View Source Kino.Workspace (Kino v0.14.2)

Functions related to workspace integrations and Livebook apps.



Returns information about the running app.

Returns user information for the given connected client id.


@type app_info() ::
  %{type: :single}
  | %{:type => :multi, optional(:started_by) => user_info()}
  | %{type: :none}
@type user_info() :: %{
  id: String.t(),
  name: String.t() | nil,
  email: String.t() | nil,
  source: atom(),
  payload: map() | nil


@spec app_info() :: app_info()

Returns information about the running app.

Note that :started_by information is only available for multi-session apps when the app uses a Livebook Teams workspace.

Unless called from within an app deployment, returns %{type: :none}.

@spec user_info(String.t()) ::
  {:ok, user_info()} | {:error, :not_found | :not_available}

Returns user information for the given connected client id.

Note that this information is only available when the session uses Livebook Teams workspace, otherwise :not_available error is returned.

If there is no such connected client, :not_found error is returned.