View Source ExWebRTC.RTP.Payloader (ex_webrtc v0.6.2)

RTP payloader.

It packs audio/video frames into one or more RTP packets.



Creates a new payloader that matches the passed codec parameters.

Packs a frame into one or more RTP packets.


@opaque payloader()


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new(codec_params, opts \\ [])

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@spec new(ExWebRTC.RTPCodecParameters.t(), [{:max_payload_size, integer()}]) ::
  {:ok, payloader()} | {:error, :no_payloader_for_codec}

Creates a new payloader that matches the passed codec parameters.


  • max_payload_size - determines the maximum size of a single RTP packet outputted by the payloader. It must be greater than 100, and is set to 1000 by default.
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payload(payloader, frame)

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@spec payload(payloader(), binary()) :: {[ExRTP.Packet.t()], payloader()}

Packs a frame into one or more RTP packets.

Returns the packets together with the updated payloader.