Google Tutorial

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This is a quick tutorial on how to configure Google authentication.

First you'll need a registered application in Google Cloud, in order to get your OAuth 2.0 Client credentials.

  1. On the Cloud's console Quick access section select APIs & Services, then Credentials
  2. Click on + CREATE CREDENTIALS and from the dropdown select OAuth client ID
  3. From the google developers console, we will need: client_id & client_secret
  4. Enter your callback uri under Authorized redirect URIs. E.g. http://localhost:4000/auth/user/google/callback.

Next we configure our resource to use google credentials:

defmodule MyApp.Accounts.User do
  use Ash.Resource,
    extensions: [AshAuthentication],
    domain: MyApp.Accounts

  attributes do

  authentication do
    strategies do
      google do
        client_id MyApp.Secrets
        redirect_uri MyApp.Secrets
        client_secret MyApp.Secrets

Please check the guide on how to properly configure your Secrets Then we need to define an action that will handle the oauth2 flow, for the google case it is :register_with_google it will handle both cases for our resource, user registration & login.

defmodule MyApp.Accounts.User do
  require Ash.Resource.Change.Builtins
  use Ash.Resource,
    extensions: [AshAuthentication],
    domain: MyApp.Accounts

  # ...
  actions do
    create :register_with_google do
      argument :user_info, :map, allow_nil?: false
      argument :oauth_tokens, :map, allow_nil?: false
      upsert? true
      upsert_identity :unique_email

      change AshAuthentication.GenerateTokenChange

      # Required if you have the `identity_resource` configuration enabled.
      change AshAuthentication.Strategy.OAuth2.IdentityChange

      change fn changeset, _ ->
        user_info = Ash.Changeset.get_argument(changeset, :user_info)

        Ash.Changeset.change_attributes(changeset, Map.take(user_info, ["email"]))

      # Required if you're using the password & confirmation strategies
      upsert_fields []
      change set_attribute(:confirmed_at, &DateTime.utc_now/0)
      change after_action(fn _changeset, user, _context ->
        case user.confirmed_at do
          nil -> {:error, "Unconfirmed user exists already"}
          _ -> {:ok, user}

  # ...


Ensure you set the hashed_password to allow_nil? if you are also using the password strategy.

defmodule MyApp.Accounts.User do
  # ...
  attributes do
    # ...
    attribute :hashed_password, :string, allow_nil?: true, sensitive?: true
  # ...

And generate and run migrations in that case.

mix ash.codegen make_hashed_password_nullable
mix ash.migrate