View Source Kayrock.OffsetFetch.V0.Response (kayrock v0.2.0)
Kayrock-generated response struct for Kafka offset_fetch
v0 API
The schema of this API is
responses: {:array,
topic: :string,
partition_responses: {:array,
partition: :int32,
offset: :int64,
metadata: :nullable_string,
error_code: :int16
Returns the Kafka API key for this API
Returns the API version (0) implemented by this module
Deserialize data for this version of this API
Returns the schema of this message
@type t() :: %Kayrock.OffsetFetch.V0.Response{ correlation_id: integer(), responses: [ %{ topic: nil | binary(), partition_responses: [ %{ partition: nil | integer(), offset: nil | integer(), metadata: nil | binary(), error_code: nil | integer() } ] } ] }
Response struct for the Kafka offset_fetch
API v0