mix ash_postgres.squash_snapshots (ash_postgres v2.5.5)

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Cleans snapshots folder, leaving only one snapshot per resource.


mix ash_postgres.squash_snapshots
mix ash_postgres.squash_snapshots --check --quiet
mix ash_postgres.squash_snapshots --into zero
mix ash_postgres.squash_snapshots --dry-run

Command line options

  • --into - last, first or zero. The default is last. Determines which name to use for a remaining snapshot. last keeps the name of the last snapshot, first renames it to the previously first, zero sets name with fourteen zeros.
  • --snapshot-path - a custom path to stored snapshots. The default is "priv/resource_snapshots".
  • --quiet - no messages will not be printed.
  • --dry-run - no files are touched, instead prints folders that have snapshots to squash.
  • --check - no files are touched, instead returns an exit(1) code if there are snapshots to squash.



Callback implementation for Mix.Task.run/1.



Callback implementation for Mix.Task.run/1.