View Source Kayrock.AlterConfigs.V0.Request (kayrock v0.2.0)
Kayrock-generated request struct for Kafka alter_configs
v0 API
The schema of this API is
resources: {:array,
resource_type: :int8,
resource_name: :string,
config_entries: {:array,
[config_name: :string, config_value: :nullable_string]}
validate_only: :boolean
Returns the Kafka API key for this API
Returns the API version (0) implemented by this module
Returns a function that can be used to deserialize the wire response from the broker for this message type
Returns the schema of this message
Serialize a message to binary data for transfer to a Kafka broker
@type t() :: %Kayrock.AlterConfigs.V0.Request{ client_id: nil | binary(), correlation_id: nil | integer(), resources: [ %{ resource_type: nil | integer(), resource_name: nil | binary(), config_entries: [ %{config_name: nil | binary(), config_value: nil | binary()} ] } ], validate_only: nil | integer() }
Request struct for the Kafka alter_configs
API v0
@spec api_key() :: integer()
Returns the Kafka API key for this API
@spec api_vsn() :: integer()
Returns the API version (0) implemented by this module
@spec response_deserializer() :: (binary() -> {Kayrock.AlterConfigs.V0.Response.t(), binary()})
Returns a function that can be used to deserialize the wire response from the broker for this message type
@spec schema() :: term()
Returns the schema of this message
See above.
Serialize a message to binary data for transfer to a Kafka broker