Archeometer.Repo (Archeometer v0.4.2)

Common utilities for interacting with the database.

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all(query, bindings \\ [], db_name \\ default_db_name())

Execute the given query and returns a Archeometer.Result structure with all rows.

The query can be a raw string to be executed directly with the given bindings. In that case the resulting structure won't have header information.

The query can also be a tuple {:ok, %Archeometer.Query{}}. Consecuentyl the result of Archeoemter.Query.from can be piped directly. In this case the bindings field will be ignored, as the bindings are stored on the Query structure.

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db_has_tables?(tables, db_name \\ default_db_name())

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db_ready?(mode, db_name \\ default_db_name())

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execute_raw(conn, query, bindings)

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execute_raw_query(conn, query, bindings)