View Source API Reference Membrane RTC Engine v0.22.0


RTC Engine implementation.

Module representing RTC Engine's endpoint.

Event for changing track variant that is currently being received.

Event indicating bitrate of the track's variant.

Event sent whenever track variant was paused.

Event sent whenever track variant was resumed.

Event sent whenever Engine starts sending a new track variant.

An event indicating that the voice activity on the given track has changed.

Module describing messages RTC Engine can emit.

Message emitted when an endpoint gets added.

Message emitted when an endpoint crashes.

Message emitted when an endpoint wishes to message the business logic.

Message emitted when an endpoint updates its metadata.

Message emitted when an endpoint gets removed.

Message emitted when a track gets added.

Message emitted when a track's metadata is updated.

Message emitted when a track gets removed.

Struct describing a track notification sent to the instance of Membrane.RTC.Engine by Endpoints.

Module representing a state needed for subscribing on tracks in RTC Engine. Besides a struct this module provide a helper functions that simplify whole process of subscribing on tracks and provides two different strategies for subscribing on tracks

This is a very simple version of Membrane.RTC.Engine.Endpoint.WebRTC.TrackSender element.

Module representing media track.

Struct describing bitrate estimation.