View Source API Reference ex_openai.ex v1.7.0


Auto-generated SDK for OpenAI APIs See for further info on REST endpoints Make sure to refer to the README on Github to see what is implemented and what isn't yet

Modules for interacting with the assistants group of OpenAI APIs

Modules for interacting with the audio group of OpenAI APIs

Modules for interacting with the batches group of OpenAI APIs

Modules for interacting with the chat group of OpenAI APIs

Modules for interacting with the completions group of OpenAI APIs

Schema representing a AssistantObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a AssistantStreamEvent within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a AssistantToolsCode within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a AssistantToolsFileSearch within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a AssistantToolsFileSearchTypeOnly within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a AssistantToolsFunction within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a AssistantsApiResponseFormat within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a AssistantsApiResponseFormatOption within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a AssistantsApiToolChoiceOption within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a AssistantsNamedToolChoice within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a AutoChunkingStrategyRequestParam within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a Batch within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a BatchRequestInput within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a BatchRequestOutput within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionFunctionCallOption within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionFunctions within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionMessageToolCall within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionMessageToolCallChunk within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionMessageToolCalls within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionNamedToolChoice within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionRequestAssistantMessage within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionRequestFunctionMessage within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionRequestMessage within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionRequestMessageContentPart within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionRequestMessageContentPartImage within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionRequestMessageContentPartText within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionRequestSystemMessage within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionRequestToolMessage within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionRequestUserMessage within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionResponseMessage within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionRole within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionStreamOptions within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionStreamResponseDelta within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionTokenLogprob within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionTool within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChatCompletionToolChoiceOption within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ChunkingStrategyRequestParam within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CompletionUsage within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateAssistantRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateChatCompletionFunctionResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateChatCompletionImageResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateChatCompletionRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateChatCompletionResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateChatCompletionStreamResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateCompletionRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateCompletionResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateEmbeddingRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateEmbeddingResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateFileRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateFineTuningJobRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateImageEditRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateImageRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateImageVariationRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateMessageRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateModerationRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateModerationResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateRunRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateSpeechRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateThreadAndRunRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateThreadRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateTranscriptionRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateTranscriptionResponseJson within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateTranscriptionResponseVerboseJson within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateTranslationRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateTranslationResponseJson within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateTranslationResponseVerboseJson within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateVectorStoreFileBatchRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateVectorStoreFileRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a CreateVectorStoreRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a DeleteAssistantResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a DeleteFileResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a DeleteMessageResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a DeleteModelResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a DeleteThreadResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a DeleteVectorStoreFileResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a DeleteVectorStoreResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a DoneEvent within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a Embedding within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a Error within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ErrorEvent within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ErrorResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a FineTuneChatCompletionRequestAssistantMessage within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a FineTuningIntegration within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a FineTuningJob within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a FineTuningJobCheckpoint within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a FineTuningJobEvent within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a FinetuneChatRequestInput within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a FinetuneCompletionRequestInput within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a FunctionObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a FunctionParameters within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a Image within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ImagesResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ListAssistantsResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ListBatchesResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ListFilesResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ListFineTuningJobCheckpointsResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ListFineTuningJobEventsResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ListMessagesResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ListModelsResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ListPaginatedFineTuningJobsResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ListRunStepsResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ListRunsResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ListThreadsResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ListVectorStoreFilesResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ListVectorStoresResponse within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a MessageContentImageFileObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a MessageContentImageUrlObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a MessageContentTextAnnotationsFileCitationObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a MessageContentTextAnnotationsFilePathObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a MessageContentTextObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a MessageDeltaContentImageFileObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a MessageDeltaContentImageUrlObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a MessageDeltaContentTextAnnotationsFileCitationObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a MessageDeltaContentTextAnnotationsFilePathObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a MessageDeltaContentTextObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a MessageDeltaObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a MessageObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a MessageRequestContentTextObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a MessageStreamEvent within the OpenAI API

Replacement Component for Model API responses This module was not part of the api documentation and got probably forgotten, so it has been manually provided by this package Rpresents API responses such as

Schema representing a ModifyAssistantRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ModifyMessageRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ModifyRunRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ModifyThreadRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a OpenAIFile within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a OtherChunkingStrategyResponseParam within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ParallelToolCalls within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunCompletionUsage within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepCompletionUsage within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepDeltaObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepDeltaStepDetailsMessageCreationObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepDeltaStepDetailsToolCallsCodeObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepDeltaStepDetailsToolCallsCodeOutputImageObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepDeltaStepDetailsToolCallsCodeOutputLogsObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepDeltaStepDetailsToolCallsFileSearchObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepDeltaStepDetailsToolCallsFunctionObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepDeltaStepDetailsToolCallsObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepDetailsMessageCreationObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepDetailsToolCallsCodeObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepDetailsToolCallsCodeOutputImageObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepDetailsToolCallsCodeOutputLogsObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepDetailsToolCallsFileSearchObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepDetailsToolCallsFunctionObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepDetailsToolCallsObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStepStreamEvent within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunStreamEvent within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a RunToolCallObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a StaticChunkingStrategy within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a StaticChunkingStrategyRequestParam within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a StaticChunkingStrategyResponseParam within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a SubmitToolOutputsRunRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ThreadObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a ThreadStreamEvent within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a TranscriptionSegment within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a TranscriptionWord within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a TruncationObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a UpdateVectorStoreRequest within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a VectorStoreExpirationAfter within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a VectorStoreFileBatchObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a VectorStoreFileObject within the OpenAI API

Schema representing a VectorStoreObject within the OpenAI API

Reads configuration on application start, parses all environment variables (if any) and caches the final config in memory to avoid parsing on each read afterwards.

Modules for interacting with the embeddings group of OpenAI APIs

Modules for interacting with the files group of OpenAI APIs

Modules for interacting with the fine_tuning group of OpenAI APIs

Modules for interacting with the images group of OpenAI APIs

Modules for interacting with the models group of OpenAI APIs

Modules for interacting with the moderations group of OpenAI APIs

Modules for interacting with the threads group of OpenAI APIs

Modules for interacting with the vector_stores group of OpenAI APIs

Mix Tasks

Updates OpenAI API documentation files