View Source Kino.Test (Kino v0.14.0)

Conveniences for testing custom Kino components.

In practice, Kino.JS.Live kinos communicate with Livebook via the group leader. During tests, Livebook is out of the equation, so we need to mimic this side of the communication. To do so, add the following setup to your test module:

import Kino.Test

setup :configure_livebook_bridge



Asserts a Kino.JS.Live kino will broadcast an event within timeout.

Asserts the given output is sent within timeout.

Asserts the given output is sent directly to the given client within timeout.

Asserts the given output is sent directly to all clients within timeout.

Asserts a Kino.JS.Live kino will send an event within timeout to the caller.

Asserts a smart cell update will be broadcasted within timeout.

Connects to a Kino.JS.Live kino and returns the initial data.

Sends a client event to a Kino.JS.Live kino.

Starts a smart cell defined by the given module.


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assert_broadcast_event(kino, event, payload, timeout \\ 100)

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Asserts a Kino.JS.Live kino will broadcast an event within timeout.


assert_broadcast_event(kino, "bump", %{by: 2})
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assert_output(output, timeout \\ 100)

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Asserts the given output is sent within timeout.


assert_output({:markdown, "_hey_"})
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assert_output_to(client_id, output, timeout \\ 100)

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Asserts the given output is sent directly to the given client within timeout.


assert_output_to("client1", {:markdown, "_hey_"})
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assert_output_to_clients(output, timeout \\ 100)

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Asserts the given output is sent directly to all clients within timeout.


assert_output_to("client1", {:markdown, "_hey_"})
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assert_send_event(kino, event, payload, timeout \\ 100)

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Asserts a Kino.JS.Live kino will send an event within timeout to the caller.


assert_send_event(kino, "pong", %{})
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assert_smart_cell_update(kino, attrs, source, timeout \\ 100)

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Asserts a smart cell update will be broadcasted within timeout.

Matches against the source and attribute that are reported as part of the update.

If the source argument is a string, that string is compared in an exact match against the Kino's source.

Alternatively, the source argument can be used to bind a variable to the Kino's source, allowing for custom assertions against the source.


assert_smart_cell_update(kino, %{"variable" => "x", "number" => 10}, "x = 10")

assert_smart_cell_update(kino, %{"variable" => "x", "number" => 10}, source)
assert source =~ "10"
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connect(kino, resolve_fun \\ nil, timeout \\ 100)

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Connects to a Kino.JS.Live kino and returns the initial data.

If resolve_fun is given, it runs after sending the connection request and before awaiting for the reply.


data = connect(kino)
assert data == %{count: 1}
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push_event(kino, event, payload)

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Sends a client event to a Kino.JS.Live kino.


push_event(kino, "bump", %{"by" => 2})
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start_smart_cell!(module, attrs)

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Starts a smart cell defined by the given module.

Returns a Kino.JS.Live kino for interacting with the cell, as well as the initial source.


{kino, source} = start_smart_cell!(Kino.SmartCell.Custom, %{"key" => "value"})