View Source Credo.Check.Warning.UnusedEnumOperation (Credo v1.7.11)
This check is enabled by default.
Learn how to disable it via .credo.exs
This check has a base priority of high
and works with any version of Elixir.
With the exception of Enum.each/2
, the result of a call to the
Enum module's functions has to be used.
While this is correct ...
def prepend_my_username(my_username, usernames) do
usernames = Enum.reject(usernames, &is_nil/1)
[my_username] ++ usernames
... we forgot to save the downcased username in this example:
# This is bad because it does not modify the usernames variable!
def prepend_my_username(my_username, usernames) do
Enum.reject(usernames, &is_nil/1)
[my_username] ++ usernames
Since Elixir variables are immutable, Enum operations never work on the
variable you pass in, but return a new variable which has to be used somehow
(the exception being Enum.each/2
which iterates a list and returns :ok
Check-Specific Parameters
There are no specific parameters for this check.
General Parameters
Like with all checks, general params can be applied.
Parameters can be configured via the .credo.exs
config file.