View Source Custom endpoint

This section outlines how to implement a custom RTC Engine endpoint that saves tracks published by the WebRTC endpoint.

Before you continue

It is recommended to read Track Lifecycle section before diving deeper in this guide. You will also find there some information about publishing a track.

HLS endpoint

Another endpoint that saves WebRTC tracks and is shipped with the engine is the HLS endpoint.

General rules

Each RTC Engine endpoint has to:

  • implement Membrane.Bin behavior
  • have at least one Membrane element that will be responsible for producing or consuming data as Membrane bins are used only for logical grouping - they don't process data
  • publish or/and subscribe to tracks

Implementing Membrane.Bin

To implement Membrane.Bin behavior we have to:

  • use Membrane.Bin
  • specify some configuration options (if needed)
  • specify input and/or output pads
  • implement some callbacks.

Pads definition depends on what our bin is intended to do. For example, if our endpoint does not publish any tracks but only subscribes for tracks from other endpoints it can specify only input pads. Pads should be in the following form

def_input_pad :input,
    demand_unit: :buffers,
    stream_format: Membrane.RTP,
    availability: :on_request

def_output_pad :output,
    demand_unit: :buffers,
    stream_format: Membrane.RTP,
    availability: :on_request

When it comes to endpoint options we will have:

  • rtc_engine - pid of RTC engine. It will be used for subscribing for a track
  • output_dir_path - output directory path i.e. where our tracks should be saved.

Putting it all together we have

defmodule RecordingEndpoint do
  @moduledoc """
  Endpoint for saving tracks to a disk.

  Each track will be saved in a separate file.
  use Membrane.Bin

  alias Membrane.RTC.Engine

  def_options rtc_engine: [
                spec: pid(),
                description: "Pid of parent Engine"
              output_dir_path: [
                spec: Path.t(),
                description: "Path to directory, where tracks will be saved."

  def_input_pad :input,
    demand_unit: :buffers,
    accepted_format: _any,
    availability: :on_request

  @impl true
  def handle_init(_ctx, opts) do
    state = %{
      output_dir_path: opts.output_dir_path,
      rtc_engine: opts.rtc_engine,

    {[], state}

Consuming data

Because Membrane.Bins are not capable of sending or consuming any data on their own (they can be more thought of as logical containers) we have to add at least one casual Membrane element that will do this for us.

In our case, we will need three elements:

  • Membrane.RTC.Engine.Endpoint.WebRTC.TrackReceiver - responsible for requesting the highest possible track variant and switching to other variants when the currently used one becomes inactive
  • Membrane.Stream.Serializer - used for serializing incoming Membrane stream
  • Membrane.File.Sink - used for saving serialized data into a file

For each incoming track we will create separate serializer and sink.

Subscribing to a track

Whenever some endpoint publishes its tracks, all other endpoints receive a message in form of {:new_tracks, tracks} where tracks is a list of Membrane.RTC.Engine.Track.t/0.

To subscribe to any of the published tracks, an endpoint has to call Membrane.RTC.Engine.subscribe/4.

After subscribing to a track, the endpoint will be notified about its readiness in Membrane.Bin.handle_pad_added/3 callback. An example implementation of handle_pad_added callback can look like this

@impl true
def handle_pad_added(Pad.ref(:input, track_id) = pad, _ctx, state) do
  spec = [
    |> child({:track_receiver, track_id}, %TrackReceiver{
      track: Map.fetch!(state.tracks, track_id),
      initial_target_variant: :high
    |> child({:serializer, track_id}, Membrane.Stream.Serializer)
    |> child({:sink, track_id}, %Membrane.File.Sink{
      location: Path.join(state.output_dir_path, track_id)

  {[spec: spec], state}

We simply link our input pad on which we will receive media data to the track receiver, serializer and then to the sink.

The endpoint will be also notified when some tracks it subscribed to are removed with {:removed_tracks, tracks} message.

Deeper dive into TrackReciver

After linking the input pad for a given track, our endpoint will start receiving events. The very first event is always TrackVariantResumed. It informs that a given track variant is available and can be requested with the RequestTrackVariant event. The engine ensures that each endpoint always receives a track variant starting from a keyframe, so before receiving the first media packets our endpoint will receive the TrackVariantSwitched event and finally media packets will start flowing.

When some track variant is paused, the endpoint will receive the TrackVariantPaused event.

The whole process is shown in the following diagram

Engine ---- TrackVariantResumed (:medium) ---> Endpoint
Engine <--- RequestTrackVariant (:medium) ---- Endpoint
Engine ---- TrackVariantResumed (:low)    ---> Endpoint
Engine ---- TrackVariantSwitched          ---> Endpoint
Engine ----        media                  ---> Endpoint
Engine ---- TrackVariantPaused  (:medium) ---> Endpoint
Engine <--- RequestTrackVariant (:low)    ---- Endpoint

Because this logic must be duplicated in each endpoint we encapsulated it into TrackReceiver that can easily be plugged in before the actual Membrane element.

Putting it all together

defmodule RecordingEndpoint do
  @moduledoc """
  Endpoint for saving tracks to a disk.

  Each track will be saved in a separate file.
  use Membrane.Bin

  require Membrane.Logger

  alias Membrane.RTC.Engine
  alias Membrane.RTC.Engine.Endpoint.WebRTC.TrackReceiver

  def_options rtc_engine: [
                spec: pid(),
                description: "Pid of parent Engine"
              output_dir_path: [
                spec: Path.t(),
                description: "Path to directory, where tracks will be saved."

  def_input_pad :input,
    demand_unit: :buffers,
    accepted_format: _any,
    availability: :on_request

  @impl true
  def handle_init(_ctx, opts) do
    state = %{
      output_dir_path: opts.output_dir_path,
      rtc_engine: opts.rtc_engine,
      tracks: %{}

    {[], state}

  @impl true
  def handle_pad_added(Pad.ref(:input, track_id) = pad, _ctx, state) do
    spec = [
      |> child({:track_receiver, track_id}, %TrackReceiver{
        track: Map.fetch!(state.tracks, track_id),
        initial_target_variant: :high
      |> child({:serializer, track_id}, Membrane.Stream.Serializer)
      |> child({:sink, track_id}, %Membrane.File.Sink{
        location: Path.join(state.output_dir_path, track_id)

    {[spec: spec], state}

  @impl true
  def handle_pad_removed(Pad.ref(:input, track_id), _ctx, state) do
    children = [
      {:track_receiver, track_id},
      {:serializer, track_id},
      {:sink, track_id}

    {[remove_children: children], state}

  @impl true
  def handle_parent_notification({:new_tracks, tracks}, ctx, state) do
    {:endpoint, endpoint_id} =

    Enum.reduce_while(tracks, {[], state}, fn track, {[], state} ->
      case Engine.subscribe(state.rtc_engine, endpoint_id, do
        :ok ->
          {:cont, {[], update_in(state, [:tracks], &Map.put(&1,, track))}}

        :ignored ->
          {:cont, {[], state}}

        {:error, reason} ->
          raise "Couldn't subscribe to the track: #{inspect(}. Reason: #{inspect(reason)}"

  @impl true
  def handle_parent_notification({:remove_tracks, _tracks}, _ctx, state) do
    {[], state}

  @impl true
  def handle_parent_notification(_msg, _ctx, state) do
    # ignore all other notifications
    {[], state}