AshAuthentication.Igniter (ash_authentication v4.4.9)
View SourceCodemods for working with AshAuthentication
Adds an add on to the authentication.add_ons section of a resource
Adds a new add_on to the authentication.strategies section of a resource
Adds a new strategy to the authentication.strategies section of a resource
Adds a secret to a secret module that reads from application env
Adds a strategy to the authentication.strategies section of a resource
Returns true if the given resource defines an authentication add on with the provided name
Returns true if the given resource defines an authentication strategy with the provided name
@spec add_add_on( Igniter.t(), Ash.Resource.t(), contents :: String.t() ) :: Igniter.t()
Adds an add on to the authentication.add_ons section of a resource
@spec add_new_add_on( Igniter.t(), Ash.Resource.t(), type :: atom(), name :: atom(), contents :: String.t() ) :: Igniter.t()
Adds a new add_on to the authentication.strategies section of a resource
@spec add_new_strategy( Igniter.t(), Ash.Resource.t(), type :: atom(), name :: atom(), contents :: String.t() ) :: Igniter.t()
Adds a new strategy to the authentication.strategies section of a resource
Adds a secret to a secret module that reads from application env
@spec add_strategy( Igniter.t(), Ash.Resource.t(), contents :: String.t() ) :: Igniter.t()
Adds a strategy to the authentication.strategies section of a resource
@spec defines_add_on( Igniter.t(), Ash.Resource.t(), constructor :: atom(), name :: atom() ) :: {Igniter.t(), true | false}
Returns true if the given resource defines an authentication add on with the provided name
@spec defines_strategy( Igniter.t(), Ash.Resource.t(), constructor :: atom(), name :: atom() ) :: {Igniter.t(), true | false}
Returns true if the given resource defines an authentication strategy with the provided name