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An Elixir library for Z-Wave.
def deps do
{:grizzly, "~> 5.2"}
Hardware Requirements
- Z-Wave Bridge Controller
- Compatible System
- Silicon Labs zipgateway binary
The zipgateway
binary allows Grizzly to use Z-Wave over IP or Z/IP. Using the
binary provided by Silicon labs allows Grizzly to support the full
range of Z-Wave features quickly and reliability. Some of the more advanced
features like S2 security and smart start are already supported in Grizzly.
See instructions below for compiling the zipgateway
binary and/or running locally.
If you want a quick reference to common uses of Grizzly see the cookbook
Basic Usage
Grizzly exposes a supervisor Grizzly.Supervisor
for the consuming application
to add to its supervisor tree. This gives the most flexibility and control over
when Grizzly's processes start. Common ways to start Grizzly can look like:
# all the default options are fine
# using custom hardware where the serial port is different than the default
# the default serial port is /dev/ttyUSB0.
Grizzly.Supervisor.start_link(serial_port: "/dev/ttyS4")
# if your system is using zipgateway-env and/or something other than Grizzly
# will start and manage running the zipgateway binary
Grizzly.Supervisor.start_link(run_zipgateway: false)
There are other configuration options you can pass to Grizzly but the above are
most common options. The Grizzly.Supervisor
docs explains all the options in
more detail.
To use a device you have to add it to the Z-Wave network. This is "called including a device" or "starting an inclusion." While most of the Grizzly's API is synchronous the process of adding a node is not. So, if you are working from the IEx console you can use flush to see the newly add device. Here's how this process roughly goes.
iex> Grizzly.Inclusions.add_node()
iex> flush
{:grizzly, :report, %Grizzly.Report{
command: %Grizzly.ZWave.Command{
name: :node_add_status,
params: [<node info in here>]
To remove a device we have to do an exclusion. Z-Wave uses the umbrella term "inclusions" for both adding a removing a device, but an "inclusion" is only about device pairing and "exclusion" is only about device removal. The way to remove the device from your network in IEx:
iex> Grizzly.Inclusions.remove_node()
iex> flush
{:grizzly, :report, %Grizzly.Report{
command: %Grizzly.ZWave.Command{
name: :node_remove_status,
params: [<node info in here>]
There are more details about this process and how to better tie into the
Grizzly runtime for this events in Grizzly.Inclusions
After you included a node it will be given a node id that you can use to send
Z-Wave commands to it. Say for example we added an on off switch to our
network, in Z-Wave this will be called a binary switch, and it was given the id
of 5
. Turning it off and on would look like this in IEx:
iex> Grizzly.send_command(5, :switch_binary_set, target_value: :on)
{:ok, %Grizzly.Report{}}
iex> Grizzly.send_command(5, :switch_binary_set, target_value: :off)
{:ok, %Grizzly.Report{}}
For more documentation on what Grizzly.send_command/4
can return see the
and Grizzly.Report
module documentation.
Successful Commands
{:ok, %Grizzly.Report{type: :ack_response}}
- normally for setting things on a device or changing the device's state{:ok, %Grizzly.Report{type: :command}}
- this is normally returned when asking for a device state or about some information about a device or Z-Wave network. The command be access by the:command
field field of the report.{:ok, %Grizzly.Report{type: :queued}}
- some devices sleep, so sending a command to it will be queued for some amount of type that can be access in the:queued_delay
field. Once a device wakes up the calling process will receive the messages in this form:{:grizzly, :report, %Grizzly.Report{}}
where the type can either be:queued_ping
. To check if the report you receive was queued you can check the:queued
field in the report.{:ok, %Grizzly.Report{type: :timeout}}
- the command was sent but for some reason this commanded timed out.
When things go wrong
{:error, :nack_response}
- for when the node is not responding to the command. Grizzly has automatic retries, so if you got this message that might mean the node is reachable, your Z-Wave network is experiencing a of traffic, or the node has recently been hit with a lot of commands and cannot handle anymore at this moment.{:error, :including}
- the Z-Wave controller is currently in the inclusion state and the controller cannot send any commands currently{:error, :firmware_updating}
- the Z-Wave controller is currently in the process of having it's firmware updated and is not able to send commands
More information about Grizzly.send_command/4
and the options like timeouts
and retries that can be passed to see the Grizzly
More information about reports see the documentation in the Grizzly.Report
Unsolicited Messages
When reports are sent from the Z-Wave network to the controller without the
controller asking for a report these are called unsolicited messages. A concrete
example of this is when you manually unlock a lock, the controller will receive
a message from the device if the associations are setup correctly (see
for more information). You can listen
for these reports using one of the following functions:
# manually unlock a lock
{:grizzly, :report, %Grizzly.Report{type: :unsolicited}}
To know what reports a device sends please see the device's user manual as these events will be outlined by the manufacture in the manual.
Supported Command Classes
Command Class | Version | Notes |
Alarm (Notification) | 8 | |
Anti-theft | 3 | |
Anti-theft Unlock | 1 | |
Application Status | 1 | |
Association | 3 | |
Association Group Info | 3 | |
Barrier Operator | 1 | |
Basic | 2 | |
Battery | 3 | |
Binary Sensor | 2* | Partial support, obsoleted by spec |
Binary Switch | 2 | |
Central Scene | 3 | |
Clock | 1 | |
Configuration | 4 | |
CRC-16 Encapsulation | 1 | |
Device Reset Locally | 1 | |
Door Lock | 4 | |
Firmware Update MD | 7 | |
Hail | 1 | |
Indicator | 4 | |
Mailbox | 2 | |
Manufacturer-specific | 2 | |
Meter | 1 | |
Multi-channel | 4 | |
Multi-channel association | 4 | |
Multi-command | 1 | |
Multilevel Sensor | 11* | Partial support |
Multilevel Switch | 4 | |
NM Basic Node | 2 | |
NM Inclusion | 4 | |
NM Installation and Maintenance | 4 | |
NM Proxy | 3* | Partial support for v4 |
No Operation | 1 | |
Node Naming and Location | 1 | |
Node Provisioning | 1 | |
Powerlevel | 1 | |
Scene Activation | 1 | |
Scene Actuator Configuration | 1 | |
Schedule Entry Lock | 3 | |
Security | 1* | Partial support |
Security 2 | 1* | Partial support |
Sound Switch | 2 | |
Supervision | 2 | |
Thermostat Fan Mode | 1 | |
Thermostat Fan State | 2 | |
Thermostat Mode | 2 | |
Thermostat Operating State | 1 | |
Thermostat Setback | 1 | |
Thermostat Setpoint | 3* | Partial support |
Time Parameters | 1 | |
Time | 2 | |
User Code | 2 | |
Version | 3 | |
Wake Up | 3 | |
Window Covering | 1 | |
Z/IP Gateway | 1* | Partial support |
Z/IP | 5 | |
Z-Wave Plus Info | 2 |
Get Started
Quick and Fast running locally
If you want to run Grizzly locally for development and/or learning before going
through the challenge of compiling and running in Nerves we recommend the
zipgateway-env project. This
provides a docker container and CLI for compiling and running different
versions of zipgateway
Nerves Devices (WIP)
First download the Z/IP GW SDK from Silicon Labs. You'll need to create an account with them to do this, but the download is free.
The default binaries that come with the download will not work by default in
Nerves system, so you will need to compile the source for your target. The
source code can be found in the Source
This can be tricky and the instructions are a work in progress, so for now please contact us if you any troubles.
Connecting zipgateway to Grizzly
runs as a separate server, accessed over a DTLS (UDP over SSL)
connection. Grizzly will automatically start this server. It assumes the
executable is in /usr/sbin/zipgateway
. If this is not the case, you can
specify the actual location with
config :grizzly,
zipgateway_path: "«path»"
Grizzly uses the taptun
module to manage the TCP connection: it checks that
this is loaded as it starts.
Configuring zipgateway
The zipgateway
binary is passed a configuration file named zipgateway.cfg
This has configuration parameters around networking and setting device specific
information. Most of these configuration settings are static, so Grizzly can
handle those for you in a reliable way. However, there are few exposed
configuration options to allow some customization around device specific
information, logging, and network interface set up.
Supported configuration fields are documented in Grizzly.Supervisor.arg/0
For the most part if you are using Grizzly to run zipgateway the defaults should just work.
When going through certification you will need provide some device specific information:
config :grizzly,
zipgateway_cfg: %{
manufacturer_id: 0,
product_type: 1,
product_id: 1,
hardware_version: 1
The manufacturer_id
will be given to you by Silicon Labs, and will default
to 0
if not set (this is zipgateway
level default).
The above fields have no impact on the Grizzly runtime, and are only useful for certification processes.
When running zipgateway
binary out side of Grizzly this configuration field is ignored
and you will need to pass in the location to your configuration like so:
zipgateway -c /path/to/zipgateway.cfg
Virtual devices
Grizzly provides a way to work with virtual devices. These devices should work as their hardware counterparts, however, the state of these devices are held in memory.
Grizzly provides to example virtual devices:
To use These virtual devices you will have to start them using the
call. These are not supervised by Grizzly, so you will need to
add them to your supervision tree. The reason for this is to provide the maximum
flexibility to the consumer application in terms of how processes are started
and supervised.
After starting the device you can call the Grizzly.send_command/4
function to
send the device a command.
{:ok, _pid} = Grizzly.VirtualDevices.Thermostat.start_link([])
{:ok, [{:virtual, _id} = virtual_device_id]} = Grizzly.Network.get_all_node_ids()
Grizzly.send_command(virtual_device_id, :thermostat_setpoint_get)
Virtual device ids are tuples where the first item is the atom :virtual
the second item an integer of the device id, for example:
{:virtual, device_id}
. Grizzly provides a guard and a helper function for any
checking you might have to do:
Also, the documentation for functions in Grizzly.Node
and Grizzly.Network
should indicate if they work with virtual devices.