Modifying the session

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In the introductory tutorials we focused on forwarding the data back to the same peer. Usually, you want to connect with multiple peers, which means adding more PeerConnection to the Elixir app, like in the diagram below.

flowchart BR
  subgraph Elixir
    PC1[PeerConnection 1] <--> Forwarder <--> PC2[PeerConnection 2]
    Forwarder <--> PC3[PeerConnection 3]

  WB1((Web Browser 1)) <-.-> PC1
  WB2((Web Browser 2)) <-.-> PC2
  WB3((Web Browser 3)) <-.-> PC3

In this scenario, we just forward packets from one peer to the other one (or even a bunch of other peers). This is a bit more challenging for a bunch of reasons:

Negotiation gets more complex

You need to decide who starts the negotiation for every PeerConnection created - it can be either the client/web browser (so the case we went through in the previous sections), the server, or both depending on when the peer joined. Also, don't forget that after you add or remove tracks from a PeerConnection, new negotiation has to take place!

The caveats of negotiation

But wait, the peer who added new tracks doesn't have to start the negotiation?

Certainly, that's the simplest way, but as long as the number of transceivers of the offerer (or, to be specific, the number of m-lines in the offer SDP with the appropriate direction attribute set) is greater or equal to the number of all tracks added by the answerer, the tracks will be considered in the negotiation.

But what does that even mean? Each transceiver is responsible for sending and/or receiving a single track. When you call PeerConnection.add_track, we actually look for a free transceiver (that is, one that is not sending a track already) and use it, or create a new transceiver if we don't find anything suitable. If you are very sure that the remote peer added N new video tracks, you can add N video transceivers (using PeerConnection.add_transceiver) and begin the negotiation as the offerer. If you didn't add the transceivers, the tracks added by the remote peer (the answerer) would be ignored.

Let's look at an example:

  1. The first peer (Peer 1) joins - here it probably makes more sense for the client (so the Web Browser) to start the negotiation, as the server (Elixir App/ Forwarder in the diagram) does not know how many tracks the client wants to add (the 2. offer/answer message indicates the exchange of offer where the direction of the arrow means the direction of the offer message).
flowchart LR
  subgraph P1["Peer 1 (Web Browser)"]
    User-- "1. addTrack(track11)" -->PCW1[PeerConnection]

  subgraph elixir [Elixir App]
    PCE1[PeerConnection 1]-- "3. {:track, track11}" -->Forwarder

  PCW1-. "2. offer/answer" .->PCE1
  1. The second peer (Peer 2) joins - now we need to make a decision: we want Peer 2 to receive track from Peer 1, but Peer 2 also wants to send some tracks. We can either:

    • perform two negotiations: the first one, where Peer 2 is the offerer and adds their tracks, and the second one where the server is the offerer and adds Peer 1's tracks to Peer 2's PeerConnection.
     flowchart LR
       subgraph elixir [Elixir App]
         PCE1[PeerConnection 1]
         Forwarder-- "4. add_track(track12)" -->PCE2[PeerConnection 2]
         PCE2-- "3. {:track, track22}" -->Forwarder
       subgraph P2["Peer 2 (Web Browser)"]
         U2[User]-- "1. addTrack(track22)" -->PCW2[PeerConnection]
         PCW2-- "6. ontrack(track12)" --> U2
       PCW2-. "2. offer/answer" .->PCE2
       PCE2-. "5. offer/answer" .->PCW2
    • assuming that we expect only N tracks from Peer 2, we can use the tip above and make sure that there are at least N transceivers in Peer 2's PeerConnection on the Elixir side and do just a single negotiation. Note that you can also add transceivers without associated track, that's what you would need to do if N in the diagram was greater than 1, because we only have a single track available.
     flowchart BR
       subgraph elixir [Elixir App]
         PCE1[PeerConnection 1]
         Forwarder-- "2. add_transceiver(track12)" -->PCE2[PeerConnection 2]
         PCE2-- "4. {:track, track22}" -->Forwarder
       subgraph P2["Peer 2 (Web Browser)"]
         U2[User]-- "1. addTrack(track22)" -->PCW2[PeerConnection]
         PCW2-- "5. ontrack(track12)" --> U2
       PCE2-. "3. offer/answer" .->PCW2

Negotiation needed

Instead of relying on gut feeling when it comes to performing the renegotiation, you can use the negotiationneeded event (of, in the case of Elixir WebRTC, {:ex_webrtc, _from, :negotiation_needed} message). It should fire every time renegotiation is needed. Be careful though! If you plan to add five tracks at once, do not perform five renegotiations by accident, when you could do only one at the very end!

  1. Lastly, Peer 1 also wants to receive Peer 2's tracks, so we need to add the new tracks to Peer 1's PeerConnection and perform the renegotiation there.
flowchart LR
  subgraph P1["Peer 1 (Web Browser)"]
    PCW1[PeerConnection]-- "3. ontrack(track12)" --> U1

  subgraph elixir [Elixir App]
    Forwarder-- "1. add_track(21)" -->PCE1[PeerConnection 1]
    PCE2[PeerConnection 2]

  PCE1-. "2. offer/answer" .->PCW1

Who owns the tracks?

Each of the tracks exists only in the context of its own PeerConnection. That means even if your Elixir App forwards media from one peer to another, it only takes RTP packets from a track in the first peer's PeerConnection and feeds them to another track in the second peer's PeerConnection. For instance, the role of Forwarder in the examples above would be to forward media in such way:

flowchart LR
  subgraph Forwarder
    track11 -.-> track12
    track22 -.-> track21
  PC1[PeerConnection 1] --> track11
  PC2[PeerConnection 2] --> track22
  track12 --> PC2
  track21 --> PC1

This might be a bit counterintuitive, as in reality both of the tracks track11 and track12 still carry the same media stream.

A similar process would happen for all of the joining/leaving peers. If you want to check an actual working example, check out the Nexus - our Elixir, WebRTC-based videoconferencing demo app.

Types of video frames

When speaking about video codecs, we should also mention the idea of different types of frames.

We are interested in these types (although there can be more, depending on the codec):

  • I-frames (/intra-frames/keyframes) - these are complete, independent images and do not require other frames to be decoded
  • P-frames (predicted frames/delta-frames) - these only hold changes in the image from the previous frame.

Thanks to this, the size of all of the frames other than the keyframe can be greatly reduced, but:

  • loss of a keyframe or P-frame will result in a freeze and the receiver signaling that something is wrong and the video cannot be decoded
  • video playback can only start from a keyframe

Thus, it's very important not to lose the keyframes, or in the case of loss, swiftly respond to keyframe requests from the receiving peer and produce a new keyframe, as typically (at least in WebRTC) intervals between unprompted keyframes in a video stream can be counted in tens of seconds. As you probably realize, a 15-second video freeze would be quite disastrous! It's also important to request a new keyframe when a new peer that's supposed to receive media joins, so they can start video playback right away instead of waiting.

If you want to learn more about digital video, check out the Digital video introduction project.

Matching codecs

When connecting two peers, you also have to make sure that all of them use the same video and audio codec, as the codec negotiation happens completely separately between independent PeerConnections. If you're not familiar with how codecs are negotiated in a WebRTC session, get back to the previous tutorial on consuming media data.

In a real scenario, you'd have to receive the RTP packet from the PeerConnection, inspect its payload type, find the codec associated with that payload type, find the payload type associated with that codec on the other PeerConnection, and use it to overwrite the original payload type in the packet.

By default, ExWebRTC.PeerConnection.send_rtp/4 will use the topmost negotiated codec, but you can change this behavior with ExWebRTC.PeerConnection.set_sender_codec/3.

Another option is to negotiate only one codec:

codec = %ExWebRTC.RTPCodecParameters{
    payload_type: 96,
    mime_type: "video/VP8",
    clock_rate: 90_000
{:ok, pc} = PeerConnection.start_link(video_codecs: [codec])

And the last option is to perform server-side transcoding e.g. always negotiate both VP8 and H264 (in that preference), and if someone only supports H264, transcode their stream to VP8.

WebRTC internals

If you're developing using a Chromium-based browser, be sure to type out chrome://webrtc-internals in your address bar, you'll access a lot of WebRTC-related stats.

If you ever see a black screen with the "loading" spinning circle instead of your video in the video HTML element, be sure to find your PeerConnection in the WebRTC internals, go to the inbound-rtp(type=video, ...) tab and check the pliCount stat. If you see it growing, but the video still does not load, you most likely are missing a keyframe and are not responding to the PLI (Picture Loss Indication) requests with a new keyframe.

In the case of a forwarding unit, like the example we have been examining in this section, we cannot really produce a keyframe, as we don't produce any video at all. The only option is to send the keyframe request to the source, which in ExWebRTC.PeerConnection can be accomplished with the PeerConnection.send_pli function. PLI (Picture Loss Indication) is simply a type of RTCP packet.

Usually, when forwarding media between peers, we would:

  • send PLI to source tracks when a new receiving peer joins,
  • forward PLI from source tracks to receiving tracks

This can be achieved with this piece of code similar to this:

defp handle_info(:new_peer_joined, state) do
  for source <- state.sources do
    :ok = PeerConnection.send_pli(source.peer_connection, source.video_track_id);
  {:noreply, state}

defp handle_info({:ex_webrtc, from, {:rtcp, packets}}, state) do
  for packet <- packets do
    case packet do
      %ExRTCP.Packet.PayloadFeedback.PLI{media_ssrc: ssrc} ->
        # TODO how to get the ids

        :ok = PeerConnection.send_pli(peer_connection, source_track_id)

      _other -> :ok

  {:noreply, state}

Just be careful to not overwhelm the source with PLIs! In a real application, we should probably implement some kind of rate limiting for the keyframe requests.