View Source K8s.Conn.Auth.ServiceAccountWorker.State (k8s v2.6.2)
The state of the service account worker
@type t() :: %K8s.Conn.Auth.ServiceAccountWorker.State{ error_refresh_interval: non_neg_integer(), path: String.t(), refresh_interval: non_neg_integer(), timer: reference() | nil, token: binary() | nil }
The state of the service account worker
Path must exits and be readable. The token is read from the file and stored in the state. Refresh interval is the time in milliseconds to wait before refreshing the token. Error refresh interval is the time in milliseconds to wait before refreshing the token after an error.
Token is the current token. It is nil if the token has not been read Timer is the reference to the timer that will refresh the token if it is not nil.