View Source K8s.Conn.PKI (k8s v2.6.2)
Retrieves information from certificates
Decodes the certificate from a base64 encoded string
Reads the certificate from PEM file or base64 encoding
Reads the certificate from a PEM file
Decodes private key from a base64 encoded string
Reads private key from a PEM file
@spec cert_from_base64(binary()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:enoent | K8s.Conn.Error.t()}
Decodes the certificate from a base64 encoded string
@spec cert_from_map(map(), binary()) :: {:error, :enoent | K8s.Conn.Error.t()} | {:ok, binary() | nil}
Reads the certificate from PEM file or base64 encoding
@spec cert_from_pem(String.t()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, :enoent | K8s.Conn.Error.t()}
Reads the certificate from a PEM file
@spec private_key_from_base64(String.t()) :: {:ok, private_key_data_t()} | {:error, K8s.Conn.Error.t()}
Decodes private key from a base64 encoded string
@spec private_key_from_pem(String.t()) :: {:ok, private_key_data_t()} | {:error, :enoent | K8s.Conn.Error.t()}
Reads private key from a PEM file