Password Authentication

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With a mix task

You can use mix ash_authentication.add_strategy password to install this strategy. The rest of the guide is in the case that you wish to proceed manually.

Add Bcrypt To your dependencies

This step is not strictly necessary, but in the next major version of AshAuthentication, Bcrypt will be an optional dependency. This will make that upgrade slightly easier.

{:bcrypt_elixir, "~> 3.0"}

Add Attributes

Add an email (or username) and hashed_password attribute to your user resource.

# lib/my_app/accounts/user.ex
attributes do
  attribute :email, :ci_string, allow_nil?: false, public?: true
  attribute :hashed_password, :string, allow_nil?: false, sensitive?: true

Ensure that the email (or username) is unique.

# lib/my_app/accounts/user.ex
identities do
  identity :unique_email, [:email]
  # or
  identity :unique_username, [:username]

Add the password strategy

Configure it to use the :email or :username as the identity field.

# lib/my_app/accounts/user.ex
authentication do
  strategies do
    password :password do
      identity_field :email
      # or
      identity_field :username

Now we have enough in place to register and sign-in users using the AshAuthentication.Strategy protocol.