View Source Grizzly.Network (grizzly v8.5.3)

Module for working with the Z-Wave network



Options for when you want to reset the device


Add a long range device to the provisioning list

Delete a node from the network's provisioning list via the node's DSK

Gets all the node ids both from the Z-Wave network and any virtual nodes

Get a list of node ids from the Z-Wave network

Get the nodes provisioning list information via the node's DSK

List all the nodes on the provisioning list

Request a node to peform a neighbor update operation.

Remove a (presumably) failed node

Get the list of ids of all failed nodes.

Request a network update from another controller. This is a no-op if this is the network's primary controller.

Reset the Z-Wave controller

A node to the network provisioning list


@type opt() :: {:node_id, Grizzly.ZWave.node_id()} | {:seq_number, integer()}
@type reset_opt() :: {:notify, boolean()}

Options for when you want to reset the device

  • :notify - if the flag is set to true this will try to notify any node that is part of the lifeline association group (default true)


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add_long_range_device(dsk, opts \\ [])

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@spec add_long_range_device(Grizzly.ZWave.DSK.t(), [opt()]) ::

Add a long range device to the provisioning list

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delete_node_provisioning(dsk, opts \\ [])

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@spec delete_node_provisioning(Grizzly.ZWave.DSK.t(), [opt()]) ::

Delete a node from the network's provisioning list via the node's DSK


  • :node_id - If your controller is part of another controller's network you might want to issue network commands to that controller. By default this option will chose your controller.
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get_all_node_ids(opts \\ [])

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@spec get_all_node_ids([opt()]) ::
  {:ok, [Grizzly.ZWave.node_id() |]}
  | {:error, :timeout | :nack_response}

Gets all the node ids both from the Z-Wave network and any virtual nodes

If everything is okay the response will be {:ok, list_of_node_ids} where the list of node ids will be a combination of actual Z-Wave devices and virtual device ids.

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get_node_ids(opts \\ [])

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@spec get_node_ids([opt()]) :: Grizzly.send_command_response()

Get a list of node ids from the Z-Wave network

Just because a node id might be in the list does not mean the node is on the network. A device might have been reset or unpaired from the controller with out the controller knowing. However, in most use cases this shouldn't be an issue.


  • :node_id - If your controller is part of another controller's network you might want to issue network commands to that controller. By default this option will chose your controller.
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get_node_provisioning(dsk, opts \\ [])

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@spec get_node_provisioning(Grizzly.ZWave.DSK.t(), [opt()]) ::

Get the nodes provisioning list information via the node's DSK


  • :node_id - If your controller is part of another controller's network you might want to issue network commands to that controller. By default this option will chose your controller.
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list_node_provisionings(remaining_counter, opts \\ [])

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@spec list_node_provisionings(integer(), [opt()]) :: Grizzly.send_command_response()

List all the nodes on the provisioning list


  • :node_id - If your controller is part of another controller's network you might want to issue network commands to that controller. By default this option will chose your controller.
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node_neighbor_update_request(node_id, opts \\ [])

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@spec node_neighbor_update_request(Grizzly.node_id(), [Grizzly.command_opt()]) ::

Request a node to peform a neighbor update operation.

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remove_failed_node(opts \\ [])

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@spec remove_failed_node([opt()]) :: Grizzly.send_command_response()

Remove a (presumably) failed node


  • :node_id - If your controller is part of another controller's network you might want to issue network commands to that controller. By default this option will chose your controller.
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report_failed_node_ids(opts \\ [])

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@spec report_failed_node_ids([opt()]) ::
  {:ok, [Grizzly.ZWave.node_id()]} | {:error, atom()}

Get the list of ids of all failed nodes.

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request_network_update(opts \\ [])

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@spec request_network_update([opt()]) :: Grizzly.send_command_response()

Request a network update from another controller. This is a no-op if this is the network's primary controller.


  • :node_id - If your controller is part of another controller's network you might want to issue network commands to that controller. By default this option will chose your controller.
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reset_controller(opts \\ [])

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@spec reset_controller([reset_opt() | opt()]) :: Grizzly.send_command_response()

Reset the Z-Wave controller

This command takes a few seconds to run.


  • :node_id - If your controller is part of another controller's network you might want to issue network commands to that controller. By default this option will chose your controller.
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set_node_provisioning(dsk, meta_extensions, opts \\ [])

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A node to the network provisioning list


  • :node_id - If your controller is part of another controller's network you might want to issue network commands to that controller. By default this option will chose your controller.