View Source Mastering Transceivers

Before You Start

This guide assumes you have a basic understanding of the WebRTC API and are looking for more advanced examples that demonstrate what you can accomplish with transceivers. If you are new to this, a good starting point might be to first look at the MDN WebRTC tutorial.

A transceiver is an entity responsible both for sending and receiving media data. It consist of an RTP sender and RTP receiver. Each transceiver maps to one m-line in the SDP offer/answer.

Why do we need transceivers and cannot just operate on tracks?

  • We can establish a P2P connection even before obtaining access to media devices (see Warmup). In the previous version of the API, this was also possible but required creating a dummy track and replacing it with the real one once it became available.
  • Transceivers map directly to the SDP offer/answer, providing high control over what is sent on which transceiver. This might have been especially important in the old days when media often wasn't bundled on a single ICE socket. In such a case, every m-line could use a separate pair of ports. On the other hand, addTrack always selects the first free transceiver, limiting this control.
  • They allow for offering to receive media in a manner consistent with offering to send media. In the previous version of the API, the user had to call addTrack to offer to send media and createOffer with {offerToReceiveVideo: 3} to offer to only receive media, which was asymmetric and counter-intuitve.

There're also a couple of other notes worth mentioning before moving forward.

  • direction is our (local) preferred direction of the transceiver and can never be changed by applying a remote offer/answer. When adding a transceiver, it is created with sendrecv direction by default. When applying a remote offer that contains new m-lines, a new transceiver is created with the recvonly direction, even when the offerer only wants to receive media. The direction can later be changed by addTrack or removeTrack. Specifically, addTrack sends media on the first available transceiver, provided this transceiver wasn't initially created by addTransceiver. See Stealing Transceiver.
  • currentDirection is a direction negotiated between the local and remote side, and it changes when applying local or remote SDP.
  • A transceiver is always created with an RTCRtpReceiver with a MediaStreamTrack. See Early Media.
  • Applying a remote offer never steals explicitly created transceiver (i.e., added via addTransceiver). However, keep in mind this can happen when using addTrack. See Stealing Transceiver.

We also recommend reading these articles:


Warmup is a technique where we establish or begin to establish WebRTC connection before gaining access to media devices. Once the media becomes available, we attach a MediaStreamTrack to the peer connection using replaceTrack. This process allows us to speed up the connection establishment time.

Read more at:



pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();

tr = pc1.addTransceiver("audio");

offer = await pc1.createOffer();
await pc1.setLocalDescription(offer);
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(offer);
answer = await pc2.createAnswer();
await pc2.setLocalDescription(answer);
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(answer);

// once MediaStreamTrack is ready,
// start sending it with replaceTrack
const localStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true, video: false});
await tr.sender.replaceTrack(localStream.getTracks()[0]);

Elixir WebRTC

{:ok, pc1} = PeerConnection.start_link()
{:ok, pc2} = PeerConnection.start_link()

{:ok, tr} = PeerConnection.add_transceiver(pc1, :audio)

{:ok, offer} = PeerConnection.create_offer(pc1)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc1, offer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc2, offer)
{:ok, answer} = PeerConnection.create_answer(pc2)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc2, answer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc1, answer)

# although in Elixir WebRTC user has to send media on their own,
# using send_rtp function, we also added replace_track function
# for parity with JavaScript API
track =
:ok = PeerConnection.replace_track(pc1,, track)

Bidirectional connection using a single negotiation

This section outlines how you can establish a bidirectional connection using a single negotiation and the Warmup technique.

Note that applying an answer on pc1 triggers a track event.



pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();

pc1.ontrack = ev => console.log("pc1 ontrack");
pc2.ontrack = ev => console.log("pc2 ontrack");

tr = pc1.addTransceiver("audio");

offer = await pc1.createOffer();
await pc1.setLocalDescription(offer);
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(offer);

// change direction from default "recvonly" to "sendrecv"
pc2.getTransceivers()[0].direction = "sendrecv";

answer = await pc2.createAnswer();
await pc2.setLocalDescription(answer);
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(answer);

Elixir WebRTC

{:ok, pc1} = PeerConnection.start_link()
{:ok, pc2} = PeerConnection.start_link()

{:ok, _tr} = PeerConnection.add_transceiver(pc1, :audio)

{:ok, offer} = PeerConnection.create_offer(pc1)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc1, offer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc2, offer)

receive do {:ex_webrtc, ^pc2, {:track, _track}} = msg -> IO.inspect(msg) end

[pc2_tr] = PeerConnection.get_transceivers(pc2)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_transceiver_direction(pc2,, :sendrecv)

{:ok, answer} = PeerConnection.create_answer(pc2)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc2, answer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc1, answer)

receive do {:ex_webrtc, ^pc1, {:track, _track}} = msg -> IO.inspect(msg) end

Offer to receive data

Offering to receive media tracks is a bit tricky as we can't force the other side to send something. Therefore, when we send an offer with the mline's direction set to recvonly, the other side will, by default, set such a track to inactive. To make things work, we have to manually set the direction to sendonly.



pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();

tr = pc1.addTransceiver("audio", { direction: "recvonly" });

offer = await pc1.createOffer();

await pc1.setLocalDescription(offer);
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(offer);

// change direction from default "recvonly" to "sendonly"
// in other case, when negotiation finishes,
// currentDirection of this transceiver will be inactive
pc2.getTransceivers()[0].direction = "sendonly";

answer = await pc2.createAnswer();
await pc2.setLocalDescription(answer);
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(answer);


Elixir WebRTC

{:ok, pc1} = PeerConnection.start_link()
{:ok, pc2} = PeerConnection.start_link()

{:ok, _tr} = PeerConnection.add_transceiver(pc1, :audio, direction: :recvonly)

{:ok, offer} = PeerConnection.create_offer(pc1)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc1, offer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc2, offer)

[pc2_tr] = PeerConnection.get_transceivers(pc2)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_transceiver_direction(pc2,, :sendonly)

{:ok, answer} = PeerConnection.create_answer(pc2)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc2, answer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc1, answer)

[pc2_tr] = PeerConnection.get_transceivers(pc2)

Rejecting Incoming Track

To reject incoming track, we simply change the transceiver's direction to "inactive". Things to note:

  • Track events are always emitted after applying the remote offer.
  • If we change the transceiver's direction to "inactive", we will get a mute event on the track emitted when applying the remote offer.



pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();

pc2.ontrack = ev => {
  ev.track.onmute = _ => console.log("pc2 track onmute");
  console.log("pc2 ontrack");

tr = pc1.addTransceiver("audio");

offer = await pc1.createOffer();
await pc1.setLocalDescription(offer);
// this will trigger track event
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(offer);

// reject incoming track by setting the direction to "inactive"
pc2.getTransceivers()[0].direction = "inactive";

answer = await pc2.createAnswer();
console.log("Setting local description on pc2");
// this will trigger mute event 
await pc2.setLocalDescription(answer);
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(answer);

Elixir WebRTC

{:ok, pc1} = PeerConnection.start_link()
{:ok, pc2} = PeerConnection.start_link()

{:ok, _tr} = PeerConnection.add_transceiver(pc1, :audio)

{:ok, offer} = PeerConnection.create_offer(pc1)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc1, offer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc2, offer)

receive do {:ex_webrtc, _pc, {:track, _track}} = msg -> IO.inspect(msg) end

[pc2_tr] = PeerConnection.get_transceivers(pc2)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_transceiver_direction(pc2,, :inactive)

{:ok, answer} = PeerConnection.create_answer(pc2)

IO.inspect("Setting local description on pc2");
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc2, answer)

receive do {:ex_webrtc, _pc, {:track_muted, _track_id}} = msg -> IO.inspect(msg) end

:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc1, answer)

Stopping Transceivers

Stopping a transceiver immediately results in ceasing media transmission, but it still requires renegotiation - after which the transceiver is removed from the connection's set of transceivers.


  • After stopping a transceiver, the SDP offer/answer will still contain its m-line, but with the port number set to 0, indicating that this m-line is unused.
  • When applying a remote offer with unused m-lines, transceivers for those m-lines will be created, but no track events will be emitted. Once an answer is generated and applied (i.e., we finalize the negotiation process), the transceivers created in the previous step will be removed.



pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();

tr1 = pc1.addTransceiver("audio");
tr2 = pc1.addTransceiver("video");

offer = await pc1.createOffer();
await pc1.setLocalDescription(offer);
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(offer);
answer = await pc2.createAnswer();
await pc2.setLocalDescription(answer);
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(answer);


offer = await pc1.createOffer();
await pc1.setLocalDescription(offer);
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(offer);
answer = await pc2.createAnswer();
await pc2.setLocalDescription(answer);
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(answer);

// negotiate once again even though negotiation is not needed
offer = await pc1.createOffer();
await pc1.setLocalDescription(offer);

// observe that after setting remote offer with unused m-lines,
// stopped transceivers are created...
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(offer);

answer = await pc2.createAnswer();
// ...and removed 
await pc2.setLocalDescription(answer);

await pc1.setRemoteDescription(answer);

Elixir WebRTC

{:ok, pc1} = PeerConnection.start_link()
{:ok, pc2} = PeerConnection.start_link()

{:ok, tr1} = PeerConnection.add_transceiver(pc1, :audio)
{:ok, tr2} = PeerConnection.add_transceiver(pc1, :video)

{:ok, offer} = PeerConnection.create_offer(pc1)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc1, offer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc2, offer)
{:ok, answer} = PeerConnection.create_answer(pc2)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc2, answer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc1, answer)

:ok = PeerConnection.stop_transceiver(pc1,
:ok = PeerConnection.stop_transceiver(pc1,

{:ok, offer} = PeerConnection.create_offer(pc1)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc1, offer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc2, offer)
{:ok, answer} = PeerConnection.create_answer(pc2)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc2, answer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc1, answer)

{:ok, offer} = PeerConnection.create_offer(pc1)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc1, offer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc2, offer)


{:ok, answer} = PeerConnection.create_answer(pc2)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc2, answer)

transceivers = PeerConnection.get_transceivers(pc2)
[] = transceivers

:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc1, answer)

Recycling m-lines

When calling stop on an RTCRtpTransceiver, it will eventually be removed from the connection's set of transceivers. However, the number of m-lines in SDP offer/answer can never decrease. m-lines corresponding to stopped transceivers can be reused when a new transceiver appears. This process is known as recycling m-lines, and it prevents SDP from becoming excessively large.

Things to note:

  • A new transceiver will always attempt to reuse the first free m-line, regardless of its kind i.e., whether it's audio or video
  • The order of transceivers in a connection's set of transceivers matches the order in which the transceivers were added, but it may be different than the order of m-lines in SDP offer/answer.



pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();

tr1 = pc1.addTransceiver("audio");
tr2 = pc1.addTransceiver("video");

offer = await pc1.createOffer();
await pc1.setLocalDescription(offer);
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(offer);
answer = await pc2.createAnswer();
await pc2.setLocalDescription(answer);
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(answer);


offer = await pc1.createOffer();
await pc1.setLocalDescription(offer);
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(offer);
answer = await pc2.createAnswer();
await pc2.setLocalDescription(answer);
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(answer);

tr3 = pc1.addTransceiver("video");

// Notice that createOffer will reuse (recycle)
// free m-line, even though its initial type was audio.
// However, pc1.getTransceivers() will return [tr1, tr3].
// That's important as the order of transceivers doesn't
// have to match the order of m-lines i.e. tr3 maps to m-line
// with index 0 and tr1 maps to m-line with index 1.
offer = await pc1.createOffer();
await pc1.setLocalDescription(offer);
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(offer);
answer = await pc2.createAnswer();
await pc2.setLocalDescription(answer);
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(answer);

// notice that after renegotiation
// pc1.getTransceivers() will only
// return two (video) transceivers

Elixir WebRTC

{:ok, pc1} = PeerConnection.start_link()
{:ok, pc2} = PeerConnection.start_link()

{:ok, tr1} = PeerConnection.add_transceiver(pc1, :audio)
{:ok, tr2} = PeerConnection.add_transceiver(pc1, :video)

{:ok, offer} = PeerConnection.create_offer(pc1)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc1, offer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc2, offer)
{:ok, answer} = PeerConnection.create_answer(pc2)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc2, answer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc1, answer)

:ok = PeerConnection.stop_transceiver(pc1,

{:ok, offer} = PeerConnection.create_offer(pc1)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc1, offer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc2, offer)
{:ok, answer} = PeerConnection.create_answer(pc2)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc2, answer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc1, answer)

{:ok, tr3} = PeerConnection.add_transceiver(pc1, :video)

{:ok, offer} = PeerConnection.create_offer(pc1)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc1, offer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc2, offer)
{:ok, answer} = PeerConnection.create_answer(pc2)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc2, answer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc1, answer)

[%{kind: :video}, %{kind: :video}] = PeerConnection.get_transceivers(pc1)

Stealing Transceiver

When a remote offer that contains a new m-line is applied, the peer connection will attempt to find a transceiver it can use to associate with this m-line. This is provided that the transceiver was created with addTrack and not with addTransceiver. But why is this so? The assumption is that when the user calls addTrack (and thereby creates a transceiver under the hood), they don't pay attention to how this track is sent to the other side. However, this is not the case when the user explicitly creates a transceiver with addTransceiver.



pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();

pc1Tr1 = pc1.addTransceiver("audio");
pc2Tr1 = pc2.addTransceiver("audio");

offer = await pc1.createOffer();
await pc1.setLocalDescription(offer);
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(offer);
answer = await pc2.createAnswer();
await pc2.setLocalDescription(answer);
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(answer);

// observe that pc2 has two transceivers

Elixir WebRTC

{:ok, pc1} = PeerConnection.start_link()
{:ok, pc2} = PeerConnection.start_link()

{:ok, pc1_tr1} = PeerConnection.add_transceiver(pc1, :audio)
{:ok, pc2_tr1} = PeerConnection.add_transceiver(pc2, :audio)

{:ok, offer} = PeerConnection.create_offer(pc1)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc1, offer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc2, offer)
{:ok, answer} = PeerConnection.create_answer(pc2)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc2, answer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc1, answer)

transceivers = PeerConnection.get_transceivers(pc2)
2 = Enum.count(transceivers)

Java Script


const localStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true, video: false});

pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();

pc1Tr1 = pc1.addTransceiver("audio");
pc2Sender = pc2.addTrack(localStream.getTracks()[0]);

offer = await pc1.createOffer();
await pc1.setLocalDescription(offer);
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(offer);
answer = await pc2.createAnswer();
await pc2.setLocalDescription(answer);
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(answer);

// observe that pc2 has one transceiver

Elixir WebRTC

# TODO not supported yet 
{:ok, pc1} = PeerConnection.start_link()
{:ok, pc2} = PeerConnection.start_link()

track =
{:ok, pc1_tr1} = PeerConnection.add_transceiver(pc1, :audio)
{:ok, _pc2_sender} = PeerConnection.add_track(pc2, track)

{:ok, offer} = PeerConnection.create_offer(pc1)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc1, offer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc2, offer)
{:ok, answer} = PeerConnection.create_answer(pc2)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_local_description(pc2, answer)
:ok = PeerConnection.set_remote_description(pc1, answer)


Early Media

A new transceiver is always created with an RTCRtpReceiver with a MediaStreamTrack. This track is never removed. Even when the remote side calls removeTrack, only a mute event will be emitted.

One of the reasons of MediaStreamTrack to be always present in the RTCRtpReceiver was to support Early Media. After the initial negotiation, when one side offers to receive new media, the other side might generate an answer and immediately start sending data. The first peer (thanks to the MediaStreamTrack being created beforehand) would be able to receive incoming data and display it even before the answer was received and applied. However, support for Early Media has been removed (see here).

It is unclear what are other use-cases for the MediaStreamTrack to be always present and not removed when e.g. the other side calls removeTrack.