AshAuthentication.Plug behaviour (ash_authentication v4.4.9)
View SourceGenerate an authentication plug.
Use in your app by creating a new module called AuthPlug
or similar:
defmodule MyAppWeb.AuthPlug do
use AshAuthentication.Plug, otp_app: :my_app
def handle_success(conn, _activity, user, _token) do
|> store_in_session(user)
|> send_resp(200, "Welcome back #{}")
def handle_failure(conn, _activity, reason) do
|> send_resp(401, "Better luck next time")
Using in Phoenix
In your Phoenix router you can add it:
scope "/auth" do
pipe_through :browser
forward "/", MyAppWeb.AuthPlug
In order to load any authenticated users for either web or API users you can add the following to your router:
import MyAppWeb.AuthPlug
pipeline :session_users do
plug :load_from_session
pipeline :bearer_users do
plug :load_from_bearer
scope "/", MyAppWeb do
pipe_through [:browser, :session_users]
live "/", PageLive, :home
scope "/api", MyAppWeb do
pipe_through [:api, :bearer_users]
get "/" ApiController, :index
Using in a Plug application
use Plug.Router
forward "/auth", to: MyAppWeb.AuthPlug
Note that you will need to include a bunch of other plugs in the pipeline to do useful things like session and query param fetching.
When there is any failure during authentication this callback is called.
When authentication has been succesful, this callback will be called with the conn, the successful activity, the authenticated resource and a token.
@callback handle_failure(Plug.Conn.t(), activity(), any()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
When there is any failure during authentication this callback is called.
Note that this includes not just authentication failures but potentially route-not-found errors also.
The default implementation simply returns a 401 status with the message "Access denied". You almost definitely want to override this.
@callback handle_success( Plug.Conn.t(), activity(), Ash.Resource.record() | nil, token() | nil ) :: Plug.Conn.t()
When authentication has been succesful, this callback will be called with the conn, the successful activity, the authenticated resource and a token.
This allows you to choose what action to take as appropriate for your application.
The default implementation calls store_in_session/2
and returns a simple
"Access granted" message to the user. You almost definitely want to override
this behaviour.