View Source Kino.FS (Kino v0.12.3)

Provides access to notebook files.

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Accesses notebook file with the given name and returns a local path to read its contents from.

Accesses notebook file with the given name and returns a specification of the file location.

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@spec file_path(String.t()) :: String.t()

Accesses notebook file with the given name and returns a local path to read its contents from.

This invocation may take a while, in case the file is downloaded from a URL and is not in the cache.

File operations

You should treat the file as read-only. To avoid unnecessary copies the path may potentially be pointing to the original file, in which case any write operations would be persisted. This behaviour is not always the case, so you should not rely on it either.

@spec file_spec(String.t()) :: FSS.entry()

Accesses notebook file with the given name and returns a specification of the file location.

This does not copy any files and moves the responsibility of reading the file to the caller. If you need to read a file directly, use file_path/1.