View Source K8s.Client.Mint.ConnectionRegistry (k8s v2.6.2)
A registry for open connections. As HTTP/2 allows simultaneous requests, we handle multiple requests with one process. In this case, the registry stores the PID of the HTTPAdapter which is connected according to the given connection details (URI/opts).
HTTP/1 only allows one request per connection at a time. In order to
support simultaneous requests, we need a connection pool. This is where
the :poolboy
library comes in.
ets a HTTPAdapter
process from the registry.
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
Starts the registry.
@type adapter_type_t() :: :adapter_pool | :singleton
@spec checkin(adapter_pool_t()) :: :ok
@spec checkout(uriopts()) :: {:ok, adapter_pool_t()} | {:error, K8s.Client.HTTPError.t()}
ets a HTTPAdapter
process from the registry.
If the returned process is an adapter pool, an adapter is checked out from the pool and a map with both PIDs is returned.
If the returned process is an adapter process, a map with its PID and pool
set to nil
is returned.
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
See Supervisor
@spec start_link(any()) :: GenServer.on_start()
Starts the registry.