View Source GenServer Capabilities

Slipstream's callbacks are effectively a superset of GenServer, and in fact each module-based Slipstream socket client is a GenServer. The GenServer abstraction provides a simple but powerful interface for message sending and internal state in a system with many actors.



In this tutorial, we'll cover the basics of GenServer operations with Slipstream clients: GenServer.cast/2,, and sending messages via Kernel.send/2.

If you haven't already acquainted yourself with GenServers and how to supervise them, see the official Elixir guides:

Let's begin with a fresh client

defmodule MyApp.GenServerClient do
  use Slipstream

  def start_link(opts) do
    Slipstream.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, name: __MODULE__)

  @impl Slipstream
  def init(opts) do
    {:ok, connect!(opts)}

Already we are taking advantage of Slipstream.start_link/3 (which is roughly the same as GenServer.start_link/3) and Slipstream.init/1 (which is roughly the same as GenServer.init/1 except that you must return a Slipstream.Socket.t/0).

Let's add a clause for handling GenServer.cast/2s (8d5837b)

@impl Slipstream
def handle_cast({:join, topic, params}, socket) do
  {:noreply, join(socket, topic, params)}

This clause will accept casts telling the client to join a topic and perform the join within the client's process. Notice how Slipstream.handle_cast/2 looks exactly the same as GenServer.handle_cast/2. The two are completely compatible and all returns accepted by the GenServer callback are accepted by Slipstream as well.

If one were to ask the client to join a topic, they need only GenServer.cast/2 it

iex> GenServer.cast(MyApp.GenServerClient, {:join, "rooms:lobby", %{}})

Now let's try an implementation to handle requests. Calling is a synchronous action for which the caller will block until a reply is received. This is the only callback in the set of Slipstream callbacks which can produce a reply-tuple ({:reply, reply, socket}). Let's start with something simple like a ping request (fef68cc)

@impl Slipstream
def handle_call(:ping, _from, socket) do
  {:reply, :pong, socket}

This example doesn't really do very much. If we call our client with a :ping request, we expect a :pong result.

iex>, :ping)

Let's try a more interesting feature: the client replying asynchronously. Surely the caller blocks while calling, but the server which hears the call does not necessarily have to respond in a blocking fashion. With a combination of a noreply tuple ({:noreply, socket}) and GenServer.reply/2, we can provide an API for synchronously requesting a join (d878f90)

@impl Slipstream
def handle_call({:join, topic, params}, from, socket) do
  socket =
    |> assign(:join_request, from)
    |> join(topic, params)

  {:noreply, socket}

@impl Slipstream
def handle_join(_topic, response, socket) do
  GenServer.reply(socket.assigns.join_request, {:ok, response})

  {:ok, socket}

And now we may call from another process

iex>, {:join, "rooms:lobby", %{}})
{:ok, %{}}

And only receive a reply when the topic has been joined.

Finally, the GenServer.handle_info/2 callback provides a catch-all callback for handling any messages sent to the server which are not calls or casts. This callback works asynchronously like GenServer.handle_cast/2, but can be triggered by another process performing a Kernel.send/2 instead of a GenServer.cast/2.

We might write a client which uses :timer.send_interval/2, Process.send_after/4, or just plain Kernel.send/2 to remind itself to do work later, or another process may wish to send the client a message to alter its behavior. We'll take the approach of that last suggestion with this callback implementation for Slipstream.handle_info/2 (63d3759)

@impl Slipstream
def handle_info(:conclude_subscription, socket) do
  {:stop, :normal, disconnect(socket)}

And we'll revisit that use Slipstream invocation to add

use Slipstream, restart: :temporary

This will ensure that when we tell the client to clean up and disconnect from its subscription that it should shutdown and not be restarted.

When the client hears a message :conclude_subscription, it will disconnect gracefully and shut down the GenServer process. We can trigger this with

iex> MyApp.GenServerClient |> Process.whereis() |> send(:conclude_subscription)



As an added bonus, we'll discuss the feature of continues and how to use Slipstream.handle_continue/2 to schedule a block of work to come next.

Since OTP 21, the GenServer.handle_continue/2 callback has provided a way to immediately schedule the next block of work without performing a send(self(), {:next_work, params}) message.

You may wish to make use of this feature by scheduling the connection request to occur after Slipstream.init/1, soas the application supervision tree may start up quickly, in the case where a client would have to do a large amount of work before connecting.

@impl Slipstream
def init(config) do
  socket = new_socket() |> assign(:config, config)
  {:ok, socket, {:continue, :connect}}

@impl Slipstream
def handle_continue(:connect, socket) do
  # do some expensive work...
  {:noreply, connect!(socket, socket.assigns.config)}

This will make the call to Slipstream.connect!/2 occur after the conclusion of the Slipstream.init/1 callback.