View Source Upgrading to v0.16

Version 0.16 extracts the existing Endpoints to separate packages. This is to improve user experience and remove the need to include numerous dependencies in your mix.exs if you want to use a certain Endpoint.

In practice, the changes come down to updating the dependencies in your mix.exs.

Below, there are two PRs that update RTC Engine to v0.16 in our demos:

RTC Engine and Endpoints (Elixir)

In your mix.exs, in deps, you now need to include the appropriate package for each Endpoint you use (as well as the Engine).

The good part is, you can get rid of all the dependencies tied to certain Endpoints! These dependencies used to be marked as optional in the Engine - now, they have been moved to the appropriate endpoint package.

  • If you're using the WebRTC Endpoint:
  defp deps do
-     {:membrane_rtc_engine, "~> 0.15.0"}
+     {:membrane_rtc_engine, "~> 0.16.0"},
+     {:membrane_rtc_engine_webrtc, "~> 0.1.0"}
  • If you're using the HLS Endpoint:
  defp deps do
-     :membrane_h264_ffmpeg_plugin,
-     :membrane_h264_plugin,
-     :membrane_http_adaptive_stream_plugin,
-     :membrane_opus_plugin,
-     :membrane_aac_plugin,
-     :membrane_aac_fdk_plugin,
-     {:membrane_rtc_engine, "~> 0.15.0"}
+     {:membrane_rtc_engine, "~> 0.16.0"},
+     {:membrane_rtc_engine_hls, "~> 0.1.0"}

Keep in mind, though, if you're using either the Audio Mixer or the Video Compositor in the HLS Endpoint, you still need to include the two mixer plugins in your deps:

  defp deps do
-     :membrane_h264_ffmpeg_plugin,
-     :membrane_h264_plugin,
-     :membrane_http_adaptive_stream_plugin,
-     :membrane_opus_plugin,
-     :membrane_aac_plugin,
-     :membrane_aac_fdk_plugin,
-     {:membrane_rtc_engine, "~> 0.15.0"}
+     {:membrane_rtc_engine, "~> 0.16.0"},
+     {:membrane_rtc_engine_hls, "~> 0.1.0"}
  • If you're using the RTSP Endpoint:
  defp deps do
-     :connection,
-     :membrane_rtsp,
-     :membrane_udp_plugin,
-     {:membrane_rtc_engine, "~> 0.15.0"}
+     {:membrane_rtc_engine, "~> 0.16.0"},
+     {:membrane_rtc_engine_rtsp, "~> 0.1.0"}
  • If you're using two (or more) different Endpoints, simply add each needed package to the deps list.

The module names remain the same, so you don't need to change anything in your source files.

Developing the Engine and Endpoints

Version 0.16 converts the membrane_rtc_engine GitHub repository to a monorepo.

For development purposes, it is easiest to clone the entire repository and work locally, including the Engine and needed Endpoints using local paths:

defp deps do
    {:membrane_rtc_engine, path: "/path/to/cloned/repository/engine/"},
    {:membrane_rtc_engine_webrtc, path: "/path/to/cloned/repository/webrtc/"},

Alternatively, you can use a sparse checkout:

defp deps do
    {:membrane_rtc_engine, github: "jellyfish-dev/membrane_rtc_engine", sparse: "engine", override: true},
    {:membrane_rtc_engine_webrtc, github: "jellyfish-dev/membrane_rtc_engine", sparse: "webrtc"},

If you get any Mix errors, try adding the override: true option to packages which others depend upon (e.g. to the membrane_rtc_engine package if also using membrane_rtc_engine_webrtc).