API Reference grizzly v8.7.0

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Send commands, subscribe to unsolicited events, and other helpers.

Storage for Z-Wave association groups. Supports both standard and multi channel associations.

A representation of a Z-Wave association group with associated nodes.

Adds command completion to the default IEx autocomplete.

Behaviour for how commands should handle incoming Z-Wave messages

This handler is useful for most set commands that only needs to be acknowledged

Handler for working with reports that could take many report frames to complete

This handler is used for non-get commands sent with Supervision.

This handle is useful for when you want to wait for a particular report from the Z-Wave network. Most GET commands can use this handler.

Lookup table for sendable Z-Wave commands.

Z-Wave firmware exception

Behaviour for handling incoming commands during the firmware update process

Module for upgrading firmware on target devices.

Behaviour for handling incoming commands during the inclusion process

Module for adding and removing Z-Wave nodes

Behaviour for inclusions to use to talk to the network

An implementation of the inclusion network adapter that talks to the Z-Wave network

Indicator handling for Grizzly when an indicator event is triggered

Module for working with the Z-Wave network

Functions for working directly with a Z-Wave node

Grizzly config options.

Reports from Z-Wave commands

A behaviour that is used to report the status of various parts of the Grizzly runtime

A console status logger which is used by default

Supervisor for running the Grizzly runtime.

Commands for working with devices that support the Switch Binary command class

Module that tracks the commands that are sent and received by Grizzly

Data structure for a single item in the trace log

Behaviour and functions for communicating to zipgateway

The response from parse response

DTLS implementation of the Grizzly.Transport behaviour

Virtual devices

Behaviour for implementing virtual device specifics

A virtual device for a temperature sensor

Implementation of a virtual device for a thermostat

Builds valid zipgateway.cfg based on Grizzly options.

Monitors the Z/IP Gateway logs to extract and process certain data.

Supervisor for the Z/IP Gateway process.

Module for Z-Wave protocol specific functionality and information

CRC for Z-Wave commands

Data struct and behaviour for working with Z-Wave commands

Behaviour for a command class implementation

Utilities for encoding and decoding command classes and command class lists.

"Antitheft" Command Class

"AntitheftUnlock" Command Class

"ApplicationStatus" Command Class

Association Command Class

"AssociationGroupInfo" Command Class

"BarrierOperator" Command Class

"Basic" Command Class

"Battery" Command Class

"Crc16Encap" Command Class

"CentralScene" Command Class

"Clock" Command Class

Configuration command class

"DeviceResetLocally" Command Class

DoorLock Command Class

The Firmware Update Meta Data Command Class may be used to transfer a firmware image to a Z-Wave device.

HumidityControlSetpoint Command Class

"Indicator" Command Class

Mailbox Command Class

ManufacturerSpecific Command Class

"Meter" Command Class

"MultiChannel" Command Class

"MultiChannelAssociation" Command Class

"MultiCommand" Command Class

Command class for working with Z-Wave network updates and resetting the controller back to the factor defaults

Network Management Inclusion Command Class

"NetworkManagementInstallationMaintenance" Command Class

Network Management Proxy Command Class

"NoOperation" Command Class

"NodeNaming" Command Class

NodeProvisioning Command Class

"Powerlevel" Command Class

S0 (Security) Command Class

"SceneActivation" Command Class

"SceneActuatorConf" Command Class

"ScheduleEntryLock" Command Class

Security 2 (S2) Command Class

S2 AAD (Additional Authenticated Data) structure

Deprecated command class for triggered/not triggered sensors.

"SensorMultilevel" Command Class

The Sound Switch Command Class is used to manage nodes with a speaker or sound notification capability. It can be used for a doorbell, alarm clock, siren or any device issuing sound notifications.

The Supervision Command Class allows a sending node to request application-level delivery confirmation from a receiving node.

Switch Binary Command Class

Multilevel Switch Command Class

"ThermostatFanMode" Command Class

"ThermostatFanState" Command Class

"ThermostatMode" Command Class

"ThermostatOperatingState" Command Class

"ThermostatSetback" Command Class

"ThermostatSetpoint" Command Class

"Time" Command Class

"TimeParameters" Command Class

Command Class for working with user codes

Version Command Class

"WakeUp" Command Class

Window Covering Command Class

ZIPGateway Command Class

"ZwaveplusInfo" Command Class

AdminCodeGet gets a lock's admin code.

AdminCodeReport reports the admin code

AdminCodeSet sets the admin code

This command is used to request the supported Notifications for a specified Notification Type.

This command is used to advertise supported events/states for a specified Notification Type.

This command is used to get the value of an alarm.

This command notifies the application of the alarm state (v1, v2) or the notification state (v8).

This command is used to enable or disable the unsolicited transmission of a specific Notification/Alarm Type.

This command is used to request supported Alarm/Notification Types.

This command is used to advertise supported Alarm/Notification Types. Versions 2+ are supported.

This command is used to request the locked/unlocked state of a supporting node.

This command is used to advertise the lock/unlock state of a supporting node.

This command is used to lock or unlock a node.

This command is used to request the locked/unlocked state of the node.

This command is used to advertise the current locked/unlocked state of the node with some additional information.

This command is used to unlock a node that is currently locked.

The Application Busy Command used to instruct a node that the node that it is trying to communicate with is busy and is unable to service the request right now.

Get the node information frame of for the Z/IP Gateway controller

Reports the Application Node Info with regards to the command classes that are supported

This command is used to instruct a node that the command was rejected by the application in the receiving node.

Get the current destinations for the association group

This command is used to request the commands that are sent via a given association group.

This command is used to advertise the commands that are sent via an actual association group.

This command is used to request the properties of one or more association group.

This command is used to advertise the properties of one or more association groups.

This command is used to query the name of an association group.

This command is used to advertise the assigned name of an association group.

This command is used to request the number of association groups that this node supports.

This command is used to advertise the maximum number of association groups implemented by this node.

This command is used to remove destinations from a given association group.

Report the destinations for the given association group

Module for the ASSOCIATION_SET command

This command allows a portable controller to interactively create associations from a multi-button device to a destination that is out of direct range.

This command is used to advertise the association group that represents the most recently detected button.

This command is used to request the current state of a barrier operator device.

This command is used to advertise the status of the barrier operator device.

This command is used to initiate an unattended change in state of the barrier.

This command is used to request the state of a signaling subsystem to a supporting node.

This command is used to indicate the state of a notification subsystem of a Barrier Device.

This command is used to turn on or off an event signaling subsystem that is supported by the device.

This command is used to query a device for available subsystems which may be controlled via Z-Wave.

This command returns a bit mask of signaling subsystem(s) supported by the sending node.

This module implements the BASIC_GET command form the COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC command class

This module implements the BASIC_REPORT command of the COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC command class

This module implements the BASIC_SET command of the COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC command class

This module implements the BATTERY_GET command in the COMMAND_CLASS_BATTERY command class.

This module implements the BATTERY_REPORT command of the COMMAND_CLASS_BATTERY command class.

The CRC-16 Encapsulation Command is used to encapsulate a command with an additional checksum to ensure integrity of the payload.

This command is used to query the configuration of optional node capabilities for scene notifications

This command is used to advertise the configuration of optional node capabilities for scene notifications.

This command is used to configure the use of optional node capabilities for scene notifications.

This command is used to advertise a scene key event.

This command is used to request the maximum number of scenes that this device supports.

This command is used to report the maximum number of supported scenes and the Key Attributes supported for each scene.

This command is used to request the current time set at a supporting node.

This command reports on the current time in a supporting node

This command is used to set the current time in a supporting node

This command is used to query the value of one or more configuration parameters.

This command is used to advertise the actual value of one or more advertised parameters.

This command is used to set the value of one or more configuration parameters.

This module implements the Configuration Default Reset command from the Configuration command class.

This command is used to query the value of a configuration parameter.

This command is used to get the documentation for a configuration parameter.

This command is used to advertise the documentation for a configuration parameter.

This command is used to get the name of a configuration parameter.

This command is used to advertise the name of a configuration parameter.

This command is used to request the properties of a configuration parameter.

This command is used to advertise the properties of a configuration parameter.

Reports on a configuration parameter

Set the configuration parameter

Request the S2 DSK of a Node

Report the DSK for the Z-Wave Node

This command is used to request the current date adjusted according to the local time zone and Daylight Saving Time from a supporting node.

This command is used to advertise the current date adjusted according to the local time zone and Daylight Saving Time.

Reset a Node Z-Wave node back to factory default state

The Device Reset Locally Notification Command is used to advertise that the device will be reset to default.

This command is used to request the Door Lock capabilities of a supporting node.

This command is used to advertise the Door Lock capabilities supported by the sending node.

This command is used to request the configuration parameters of a door lock device.

This command is used to advertise the configuration parameters of a door lock device.

This command is used to set the configuration parameters of a door lock device.

OperationGet request the door lock operating mode

OperationReport is used to advertise the status of a door lock

OperationSet command allows you to lock or unlock lock devices

This command is used to request the user code of a specific user identifier.

This command is used to report the user code of a specific user identifier.

This command is used to request the user code of a specific user identifier.

This command is used to request the network node list that is marked as failing (or non-responsive).

This command is used to advertise the current list of failing nodes in the network.

This command is used to remove a non-responding node. It will only succeed if the controller has already put the node on the failed nodes list.

This command reports on the attempted removal of a presumed failed node.



This module implements command FIRMWARE_MD_GET of command class COMMAND_CLASS_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_MD

The Firmware Meta Data Report Command is used to advertise the status of the current firmware in the device.

This command is used to advertise the result of a firmware update operation initiated by the Firmware Update Activation Set Command.

This command is used to initiate the programming of a previously transferred firmware image.

The Firmware Update Meta Data Get Command is used to request one or more Firmware Update Meta Data Report Commands.

The Firmware Update Meta Data Report Command is used to transfer a firmware image fragment.

The Firmware Update Meta Data Request Get Command is used to request that a firmware update be initiated.

This command is used to advertise if the firmware update will be initiated.

This command is used to advertise the firmware update status.

Send an unsolicited Hail command to other devices on the network






This command is sent by Z/IP Gateway to the unsolicited destination(s) when a SmartStart Included Node Information Frame (NIF) is received and both of the following conditions are fulfilled

This command is used to request a detailed description of the appearance and use of an Indicator ID

This command is used to advertise appearance and use of an indicator ID resource.

This command is used to request the state of an indicator.

This command is used to advertise the state of an indicator resource.

This command is used to manipulate one or more indicator resources at a supporting node.

This command is used to request the supported properties of an indicator.

This command is used to advertise the supported properties for a given indicator.

This command is used to allow a node to be added to (or removed from) the network. When a node is added to the network, the node is assigned a valid Home ID and NodeID.

This command is used to indicate the progress of the Learn Mode Set command.

The Mailbox Configuration Get Command is used to request the Mailbox configuration from a supporting device.

The Mailbox Configuration Report command is used to report the Mailbox configuration of a supporting device.

The Mailbox Configuration Set command is used to update the Mailbox configuration from a supporting device.

The Mailbox Node Failing command allows a mailbox proxy to notify a Mailbox Service that a wake up device is no longer available.

The Mailbox Queue Command is a container for various operations between a mailbox proxy and a Mailbox Service.

The Mailbox Wake Up Notification command is used to notify the mailbox service that a wake up device is currently awake.


Module for the DEVICE_SPECIFIC_REPORT command of command class COMMAND_CLASS_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC Report the manufacturer specific device specific information


Module for the MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_REPORT command of command class COMMAND_CLASS_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC Report the manufacturer specific information

This module implements the METER_GET command of the COMMAND_CLASS_METER command class.

This module implements the command METER_REPORT of the COMMAND_CLASS_METER command , which is used to advertise the current meter reading at the sending node.

This module implements the command METER_RESET of the METER command class.

This module implement the METER_SUPPORTED_GET command of the METER command class.

This module implement command METER_SUPPORTED_REPORT of command class METER.

This command is used to query the members of an Aggregated End Point.

This command is used to advertise the members of an Aggregated End Point.

This command is used to request the current destinations of a given association group.

This command is used to request the number of association groups that this node supports.

This command is used to advertise the maximum number of association groups implemented by this node.

This command is used to remove NodeID and End Point destinations from a given association group. The destinations MAY be a mix of NodeID destinations and End Point destinations.

This command is used to advertise the current destinations for a given association group.

This command is used to request that one or more destinations are added to a given association group. The destinations MAY be a mix of NodeID destinations and End Point destinations.

This command is used to query the non-secure Command Class capabilities of an End Point.

This command is used to advertise the Generic and Specific Device Class and the supported command classes of an End Point.

This command is used to encapsulate commands to or from a Multi Channel End Point.

This command is used to request End Points having a specific Generic or Specific Device Class in End Points.

This command is used to advertise End Points that implement a given combination of Generic and Specific Device Classes.

This command is used to query the number of End Points implemented by the receiving node.

This command is used to advertise the number of End Points implemented by the sending node.

The Multi Command Encapsulated Command used to contain multiple Commands.

Command to query the capabilities of one individual endpoint or aggregated end point

Command to query the capabilities of one individual endpoint or aggregated end point

Command is used to query the number of Multi Channel End Points and other relevant Multi Channel attributes

Command use to advertise the number of Multi Channel End Points

This command is used to request network topology updates from the SUC/SIS node.

This command is used to indicate if the Network Update Request command execution has completed successfully or not.

This commands does nothing other than test if the node is responding

Command for NODE_ADD


Command to set the DSK for a including node

Command to report the security keys requested by an including node if that node is participating in S2 bootstrapping.

Command used to grant the security keys to the including node if the including node requested keys.


Report the cached node information

Get the node information that is cached on another device

Instruct a node to send its Node Information Frame to another node (typically a controller).

Module for the NODE_LIST_GET command


This command is used to request the stored location from a node.

This command is used to advertize the location of the receiving node.

This command is used to set the location of the receiving node.

This command is used to request the stored name from a node.

This command is used to advertize the name of the receiving node.

This command is used to set the name of the receiving node.

This command is used to instruct a node to perform a Node Neighbor Update operation in order to update the network topology on the controller.

This command is used to report the status of a node neighbor update operation.

Node Provisioning Delete Command

This module implements command COMMAND_NODE_PROVISIONING_GET of the COMMAND_CLASS_NODE_PROVISIONING command class

Module for working with the NODE_PROVISIONING_LIST_ITERATION_GET command

Module for working with the NODE_PROVISIONING_LIST_ITERATION_REPORT command

Module for working with the NODE_PROVISIONING_REPORT command

Module for working with the NODE_PROVISIONING_SET command

Z-Wave command NODE_REMOVE

Z-Wave command for NODE_REMOVE_STATUS

This command is used to request the current power level value.

This command is used to advertise the current power level.

This command is used to set the power level indicator value, which should be used by the node when transmitting RF, and the timeout for this power level indicator value before returning the power level defined by the application.

This command is used to request the result of the latest Powerlevel Test.

This command is used to report the latest result of a test frame transmission started by the Powerlevel Test Node Set Command.

This command is used to instruct the destination node to transmit a number of test frames to the specified NodeID with the RF power level specified. After the test frame transmissions the RF power level is reset to normal and the result (number of acknowledged test frames) is saved for subsequent read-back. The result of the test may be requested with a Powerlevel Test Node Get Command.

This command is used to query the current network route from a node for a given destination.

This command is used to advertise the current network route in use for an actual destination NodeID.

This command is used to set the network route to use when sending commands to the specified NodeID. This route will override the normal routing table.

This command is used to query the measured RSSI on the Z-Wave network from a node.

This command is used to advertise the measured RSSI on the Z-Wave network for each used channel.

Query the commands supported by a node when using S2.

Lists commands supported by a node when using S0.

This command is used to request an external nonce from the receiving node.

This command is used to send the S0 network key to a receiving node.

This command is sent in response to a Network Key Set command. If the receiving node is able to decrypt this command, it indicates that the included node has successfully received the network key and has been securely included.

This command is used to request an external nonce from the receiving node.

This command is used to request an external nonce from the receiving node.

A controlling device MUST send the Security Scheme Get command immediately after inclusion of a node that supports the Security Command Class.

After a controller has been securely included into a network, this command must be sent to the controller to indicate that it should inherit the same S0 security scheme as the including controller.

This command is used to advertised S0 support by the node being included. Upon reception, the including controller MUST immediately send the network key using the Network Key Set command.

Query the commands supported by a node when using S2.

Lists commands supported by a node when using S2.

This command is used to advertise an error condition to the other party of an S2 bootstrapping process.

This command is used by an including node to query the joining node for supported KEX Schemes and ECDH profiles as well as which network keys the joining node intends to request.

This command is used by a joining node to advertise the network keys which it intends to request from the including node. The including node subsequently grants keys which may be exchanged once a temporary secure channel has been established.

During initial key exchange this command is used by an including node to grant network keys to a joining node. The joining node subsequently requests the granted keys once a temporary secure channel has been established.

Encapsulates a message for transmission using S2.

Functions for working with S2 Message Encapsulation extensions.

This command is used by a joining node to request one key from the including node. One instance of this command MUST be sent for each key that was granted by the including node.

This command is used by an including node to transfer one key to the joining node.

This command is used by a joining node to verify a newly exchanged key with the including node.

What does this command do??

What does this command do??

This command is used by both the including and the joining node to establish the Elliptic Curve Shared Secret. This is needed to establish the temporary secure channel that enables transfer of all other keys.

This command is used by the including node to complete the verification of each individual key exchange while the joining node uses this command to complete the S2 bootstrapping process after all granted keys have been successfully exchanged.

What does this command do??

This command is used to request the settings for a given scene identifier or for the scene currently active.

This command is used to advertise the settings associated to a scene identifier.

This command is used to associate the specified scene ID to the defined actuator settings.

ScheduleEntryLockDailyRepeatingGet command is used to request a daily repeating schedule slot for a identified user and specified schedule slot ID.

ScheduleEntryLockDailyRepeatingReport command is used to return the requested schedule slot ID for identified user

This command is used to set or erase a daily repeating schedule for an identified user who already has valid user access code.

This command enables or disables all schedules for type Entry Lock.

This command enables or disables schedules for a specified user code ID.

This command is used to request time zone offset and daylight savings parameters.

This command is used to advertise the time zone offset and daylight savings parameters.

This command is used to set the current local tzo and dst offsets into an Entry Lock Device. A

The ScheduleEntryLockWeekDayGet command gets a week day schedule slot for a identified user and specified schedule slot ID.

This command returns week day schedule report for the requested schedule slot ID for identified user.

This command set or erase a weekday schedule for a identified user who already has valid user access code.

The ScheduleEntryLockYearDayGet command gets a year/day schedule slot for an identified user and specified schedule slot ID.

The ScheduleEntryLockYearDayReport command returns year/day schedule report for the requested schedule slot ID for the identified user.

This command sets or erases a schedule slot for a identified user who already has valid user access code

This command is used to request the number of schedule slots each type of schedule the device supports for every user.

This command is used to report the number of supported schedule slots an Entry Lock schedule device supports for each user in the system.

What does this command do??

This command is used to advertise whether a binary sensor was triggered.

Requests the list of supported sensor types.

Advertises a supporting node's supported sensor types.

This module implements command SENSOR_MULTILEVEL_GET of command class COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL. The command is used to request the current reading from a multilevel sensor.

This module implements command COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL implements the SENSOR_MULTILEVEL_REPORT command class.

This module implements command SENSOR_MULTILEVEL_SUPPORTED_SCALE_GET of command class COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL. This command is used to retrieve the supported scales of the specific sensor type from the Multilevel Sensor device.

This module implements command SENSOR_MULTILEVEL_SUPPORTED_SCALE_REPORT of the COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL command class. This command is used to advertise the supported scales of a specified multilevel sensor type.

This module implements command SENSOR_MULTILEVEL_SUPPORTED_GET_SENSOR of command class COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL The command requests the list of supported sensor types.

This module implements command SENSOR_MULTILEVEL_SUPPORTED_SENSOR_REPORT of the COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL command class. This command is used to advertise the supported Sensor Types by a supporting node.

This command is sent to the unsolicited destinations when a Smart Start inclusion starts.

This command is used to request the current configuration for playing tones at the supporting node.

This command is used to advertise the current configuration for playing tones at the sending node.

This command is used to set the configuration for playing tones at the supporting node.

This command is used to query the information associated with a tone at a supporting node.

This command is used to advertise the information associated with a tone at a supporting node.

This command is used to request the current tone being played by the receiving node.

This command is used to instruct a supporting node to play (or stop playing) a tone.

This command is used to instruct a supporting node to play (or stop playing) a tone.

This command is used to request the number of tones supported by the receiving node.

This command is used to advertise the number of tones supported by the sending node.

This command is used to clear all statistic registers maintained by the node.

This command is used to query Installation and Maintenance statistics from a node.

This command is used to query Installation and Maintenance statistics from a node.

This command is used to initiate the execution of a command and to request the immediate and future status of the process being initiated.

This command is used to advertise the status of one or more command process(es).

Get the command value of a binary switch

Module for the SWITCH_BINARY_REPORT command

Module for the SWITCH_BINARY_SET command






This module implements command THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE_GET of the COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE command class

This module implement command THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE_REPORT of the COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE command class

This module implement command THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE_SET of the COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE command class

This command is used to request the supported modes from the device.

This command is used to report the device's supported thermostat modes.

This module implement command THERMOSTAT_FAN_STATE_GET of the COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_FAN_STATE command class

This module implements command THERMOSTAT_FAN_STATE_REPORT of the COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_FAN_STATE command class.

This module implements command THERMOSTAT_MODE_GET of the command class COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_MODE.

This module implements command THERMOSTAT_MODE_REPORT of the COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_MODE command class.

This module implements command THERMOSTAT_MODE_SET of the COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_MODE command class.

This module implements command THERMOSTAT_MODE_SUPPORTED_GET of the COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_MODE command class.

This command is used to report the thermostat's supported modes.



This module implements command THERMOSTAT_SETBACK_GET of the command class COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETBACK.

This module implements command THERMOSTAT_SETBACK_REPORT of the COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETBACK command class. This command is used to report the setback state of the thermostat.

This module implements command THERMOSTAT_SETBACK_SET of the COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETBACK command class.

This command is used request the supported setpoint value range for a setpoint type.

This command is used advertise the supported setpoint value range for a given setpoint type.

This module implements command THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT_GET of the COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT command class.

This module implements command THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT_REPORT of the COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT command class.

This module implements command THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT_SET of the COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT command class.


This command is used to report the thermostat's supported setpoint types.

This command is used to request the current time from a supporting node.

This command is used to request the Time Zone Offset (TZO) and Daylight Savings Time (DST) parameters from a supporting node.

This command is used to advertise the Time Zone Offset (TZO) and Daylight Savings Time (DST) parameters.

This command is used to set Time Zone Offset (TZO) and Daylight Savings Time (DST) at the supporting node.

This command is used to request date and time parameters.

This command is used to advertise date and time.

This command is used to set current date and time in Universal Time (UTC).

This command is used to report the current time.

This command is used to request the User Code capabilities of a node.

This command is used to advertise User Code capabilities.

What does this command do??

What does this command do??

This module implements command USER_CODE_GET of the COMMAND_CLASS_USER_CODE command class.

This command is used to request a node's keypad mode.

This command is used to report the keypad mode at the receiving node.

This command is used to set the keypad mode at the receiving node.

UserCodeReport reports on a user code

UserCodeSet sets the user code

This module implements the command USERS_NUMBER_GET from the COMMAND_CLASS_USER_CODE command class.

Gets the number of supported user codes

This module implements command VERSION_CAPABILITIES_GET of command class COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION

This module implements command VERSION_CAPABILITIES_REPORT of command class COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION

This module implements command VERSION_COMMAND_CLASS_GET of command class COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION

Reports the command class version for a device

This module implements command VERSION_GET of command class COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION

This module implements command VERSION_REPORT of command class COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION

This module implements command VERSION_ZWAVE_SOFTWARE_GET of command class COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION

This module implements command VERSION_ZWAVE_SOFTWARE_REPORT of command class COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION

This module implements the WAKE_UP_INTERVAL_CAPABILITIES_GET command of the COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP command class.

This module implements the WAKE_UP_INTERVAL_CAPABILITIES_REPORT command of the COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP command class.

This module implements the WAKE_UP_INTERVAL_GET command of the COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP command class

This module implements the WAKE_UP_INTERVAL_REPORT command of the COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP command class.

This module implements the WAKE_UP_INTERVAL_SET command of the COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP command class.

This module implements the WAKE_UP_NO_MORE_INFORMATION command of the COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP command class

This module implements the WAKE_UP_NOTIFICATION command of the COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP command class

The WindowCoveringGet command is used to request the status of a specified Windows Covering Parameter.

his command is used to request the status of a specified Covering Parameter.

This command is used to control one or more parameters in a window covering device.

This command is used to initiate a transition of one parameter to a new level.

This command is used to stop an ongoing transition.

This command is used to request the supported properties of a windows covering device.

This command is used to advertise the supported properties of a windows covering device.

The Z/IP Packet keep alive command

Command for sending Z-Wave commands via Z/IP

Functions for working with the header extension in a Z/IP Packet.

Expected Delay is the header extension that is found in a Z/IP Command to indicate how many seconds until the command will be received by a node and processed.

The installation and maintenance report for a Z/IP Packet

Command to request the currently configured Z-Wave Long Range Channel

Command to advertise the configured Z-Wave Long Range Channel

Command to configure which channel to use for Z-Wave Long Range

Used to get additional information of a Z-Wave Plus device.

This command reports the version of the Z-Wave Plus framework used and provides additional information of the Z-Wave Plus device.

Module for working with the SmartStart and S2 DSKs

Exception for when decoding a Z-Wave Command goes wrong

Z-Wave device classes

Z-Wave device classes

Utility functions for encoding/decoding common data types.

The installer icon type is used in Z-Wave Plus devices to allow interoperability with generic Z-Wave graphical user interfaces.

Encoding and decoding functions for notification events and types from the Notification command class.

Z-Wave QR code This module handles Z-Wave QR codes that follow Silicon Labs Software Design Specification SDS13937 and SDS13944.

Helpers for security

This module is used to generate and store S0 nonces in response to incoming Security Nonce Get commands.

Meta Extensions for SmartStart devices for QR codes and node provisioning list

This is used to advertise 16 bytes of manufactured-defined information that is unique for a given product. Z-Wave UUIDs are not limited to the format outlined in RFC 4122 but can also be ASCII characters and a relevant prefix.

Exception for when receiving unsupported Z-Wave binary

Z-Wave module firmware upgrade support.

A firmware upgrade specification used to determine if a firmware image can be applied given the running firmware version.

Mix Tasks

Prints the generated zipgateway config to the console

Generates the scaffolding for a new Z-Wave Command

Generates the scaffolding for a new Z-Wave Command