View Source Rejoin on Reconnect

Slipstream provides rejoin/3 and reconnect/1 to provide out-of-the-box retry mechanisms for re-establishing a client's functions after network outages.

For clients that

These retry mechanisms work without any extra effort. But for clients which dynamically join topics, you will have to take re-joins into account after a disconnect, since that third condition about Slipstream.join/3ing may not be true.

Consider a client written like so:

defmodule MyClient do
  use Slipstream

  def join(topic) do
    GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:join, topic})

  def start_link(config) do
    Slipstream.start_link(__MODULE__, config, name: __MODULE__)

  @impl Slipstream
  def init(config) do
    {:ok, connect!(config)}

  @impl Slipstream
  def handle_cast({:join, topic}, socket) do
    {:noreply, join(socket, topic)}

This client uses the default implementation of Slipstream.handle_disconnect/2, but does not join any topics in its Slipstream.handle_connect/1 callback (since it uses the default implementation). It doesn't know the topics it wishes to join ahead of time, so we say that this client joins topics dynamically.

Dynamic clients like this one will not automatically re-join after a disconnect (however they will re-connect automatically due to the usage of the default Slipstream.handle_disconnect/2 callback).



In this tutorial, we will start with the above client and refactor it so that it will gracefully re-join all topics when it reconnects after a disconnect.

We will start by modifying the Slipstream.init/1 callback to store a list of topics in the socket assigns using Slipstream.Socket.assign/3 (2b0bd58)

@impl Slipstream
def init(config) do
  socket =
    |> connect!()
    |> assign(:topics, [])
  {:ok, socket}

And every time the client is told to join a topic with MyClient.join/1, we want to update that socket.assigns.topics key to store the new topic. We do that in the Slipstream.handle_cast/2 callback with Slipstream.Socket.update/3 (70e802f)

@impl Slipstream
def handle_cast({:join, new_topic}, socket) do
  socket =
    |> update(:topics, fn existing_topics -> [new_topic | existing_topics] end)
    |> join(new_topic)

  {:noreply, socket}

So now we have in socket.assigns.topics a list of all topics that we have attempted to join. (Curious how to store only the topics we have successfully joined? That is left as an exercise to the reader, with the solution written as an HTML comment at the bottom of this file.)

Now we must implement a mechanism to re-join after a disconnect. More accurately, we must implement a mechanism to re-join after a re-connection. When a client is re-connected after a disconnect, the Slipstream.handle_connect/1 callback is invoked again (it is first invoked upon the first successful connection to the remote websocket server). That's the perfect place to put our re-join mechanism (70e802f)

@impl Slipstream
def handle_connect(socket) do
  socket =
    |> Enum.reduce(socket, fn topic, socket ->
      case rejoin(socket, topic) do
        {:ok, socket} -> socket
        {:error, _reason} -> socket

  {:ok, socket}

Whenever we connect, be it the first connect or a re-connection, we will attempt to Slipstream.rejoin/3 all the topics in socket.assigns.topic. On the initial connect this list is empty, so we keep the dynamic nature of only joining topics on request (via GenServer.cast/2).

Think that this should be the default behavior of a reconnection? Advocate for this feature being built-in behavior in #18.