API Reference Braintree v0.13.0



A native Braintree client library for Elixir. Only a subset of the API is supported and this is a work in progress. That said, it is already used in production, and any modules that have been implemented can be used.

Add-ons and discounts are created in the Control Panel. You cannot create or update them through the API.

You can create an address for a customer only although the structure is also used for a merchant account.

AndroidPayCard structs are not created directly, but are built within responses from other endpoints, such as Braintree.Customer.

ApplePayCard structs are not created directly, but are built within responsees from other endpoints, such as Braintree.Customer.

Generate a token required by the client SDK to communicate with Braintree.

Raised at runtime when a config variable is missing.

This module provides a use macro to help convert raw HTTP responses into structs.

CreditCard structs are not created directly, but are built within responsees from other endpoints, such as Braintree.Customer.

Manage credit card verifications.

You can create a customer by itself, with a payment method, or with a credit card with a billing address.

Add-ons and discounts are created in the Control Panel. You cannot create or update them through the API.

A general purpose response wrapper that is built for any failed API response.

Base client for all server interaction, used by all endpoint specific modules.

Represents a merchant account in a marketplace.

Represents the business section of a merchant account.

Represents the funding section of a merchant account.

Represents the individual section of a merchant account.

Create, update, find and delete payment methods. Payment methods may be a CreditCard or a PaypalAccount.

Create a payment method nonce from an existing payment method token

Find, update and delete Paypal Accounts using PaymentMethod token

Plans represent recurring billing plans in a Braintree merchant account. The API for plans is read only.

This module performs advanced search on a resource.

The settlement batch summary displays the total sales and credits for each batch for a particular date. The transactions can be grouped by a single custom field's values.

A record contains details for a transaction in a summary.

Manage customer subscriptions to recurring billing plans.

The functions contained in this module provide credit card numbers that should be used when working in the sandbox environment. The sandbox will not accept any credit card numbers other than the ones listed below.

These are vendor specific numbers that will always fail verification.

A collection of static payment nonces provided to simplify testing server side code.

Create transactions for testing purposes only.

Create a new sale.

For fetching line items for a given transaction.

UsBankAccount structs are not created directly, but are built within responses from other endpoints, such as Braintree.Customer.

General purpose utility functions.

This module provides convenience methods for parsing Braintree webhook payloads.

This module provides convenience methods to help validate Braintree signatures and associated payloads for webhooks.

This module provides convenience methods to help validate Braintree signatures and associated payloads for webhooks.

XML dumping tailored to encoding params sent by Braintree.

XML encoding tailored to dumping Braintree compatible params.

XML entity conversion for known entities.