Archeometer.Analysis.Xref (Archeometer v0.5.0)

Functions for generating a dependency graph from a list of given modules.

Accepted output formats are "dot" (graphviz), "png" and "mermaid".

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Creates a dependency graph between the modules given as parameters

Takes a map representing the adjacency list of a graph, and renders it using the appropriante backend. This can be both plain text graph formats (mermaid or dot) or image formats (svg or png).

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gen_graph(modules, format, db_name \\ Repo.default_db_name())

Creates a dependency graph between the modules given as parameters



  • modules is either a list of module names, e.g. [Foo.Bar, Foo.Rex, Foo.Zorg] or a tuple {application, namespace} where application is the name of a specific applciation or :none for all applications, and namespace is a specific namespace or "*".
  • format can be one of "dot" (graphviz), "png", or "mermaid".
  • db_name is the filename of the DB to be used. If not given uses default DB.



  • The binary representing the graph, if the operation was completed successfully.
  • {:error, reason} if not.
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render(content, format)

Takes a map representing the adjacency list of a graph, and renders it using the appropriante backend. This can be both plain text graph formats (mermaid or dot) or image formats (svg or png).

iex> render(%{"a" => ["b"], "b" => []}, "dot") =~
...> ~r/digraph G {\n  .*\n.*\n    "a" .*;\n    "b" .*;\n      "a" -> "b";\n}\n/

iex> render(%{"a" => ["b"], "b" => []}, "mermaid")
~s/graph TD;\n  id_0([a]);\n  id_1([b]);\n  id_0-->id_1;\n/
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xrefs(modules, db_name)