View Source Credo.Code (Credo v1.7.11)

Credo.Code contains a lot of utility or helper functions that deal with the analysis of - you guessed it - code.

Whenever a function serves a general purpose in this area, e.g. getting the value of a module attribute inside a given module, we want to extract that function and put it in the Credo.Code namespace, so others can utilize them without reinventing the wheel.



Returns an AST for a given String or Credo.SourceFile.

Takes a SourceFile and returns its source code stripped of all Strings and Sigils.

Takes a SourceFile and returns its source code stripped of all Strings, Sigils and code comments.

Returns true if the given child AST node is part of the larger parent AST node.

Returns an AST without its metadata.

Converts a String or Credo.SourceFile into a List of tuples of {line_no, line}.

Converts a String or Credo.SourceFile into a List of tokens using the :elixir_tokenizer.



Returns an AST for a given String or Credo.SourceFile.


Takes a SourceFile and returns its source code stripped of all Strings and Sigils.

clean_charlists_strings_sigils_and_comments(source_file_or_source, sigil_replacement \\ " ")

Takes a SourceFile and returns its source code stripped of all Strings, Sigils and code comments.

contains_child?(parent, child)

Returns true if the given child AST node is part of the larger parent AST node.

postwalk(ast_or_source_file, fun, accumulator \\ [])

Postwalks a given Credo.SourceFile's AST or a given AST.

Technically this is just a wrapper around Macro.postwalk/3.

prewalk(ast_or_source_file, fun, accumulator \\ [])

Prewalks a given Credo.SourceFile's AST or a given AST.

Technically this is just a wrapper around Macro.prewalk/3.


Returns an AST without its metadata.


Converts a String or Credo.SourceFile into a List of tuples of {line_no, line}.


Converts a String or Credo.SourceFile into a List of tokens using the :elixir_tokenizer.

to_tokens(source, filename \\ "nofilename")