for the timeout case. This allows the wait/2 macro to be used in conditional expressions, such as in if/2/else expressions, or in assertions in tests.

If you are migrating from version 1.x and rely on the return value, you can enable the previous behavior by using the WaitForIt.V1.wait/2 macro instead.


See the WaitForIt module documentation for further discussion of these options.

  • :timeout - the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) before giving up
  • :pre_wait - wait for the given number of milliseconds before evaluating conditions for the first time
  • :frequency - the polling frequency (in milliseconds) at which to re-evaluate conditions
  • :signal - disable polling and use a signal of the given name instead


Wait until the top of the hour:

WaitForIt.wait Time.utc_now.minute == 0, frequency: 60_000, timeout: 60_000 * 60

Wait up to one minute for a particular record to appear in the database:

if data = WaitForIt.wait Repo.get(Post, 42), frequency: 1000, timeout: :timer.seconds(60) do
  IO.puts("Gave up after #{timeout} milliseconds")

Assert that a database record is created by some asynchronous process:

assert %Post{id: 42} = WaitForIt.wait Repo.get(Post, 42)
Link to this macro

wait!(expression, opts \\ [])

View Source (macro)

The same as wait/2 but raises a WaitForIt.TimeoutError exception if it fails.


Link to this macro

case_wait(expression, opts \\ [], blocks)

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Wait until the given expression matches one of the case clauses in the given block.

Returns the value of the matching clause, the value of the optional else clause, or the last evaluated value of the expression in the event of a timeout.

The do block passed to this macro must be a series of case clauses exactly like a built-in Elixir case/2 expression. Just like a case/2 expression, the clauses will attempt to be matched from top to bottom and the first one that matches will provide the resulting value of the expression. The difference with case_wait/3 is that if none of the clauses initially matches it will wait and periodically re-evaluate the clauses until one of them does match or a timeout occurs.

An optional else clause may also be used to provide the value in case of a timeout. If an else clause is provided and a timeout occurs, then the else clause will be evaluated and the resulting value of the else clause becomes the value of the case_wait/3 expression. If no else clause is provided and a timeout occurs, then a CaseClauseError is raised, exactly as if a normal Elixir case/2 expression were being used.

The optional else clause may also take the form of match clauses, such as those in the else clause of a with/1 expression. In this form, the else clause can match on the final value of the expression that was evaluated before the timeout occurred. See the examples below for an example of this.

Beware "catch-all" clauses

case_wait/3 expressions should not include a final "catch-all" clause, such as _, which would always match. Instead, an else clause can be used to customize the behavior and return value in the event of a waiting timeout.

See A note on "catch-all" clauses in the module docs for further information.


See the WaitForIt module documentation for further discussion of these options.

  • :timeout - the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) before giving up
  • :pre_wait - wait for the given number of milliseconds before evaluating conditions for the first time
  • :frequency - the polling frequency (in milliseconds) at which to re-evaluate conditions
  • :signal - disable polling and use a signal of the given name instead


Wait until queue has at least 5 messages, then return them:

WaitForIt.case_wait Queue.get_messages(queue), timeout: 30_000, frequency: 100 do
  messages when length(messages) > 4 -> messages
  # If after 30 seconds we still don't have 5 messages, just return the messages we do have.
  messages -> messages

A thermostat that keeps temperature in a small range:

def thermostat(desired_temperature) do
  WaitForIt.case_wait get_current_temperature() do
    temp when temp > desired_temperature + 2 ->
    temp when temp < desired_temperature - 2 ->

Wait until the process mailbox is small enough before flooding it with more messages:

WaitForIt.case_wait, :message_queue_len),
  frequency: 10,
  timeout: 60_000 do
  {:message_queue_len, len} when len < 500 ->
    send_chunk(conn, chunk)
  len ->
    raise "Timeout while sending stream response. [message_queue_len: #{len}]"


The above example is a real-world use of WaitForIt that was used to solve an issue with chunked HTTP responses using plug_cowboy. The underlying issue has since been fixed but this example is a good illustration of using WaitForIt to solve a production problem.

See for background and further details, if interested.

Link to this macro

case_wait!(expression, opts \\ [], blocks)

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The same as case_wait/3 but raises a WaitForIt.TimeoutError exception if it fails.


Link to this macro

cond_wait(opts \\ [], blocks)

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Wait until one of the expressions in the given block evaluates to a truthy value.

Returns the value corresponding with the matching expression, the value of the optional else clause, or nil in the event of a timeout.

The do block passed to this macro must be a series of expressions exactly like a built-in Elixir cond/1 expression. Just like a cond/1 expression, the embedded expresions will be evaluated from top to bottom and the first one that is truthy will provide the resulting value of the expression. The difference with cond_wait/2 is that if none of the expressions is initially truthy it will wait and periodically re-evaluate them until one of them becomes truthy or a timeout occurs.

An optional else clause may also be used to provide the value in case of a timeout. If an else clause is provided and a timeout occurs, then the else clause will be evaluated and the resulting value of the else clause becomes the value of the cond_wait/2 expression. If no else clause is provided and a timeout occurs, then a CondClauseError is raised, exactly as if a normal Elixir cond/1 expression were being used.

Beware "catch-all" clauses

cond_wait/2 expressions should not include a final "catch-all" clause, such as true, which would always match. Instead, an else clause can be used to customize the behavior and return value in the event of a waiting timeout.

See A note on "catch-all" clauses in the module docs for further information.


See the WaitForIt module documentation for further discussion of these options.

  • :timeout - the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) before giving up
  • :pre_wait - wait for the given number of milliseconds before evaluating conditions for the first time
  • :frequency - the polling frequency (in milliseconds) at which to re-evaluate conditions
  • :signal - disable polling and use a signal of the given name instead


Trigger an alarm when any sensors go beyond a threshold:

def sound_the_alarm do
  WaitForIt.cond_wait timeout: 60_000 * 60 * 24 do
    read_sensor(:sensor1) > 9 -> IO.puts("Alarm: :sensor1 too high!")
    read_sensor(:sensor2) < 100 -> IO.puts("Alarm: :sensor2 too low!")
    read_sensor(:sensor3) < 0 -> IO.puts("Alarm: :sensor3 below zero!")
    IO.puts("All is good...for now.")

  # Recursively call to wait for the next sensor readings...
Link to this macro

cond_wait!(opts \\ [], blocks)

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The same as cond_wait/2 but raises a WaitForIt.TimeoutError exception if it fails.


Send a signal to indicate that any processes waiting on the signal should re-evaluate their waiting conditions.