View Source Slipstream.Configuration (Slipstream v1.1.2)

Configuration for a Slipstream websocket connection

Slipstream server process configuration is passed in with Slipstream.connect/2 (or Slipstream.connect!/2), and so all configuration is evauated and validated at runtime, as opposed to compile-time validation. You should not expect to see validation errors on configuration unless you force the validation at compile-time, e.g.:

# you probably don't want to do this...
defmodule MyClient do
  @config Application.compile_env!(:my_app, __MODULE__)

  use Slipstream

  def start_link(args) do
    Slipstream.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__)

  def init(_args), do: {:ok, connect!(@config)}


This approach will validate the configuration at compile-time, but you will be unable to change the configuration after compilation, so any secrets contained in the configuration (e.g. a basic-auth request header) will be compiled into the beam files.

See the docs for Slipstream.init/1 for a safer approach.


  • :uri - Required. The endpoint to which the websocket will connect. Schemes of "ws" and "wss" are supported, and a scheme must be provided. Either binaries or URI structs are accepted. E.g. "ws://localhost:4000/socket/websocket".

  • :heartbeat_interval_msec (non_neg_integer/0) - The time between heartbeat messages. A value of 0 will disable automatic heartbeat sending. Note that a Phoenix.Channel will close out a connection after 60 seconds of inactivity (60_000). The default value is 30000.

  • :headers - A set of headers to merge with the request headers when GETing the websocket URI. Headers must be provided as two-tuples where both elements are binaries. Casing of these headers is inconsequential. The default value is [].

  • :serializer (atom/0) - A serializer module which exports at least encode!/1 and decode!/2. The default value is Slipstream.Serializer.PhoenixSocketV2Serializer.

  • :json_parser (atom/0) - A JSON parser module which exports at least encode!/1 and decode!/1. The default value is Jason.

  • :reconnect_after_msec (list of non_neg_integer/0) - A list of times to reference for trying reconnection when Slipstream.reconnect/1 is used to request reconnection. The msec time will be fetched based on its position in the list with, try_number). If the number of tries exceeds the length of the list, the final value will be repeated. The default value is [10, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000].

  • :rejoin_after_msec (list of non_neg_integer/0) - A list of times to reference for trying to rejoin a topic when Slipstream.rejoin/3 is used. The msec time will be fetched based on its position in the list with, try_number). If the number of tries exceeds the length of the list, the final value will be repeated. The default value is [100, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000].

  • :mint_opts (keyword/0) - A keywordlist of options to pass to Mint.HTTP.connect/4 when opening connections. This can be used to set up custom TLS certificate configuration. See the Mint.HTTP.connect/4 documentation for available options. The default value is [protocols: [:http1]].

  • :extensions (term/0) - A list of extensions to pass to Mint.WebSocket.upgrade/4. The default value is [].

  • :test_mode? (boolean/0) - Whether or not to start-up the client in test-mode. See Slipstream.SocketTest for notes on testing Slipstream clients. The default value is false.

Note that a Phoenix.Channel defined with

socket "/socket", UserSocket, ..

Can be connected to at /socket/websocket.



Validates a proposed configuration

Validates a proposed configuration, raising on error


@type t() :: %Slipstream.Configuration{
  extensions: term(),
  headers: [{String.t(), String.t()}],
  heartbeat_interval_msec: non_neg_integer(),
  json_parser: module(),
  mint_opts: term(),
  reconnect_after_msec: [non_neg_integer()],
  rejoin_after_msec: [non_neg_integer()],
  serializer: module(),
  test_mode?: term(),
  uri: %URI{
    authority: term(),
    fragment: term(),
    host: term(),
    path: term(),
    port: term(),
    query: term(),
    scheme: term(),
    userinfo: term()


Link to this function


View Source (since 0.1.0)
@spec validate(Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, NimbleOptions.ValidationError.t()}

Validates a proposed configuration

@spec validate!(Keyword.t()) :: t()

Validates a proposed configuration, raising on error