View Source Configuring Ecto repository stats

This guide covers how to configure the LiveDashboard to show stats from your underlying database. At the moment, these stats can only be shown for Ecto repositories running on Ecto.Adapters.Postgres or Ecto.Adapters.MyXQL.

Installing Ecto Stats


To enable the "Ecto Stats" functionality for PostgreSQL in your dashboard, you will need to do the three steps below:

  1. Add the ecto_psql_extras dependency
  2. (optional) Configure the dashboard
  3. (optional) Install custom PostgreSQL extensions

Add the ecto_psql_extras dependency

In your mix.exs, add the following to your deps:

  {:ecto_psql_extras, "~> 0.6"},


To enable the "Ecto Stats" functionality for MySQL or MariaDB in your dashboard, you will need to do the three steps below:

  1. Add the ecto_mysql_extras dependency
  2. (optional) Configure the dashboard
  3. (optional) MySQL/MariaDB configuration

Add the ecto_mysql_extras dependency

In your mix.exs, add the following to your deps:

  {:ecto_mysql_extras, "~> 0.3"},


To enable the "Ecto Stats" functionality for SQLite in your dashboard, you will need to do the three steps below:

  1. Add the ecto_sqlite3_extras dependency
  2. (optional) Configure the dashboard

Add the ecto_sqlite3_extras dependency

In your mix.exs, add the following to your deps:

  {:ecto_sqlite3_extras, "~> 1.2.0"},

Configure the dashboard

This step is only needed if you want to restrict the repositories listed in your dashboard, because by default all repos are gonna be listed.

Go to the live_dashboard call in your router and list your repositories:

live_dashboard "/dashboard", ecto_repos: [MyApp.Repo]

You want to list all repositories that connect to distinct databases. For example, if you have both MyApp.Repo and MyApp.RepoAnother but they connect to the same database, there is no benefit in listing both. Remember only Ecto repositories running on Ecto.Adapters.Postgres or Ecto.Adapters.MyXQL are currently supported.

If you want to disable the "Ecto Stats" option altogether, set ecto_repos: [].

Some queries such as long_running_queries can be configured by passing an extra ecto_psql_extras_options for PostgreSQL or ecto_mysql_extras_options for MySQL/MariaDB, which is a keyword where:

  • each key is the name of the query
  • each value is itself a keyword to be passed as args

For example, if you want to configure the threshold for long_running_queries:

PostgreSQL example

live_dashboard "/dashboard",
  ecto_repos: [MyApp.Repo],
  ecto_psql_extras_options: [long_running_queries: [threshold: "200 milliseconds"]]

See the ecto_psql_extras documentation for available options.

MySQL/MariaDB example

live_dashboard "/dashboard",
  ecto_repos: [MyApp.Repo],
  ecto_mysql_extras_options: [long_running_queries: [threshold: 200]]

See the ecto_mysql_extras documentation for available options.

SQLite example

live_dashboard "/dashboard",
  ecto_repos: [MyApp.Repo],
  ecto_sqlite3_extras_options: []

See the ecto_sqlite3_extras documentation for available options.

Install custom PostgreSQL extensions

Once the repository page is enabled, some of the queries (Calls and Outliers) require the pg_stat_statements extension to be installed. If you wish to access said functionality, you must install the extension first, otherwise said functionality won't be shown.

MySQL/MariaDB configuration

The user which is accessing the repo should have access to the certain system level databases. See the ecto_mysql_extras documentation for more details which schemas are being used.

For MariaDB the performance_schema isn't enabled by default. To enable this add performance_schema=ON to my.cnf. These changes take effect after a restart. See the ecto_mysql_extras documentation for more details.