View Source API Reference ArangoX Ecto v2.0.0


The ArangoDB adapter for Ecto.

Ecto adapter for ArangoDB using ArangoX

Defines an analyzer for use in views

The association struct for a edge_many association.

The association struct for a graph association.

Methods to manipulate an Ecto Changeset

Defines an Arango Edge collection as an Ecto Schema Module.

Methods for interacting with ArangoDB GeoJSON and geo related functions

Modify the database through static migrations.

Used internally by the ArangoXEcto migration.

Used internally by the ArangoXEcto migration.

Used internally by the ArangoXEcto migration.

Used internally by the ArangoXEcto migration.

Converts migration command to JSON Schema.

Used internally by the ArangoXEcto migration.

Lower level API for managing migrations.

ArangoDB specific Ecto.Query functions.

A pool for concurrent transactional tests.

An ArangoDB specific implementation of the Ecto.Schema module.

Defines a GeoJSON type for use in ecto schemas

ArangoSearch view module

Defines the structure of a link

Mix Tasks

Generates a ArangoXEcto migration.

Runs the pending migrations for the given repository.

Reverts applied migrations for the given repository.