View Source Kayrock.Compression (kayrock v0.2.0)
Handles compression/decompression of messages.
NOTE this is a copy of KafkaEx.Compression:
It is duplicated here to avoid creating a circular dependency.
To add new compression types:
- Add the appropriate dependency to mix.exs (don't forget to add it to the application list).
- Add the appropriate attribute value and compression_type atom.
- Add a decompress function clause.
- Add a compress function clause.
This function should pattern match on the compression_type atom and return the compressed data as well as the corresponding attribute value.
This function should pattern match on the attribute value and return the decompressed data.
@type attribute_t() :: integer()
@type compression_type_t() :: :snappy | :gzip
@spec compress(compression_type_t(), iodata()) :: {binary(), attribute_t()}
This function should pattern match on the compression_type atom and return the compressed data as well as the corresponding attribute value.
@spec decompress(attribute_t(), binary()) :: binary()
This function should pattern match on the attribute value and return the decompressed data.