View Source mix escript.install (Mix v1.18.0)

Installs an escript locally.

If no argument is supplied but there is an escript in the project's root directory (created with mix, then the escript will be installed locally. For example:

$ mix do + escript.install

If an argument is provided, it should be a local path to a prebuilt escript, a Git repository, a GitHub repository, or a Hex package.

$ mix escript.install escript
$ mix escript.install path/to/escript
$ mix escript.install git https://path/to/git/repo
$ mix escript.install git https://path/to/git/repo branch git_branch
$ mix escript.install git https://path/to/git/repo tag git_tag
$ mix escript.install git https://path/to/git/repo ref git_ref
$ mix escript.install github user/project
$ mix escript.install github user/project branch git_branch
$ mix escript.install github user/project tag git_tag
$ mix escript.install github user/project ref git_ref
$ mix escript.install hex hex_package
$ mix escript.install hex hex_package 1.2.3

After installation, the escript can be invoked as

$ ~/.mix/escripts/foo

For convenience, consider adding ~/.mix/escripts directory to your $PATH environment variable. For more information, check the wikipedia article on PATH:

Command line options

  • --sha512 - checks the escript matches the given SHA-512 checksum. Only applies to installations via a local path

  • --force - forces installation without a shell prompt; primarily intended for automation in build systems like Make

  • --submodules - fetches repository submodules before building escript from Git or GitHub

  • --sparse - checkout a single directory inside the Git repository and use it as the escript project directory

  • --app - specifies a custom app name to be used for building the escript from Git, GitHub, or Hex

  • --organization - set this for Hex private packages belonging to an organization

  • --repo - set this for self-hosted Hex instances, defaults to hexpm