Grizzly.Supervisor (grizzly v8.7.0)

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Supervisor for running the Grizzly runtime.

The Grizzly runtime handles command processing, command error isolation, management of adding and removing devices, management of firmware updates, and managing the underlining zipgateway binary.

If you are just using all the default options you can add the supervisor to your application's supervision tree like so:

children = [

The default configuration will look for the Z-Wave controller on the serial device /dev/ttyUSB0, however if you are using a different serial device you can configure this.

children = [
  {Grizzly.Supervisor, [serial_port: <serial_port>]}

Grizzly will try to run and manage the zipgateway binary for you. If don't want Grizzly to do this you can configure Grizzly to not run zipgateway.

children = [
  {Grizzly.Supervisor, [run_zipgateway: false]}

See the type docs for Grizzly.Supervisor.arg() to learn more about the various configuration options.



Arguments for running Grizzly.Supervisor

The output power measured from the antenna when the tx_power() is set to 0dBm

The RF region code you want the Z-Wave controller to operate at.

The power level used when transmitting frames at normal power


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Start the Grizzly.Supervisor



@type arg() ::
  {:run_zipgateway, boolean()}
  | {:serial_port, String.t()}
  | {:zipgateway_binary, String.t()}
  | {:zipgateway_config_path, Path.t()}
  | {:transport, module()}
  | {:zipgateway_port, :inet.port_number()}
  | {:manufacturer_id, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:hardware_version, byte()}
  | {:product_id, byte()}
  | {:product_type, byte()}
  | {:serial_log, Path.t()}
  | {:tun_script, Path.t()}
  | {:lan_ip, :inet.ip_address()}
  | {:pan_ip, :inet.ip_address()}
  | {:inclusion_handler, Grizzly.handler()}
  | {:firmware_update_handler, Grizzly.handler()}
  | {:unsolicited_destination, {:inet.ip_address(), :inet.port_number()}}
  | {:unsolicited_data_path, Path.t()}
  | {:database_file, Path.t()}
  | {:indicator_handler, (Grizzly.Indicator.event() -> :ok)}
  | {:rf_region, rf_region()}
  | {:power_level, {tx_power(), measured_power()}}
  | {:status_reporter, module()}
  | {:zwave_firmware, Grizzly.Options.zwave_firmware_options()}
  | {:zw_programmer_path, Path.t()}
  | {:inclusion_adapter, module()}
  | {:trace_options, [Grizzly.Trace.trace_opt()]}

Arguments for running Grizzly.Supervisor

  • :run_zipgateway - boolean flag to set if Grizzly should be running and supervising the zipgateway binary. This is useful if you have local zipgateway running prior to Grizzly running. Default true.
  • :serial_port - The serial the Z-Wave controller is is connected to. Defaults to "/dev/ttyUSB0"
  • :zipgateway_binary - the path the zipgateway binary. Defaults to "/usr/sbin/zipgateway
  • :zipgateway_config_path - the path write the zipgateway config file. Default to "/tmp/zipgateway.cfg"
  • :transport - a module that implements the Grizzly.Transport behaviour. Defaults to Grizzly.Transports.DTLS
  • :zipgateway_port - the port number of the Z/IP Gateway server. Defaults 41230.
  • :manufacturer_id - the manufacturer id given to you by the Z-Wave Alliance
  • :hardware_version - the hardware version of the hub
  • :product_id - the product id of your hub
  • :product_type - the type of product the controller is
  • :serial_log - path to out but the serial log, useful for advanced debugging
  • :tun_script - a path to a custom tun script if the default one does not work for your system
  • :port - port for zipgateway to run its server one. Defaults to 41230
  • :lan_ip - the IP address of the LAN network. That is the network between the controlling machine and the Z-Wave network. Defaults to the default Z/IP LAN ip.
  • :pan_ip - the IP for the Z-Wave private network. That is the devices IP addresses. Defaults to the default Z/IP Gateway PAN ip.
  • :inclusion_handler - a module that implements the Grizzly.InclusionHandler behaviour. This is optional.
  • :firmware_update_handler - a module that implements the Grizzly.FirmwareUpdateHandler behaviour. This is optional.
  • :unsolicited_destination - configure the ip address and port number for the unsolicited destination server.
  • :unsolicited_data_path - A path to the directory where the unsolicited server should persist data (defaults to /root)
  • :database_file - zipgateway >= 7.14.2 uses an sqlite database to store information about the Z-Wave network. This will default to "/data/zipgateway.db".
  • :indicator_handler - A function to run when an Grizzly.Indicator.event() is received from zipgateway. The function should accept an event and return :ok.
  • :rf_region - Specify the RF region to be used by zipgateway
  • :power_level - A tuple where the first item is the normal TX power level and the second item is the measured 0dBm power configuration. See Silabs INS14664 (MaxPowerCalc) spreadsheet to figure out the power numbers.
  • :zwave_firmware - See Grizzly.Options.zwave_firmware_options/0
  • :zw_programmer_path - Path to zw_programmer binary. Defaults to /usr/bin/zw_programmer.
  • :status_reporter - a module that implements the Grizzly.StatusReporter behaviour. In no reporter is provided this will use Grizzly.Status.Reporter.Console by default.
  • :inclusion_adapter - the network adapter for including and excluding devices

For the most part the defaults should work out of the box. However, the serial_port argument is the most likely argument that will need to be passed in has it is very much hardware dependent.


@type measured_power() :: integer()

The output power measured from the antenna when the tx_power() is set to 0dBm


@type rf_region() ::
  :eu | :us | :anz | :hk | :id | :il | :ru | :cn | :us_lr | :jp | :kr

The RF region code you want the Z-Wave controller to operate at.

  • :eu - Europe
  • :us - US
  • :anz - Australia & New Zealand
  • :hk - Hong Kong
  • :id - India
  • :il - Israel
  • :ru - Russia
  • :cn - China
  • :us_lr- US long range
  • :jp - Japan
  • :kr - Korea


@type tx_power() :: non_neg_integer()

The power level used when transmitting frames at normal power

See Silabs INS14664 (MaxPowerCalc) spreadsheet to figure out tx power levels.



Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.


@spec start_link([arg()]) :: Supervisor.on_start()

Start the Grizzly.Supervisor