View Source Phoenix.LiveDashboard (LiveDashboard v0.8.4)
LiveDashboard provides real-time performance monitoring and debugging tools for Phoenix developers. It provides the following modules:
Home - See general information about the system
OS Data - See general information about OS, such as CPU, Memory and Disk usage
Metrics - See how your application performs under different conditions by visualizing
events with real-time chartsRequest logging - See everything that was logged for certain requests
Applications - See, filter, and search applications in the current node and view their processes in a supervision tree
Processes - See, filter, and search processes in the current node
Ports - See, filter, and search ports (responsible for I/O) in the current node
Sockets - See, filter, and search sockets (responsible for tcp/udp) in the current node
ETS - See, filter, and search ETS tables (in-memory storage) in the current node
Ecto Stats - Shows index, table, and general usage about the underlying Ecto Repo storage
The dashboard also works across nodes. If your nodes are connected via Distributed Erlang, then you can access information from node B while accessing the dashboard on node A.
To start using LiveDashboard, you will need three steps:
- Add the
dependency - Configure LiveView
- Add dashboard access
1. Add the phoenix_live_dashboard
Add the following to your mix.exs
and run mix deps.get
def deps do
{:phoenix_live_dashboard, "~> 0.7"}
2. Configure LiveView
The LiveDashboard is built on top of LiveView. If LiveView is already installed in your app, feel free to skip this section.
If you plan to use LiveView in your application in the future, we recommend you to follow the official installation instructions. This guide only covers the minimum steps necessary for the LiveDashboard itself to run.
First, update your endpoint's configuration to include a signing salt. You can generate a signing salt by running mix phx.gen.secret 32
(note Phoenix v1.5+ apps already have this configuration):
# config/config.exs
config :my_app, MyAppWeb.Endpoint,
live_view: [signing_salt: "SECRET_SALT"]
Then add the Phoenix.LiveView.Socket
declaration to your endpoint:
socket "/live", Phoenix.LiveView.Socket
And you are good to go!
3. Add dashboard access for development-only usage
Once installed, update your router's configuration to forward requests to a LiveDashboard with a unique name
of your choosing:
# lib/my_app_web/router.ex
use MyAppWeb, :router
import Phoenix.LiveDashboard.Router
if Mix.env() == :dev do
scope "/" do
pipe_through :browser
live_dashboard "/dashboard"
This is all. Run mix phx.server
and access the "/dashboard" to configure the necessary modules.
Extra: Add dashboard access on all environments (including production)
If you want to use the LiveDashboard in production, you should put it behind some authentication and allow only admins to access it. If your application does not have an admins-only section yet, you can use Plug.BasicAuth
to set up some basic authentication as long as you are also using SSL (which you should anyway):
# lib/my_app_web/router.ex
use MyAppWeb, :router
import Phoenix.LiveDashboard.Router
pipeline :admins_only do
plug :admin_basic_auth
scope "/" do
pipe_through [:browser, :admins_only]
live_dashboard "/dashboard"
defp admin_basic_auth(conn, _opts) do
username = System.fetch_env!("AUTH_USERNAME")
password = System.fetch_env!("AUTH_PASSWORD")
Plug.BasicAuth.basic_auth(conn, username: username, password: password)
If you are running your application behind a proxy or a webserver, you also have to make sure they are configured for allowing WebSocket upgrades. For example, here is an article on how to configure Nginx with Phoenix and WebSockets.
Finally, you will also want to configure your config/prod.exs
and use your domain name under the check_origin
check_origin: ["//"]
Then you should be good to go!
Using from the command line with PLDS
It's possible to use the LiveDashboard without having to add it as a dependency of your
application, or when you don't have Phoenix installed. PLDS
is a command
line tool that provides a standalone version of LiveDashboard with some batteries included.
You can install it with:
$ mix escript.install hex plds
And connect to a running node with:
$ plds server --connect mynode --open
For more details, please check the PLDS documentation.
Extracts a datapoint for the given metric.
extract_datapoint_for_metric(metric, measurements, metadata, time \\ nil)
View Source@spec extract_datapoint_for_metric( Telemetry.Metric.t(), map(), map(), pos_integer() | nil ) :: %{label: binary(), measurement: number(), time: pos_integer()} | nil
Extracts a datapoint for the given metric.
Receives a Telemetry.Metric
as metric
, alongside the measurements
and metadata
from the Telemetry event, and an optional time
returns an extracted datapoint or nil
if the event is not part of
the metric.
Note that it is expected that the event name was already validated as part of the metric.