View Source Mix.Task.Compiler behaviour (Mix v1.18.2)

This module defines the behaviour for a Mix task that does compilation.

A Mix compiler task can be defined by simply using Mix.Task.Compiler in a module whose name starts with Mix.Tasks.Compile. and defining the run/1 function:

defmodule Mix.Tasks.Compile.MyLanguage do
  use Mix.Task.Compiler

  def run(_args) do

The run/1 function returns an atom indicating the status of the compilation, and optionally can also return a list of "diagnostics" such as warnings or compilation errors. Doing this enables code editors to display issues inline without having to analyze the command-line output.

If the compiler uses manifest files to track stale sources, it should define manifests/0, and if it writes any output to disk it should also define clean/0.

A compiler supports the same attributes for configuration and documentation as a regular Mix task. See Mix.Task for more information.

Listening to compilation

When a running a long-lived Mix task you may want to detect compilations triggered in a separate OS process, for example, to reload the modules. In order to do that, the Mix project may configure listeners:

def project do
    listeners: [SomeDep.MixListener]


config :mix, :listeners, [SomeDep.MixListener]

Each entry in the list must be either Supervisor.module_spec/0 or Supervisor.child_spec/0. Additionally, the listener module must be defined in a dependency of the project, not the project itself.

The listener process receives the following messages:

  • {:modules_compiled, info} - delivered after a set of modules is compiled. info is a map with the following keys:

    • :app - app which modules have been compiled.

    • :scm - the SCM module of the compiled project.

    • :modules_diff - information about the compiled modules. The value is a map with keys: :added, :changed, :removed, where each holds a list of modules. There is also a :timestamp key, which matches the modification time of all the compiled module files.

    • :os_pid - the operating system PID of the process that run the compilation. The value is a string and it can be compared with to determine if compilation happened in the same OS process as the listener.

  • {:dep_compiled, info} - delivered after a dependency is compiled. info is a map with the following keys:

    • :app - the dependency app.

    • :scm - the SCM module of the dependency.

    • :manager - the dependency project management, possible values: :rebar3, :mix, :make, nil.

    • :os_pid - the operating system PID of the process that run the compilation. The value is a string and it can be compared with to determine if compilation happened in the same OS process as the listener.

New messages may be added in the future, so the process should have a catch-all clause and ignore other messages.

Note that the listener starts before any of the project apps are started.



Removes build artifacts and manifests.

Lists persisted diagnostics from the compiler.

Lists manifest files for the compiler.

Receives command-line arguments and performs compilation. If it produces errors, warnings, or any other diagnostic information, it should return a tuple with the status and a list of diagnostics.


Adds a callback that runs after a given compiler.

Returns all compilers for the current project.

Lists persisted diagnostics from all compilers in the current project.

Lists manifest files for all compilers in the current project.



@type status() :: :ok | :noop | :error



@callback clean() :: any()

Removes build artifacts and manifests.


@callback diagnostics() :: [Mix.Task.Compiler.Diagnostic.t()]

Lists persisted diagnostics from the compiler.


@callback manifests() :: [Path.t()]

Lists manifest files for the compiler.


@callback run([binary()]) :: status() | {status(), [Mix.Task.Compiler.Diagnostic.t()]}

Receives command-line arguments and performs compilation. If it produces errors, warnings, or any other diagnostic information, it should return a tuple with the status and a list of diagnostics.


after_compiler(name, fun)

(since 1.10.0)
@spec after_compiler(atom(), ({status(), [Mix.Task.Compiler.Diagnostic.t()]} ->
                          {status(), [Mix.Task.Compiler.Diagnostic.t()]})) ::

Adds a callback that runs after a given compiler.

The callback is invoked after the compiler runs and it receives a tuple with current status and the list of diagnostic. It must return the updated status and diagnostics.

If the given compiler does not run (for instance, because an earlier compiler in the stack has aborted), the callback will not be executed.

compilers(config \\ Mix.Project.config())

Returns all compilers for the current project.

diagnostics(config \\ Mix.Project.config())

Lists persisted diagnostics from all compilers in the current project.

manifests(config \\ Mix.Project.config())

Lists manifest files for all compilers in the current project.