View Source Kayrock.DeleteAcls (kayrock v0.2.0)

Kayrock-generated module for the Kafka delete_acls API



Union type for all request structs for this API

Union type for all response structs for this API


Deserializes raw wire data for this API with the given version

Returns a request struct for this API with the given version

Returns the maximum version of this API supported by Kayrock (0)

Returns the minimum version of this API supported by Kayrock (0)


@type request_t() :: Kayrock.DeleteAcls.V0.Request.t()

Union type for all request structs for this API

@type response_t() :: Kayrock.DeleteAcls.V0.Response.t()

Union type for all response structs for this API


@spec deserialize(integer(), binary()) :: {response_t(), binary()}

Deserializes raw wire data for this API with the given version

@spec get_request_struct(integer()) :: request_t()

Returns a request struct for this API with the given version

@spec max_vsn() :: integer()

Returns the maximum version of this API supported by Kayrock (0)

@spec min_vsn() :: integer()

Returns the minimum version of this API supported by Kayrock (0)