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A dependency-free utility library containing 100+ useful functions. Part of the Synchronal suite of libraries and sponsored by Reflective Software.

The docs can be found at

This library is tested against the most recent 3 versions of Elixir and Erlang.


The package can be installed by adding moar to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:moar, "~> 2.1"}

If you'd rather not install the whole library, you can just copy some of its functions to your project.

Similar libraries

A quick tour


  • assert_contains asserts that a list or map contains one or more elements.
  • assert_eq is a pipeable equality assertion, with options such as the ability to ignore order when comparing lists, ignore space when comparing strings, consider only certain keys of a map, returning a different value than what was passed in, and asserting that a value is within some delta (which can be a number or time duration).
  • assert_recent asserts that a datetime is pretty close to now.
  • assert_that asserts that a pre-condition and post-condition are true after performing an action.
  • refute_that asserts that a condition didn't change after performing an action.


  • atomize when given an atom, returns it; when given a string, converts it to an atom, replacing non-alphanumeric characters with underscores.
  • from_string and to_string convert between strings and atoms, and don't fail if you try to convert an atom to an atom or a string to a string.
  • to_existing_atom is like String.to_existing_atom/1 but can accept an atom as a param.


  • fetch_docs_as_markdown returns a module's or function's docs as a markdown string

Moar.DateTime and Moar.NaiveDateTime

  • add and subtract can add and subtract a Moar.Duration, which is a tuple with a time unit, like {27, :minute}.
  • between? determines whether a datetime is between two other datetimes.
  • from_iso8601! raises if the string is not in ISO 8601 format.
  • recent? returns true if the given datetime was at most one minute ago.
  • to_iso8601_rounded converts to an ISO 8601 string, truncated to the second.
  • utc_now takes plus and minus options to get the current time plus or minus some duration.
  • within? determines whether a given datetime is within the given duration.


  • a protocol that defines diff(a, b) along with implementations for datetimes.


  • is a {time, unit} tuple (like {27, :minute}) and supports the regular System.time_unit/0 values and also :minute, :hour, and :day.
  • ago returns the duration between a given datetime and now.
  • approx shifts the duration to a simple approximate value.
  • between returns the duration between two datetimes.
  • convert converts a duration to a new time unit, returning only the value.
  • format formats a duration in long ("3 seconds") or short ("3s") format with optional transformers and suffix.
  • from_now returns a duration between now and a given datetime.
  • humanize converts the duration to the highest possible time unit.
  • shift, shift_up, and shift_down convert a duration to a new time unit.
  • to_string renders a duration into a string like "27 minutes".


  • at! is like but raises if the index is out of bounds.
  • compact rejects nil values.
  • compact_blank rejects blank values as determined by Moar.Term.blank?/1.
  • find_indices returns the indices of matching elements
  • find_indices! returns the indices of matching elements and raises if any element is not found.
  • first! returns the first item or raises if there isn't a first item.
  • index_by converts an enum into a list of maps indexed by the given function.
  • into! is like Enum.into but allows nil as its first argument.
  • is_map_or_keyword returns true if the value is a map or a keyword list (unfortunately cannot be used as a guard).
  • isort and isort_by sort case-insensitively.
  • lists_to_maps converts a list of lists to a lists of maps using the provided list of keys.
  • take_at returns a list of elements at the given indices.
  • test_ids is like tids (see below) with a slightly different spelling.
  • tids extracts tid fields. (tid is short for "test id" and the authors of Moar use tids extensively for testing.)


  • checksum returns a sha256 checksum of a file.
  • new_tempfile_path returns a new path for a tempfile, without creating it.
  • stream! delegates to! in a way that's compatible with older Elixir versions.
  • write_tempfile writes some data to a new tempfile.


  • compare returning :eq, :lt, :gt.


  • fill expands (or shrinks) a list to a given size by repeating its elements
  • to_keyword converts a list into a keyword list, using a default value or function to generate the values
  • to_sentence converts a list into a string, with items separated by commas, and an "and" before the last item
  • unwrap returns the argument if it's not a list, or returns the only item in the list, or raises.


  • atomize_key, atomize_keys, and deep_atomize_keys convert keys in a map from strings to atoms, while stringify_keys and deep_stringify_keys do the opposite.
  • deep_take takes a list of keys and {key, nested_key} tuples to take from nested maps.
  • index_by converts a list of maps into a map of maps indexed by the values of one of the keys.
  • merge and deep_merge merge maps, converting enumerables into maps before merging. deep_merge also accepts a function to resolve value conflicts.
  • merge_if_blank merge maps, retaining existing non-blank values.
  • put_if_blank puts a key/value pair into a map if the key is missing or its value is blank (via Moar.Term.blank?/1)
  • put_new! is like Map.put_new/3 but raises if the key already exists in the map.
  • rename_key and rename_keys rename keys in a map.
  • transform transforms a key or multiple keys with a transformer function.
  • validate_keys! validates that the keys in the map are equal to or a subset of a list of valid keys.


  • is meant to be used with function options.
  • delete deletes a value from opts.
  • get extracts a value from opts, falling back to a default if the value is blank (via Moar.Term.blank?/1)
  • pop removes a value from opts, falling back to a default if the value is blank (via Moar.Term.blank?/1)
  • take extracts multiple values from opts, falling back to defaults if the value is blank (via Moar.Term.blank?/1)


  • implements! raises if a struct does not implement the given protocol.
  • implements? returns true if a struct implements the given protocol.


  • dom_id returns a random string that is a valid DOM ID, with an optional prefix.
  • float returns a random float.
  • fuzz increases or decreases a number by a random percent.
  • integer returns a random integer.
  • string returns random base64- or base32-encoded string.


  • named_capture gets a single named capture.
  • named_captures is like Regex.named_captures/3 but can take the first two args in any order.


  • rescue_until and rescue_for run the given function repeatedly until it does not raise.
  • retry_until and retry_for run the given function repeatedly until it returns a truthy value.


  • append_unless_blank appends a suffix to a string, unless the string is blank.
  • compare and compare? compare two strings, optionally transforming the strings before comparison.
  • count_leading_spaces/1 returns the number of leading spaces in a string.
  • inner_truncate removes the middle of a string to make it the desired length.
  • join joins multiple items, as a shortcut to Enum.map_join([item1, item2, ...], "-", &to_string/1)
  • lorem generates a "lorem ipsum" string of the given length.
  • remove_marked_whitespace removes whitespacing following a special \v marker.
  • secure_compare compares two strings in constant time.
  • slug converts a string into a slug with a custom joiner character; dasherize and underscore are shortcuts for common slug formats.
  • squish collapses consecutive whitespace characters.
  • surround wraps a string with the given characters.
  • to_case converts text to :camel_case, :kebab_case, :lower_camel_case, or :snake_case.
  • to_integer converts a string to an integer with a few handy options.
  • trim is like String.trim/1 but handles nil values.
  • truncate_at truncates a string at the last instance of a substring that results in the truncated string being shorter than a given length.
  • unindent/1 un-indents a multiline string by the smallest indentation size.
  • unindent/2 un-indents a multiline string by the given amount.


  • cont, error, halt, ok, and noreply create tuples ("foo" |> error() -> {:error, "foo"}).
  • cont!, error!, halt!, ok! , and noreply! unwrap tuples ({:error, "foo"} |> error!() -> "foo").
  • returning takes two arguments and returns the second one.


  • blank? returns true if a term is nil, an empty string, a whitespace-only string, an empty list, or an empty map.
  • present? is the opposite of blank?.
  • presence returns a default if the argument is blank.


  • from_list! converts a list of tuples like [{:ok, 1}, {:ok, 2}, {:ok, 3}] to a tuple like {:ok, [1, 2, 3]}
  • reduce converts a list of tuples like [{:ok, 1}, {:error, 2}] to a map like %{ok: [1], error: [2]}


  • fix applies some fixes to a URI string.
  • format formats a URI in various ways.
  • valid? returns true if the URI has a host and scheme, and if it has a path, the path does not contain spaces.
  • web_url? returns true if the scheme is http or https.


  • regex returns a Regex that matches valid UUIDs.
  • valid? returns true if the given string is a valid UUID.


  • compare is like but normalizes the versions first.
  • normalize appends as many ".0" strings as necessary to create a string with major, minor, and patch numbers.