API Reference Swoosh v1.8.1
Plug that serves pages useful for previewing emails in development.
Specification of the email delivery adapter.
An adapter that sends email using the Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) Query API.
An adapter that sends email using the Dyn API.
An adapter that wraps Swoosh.Adapters.AmazonSES
to use credentials from ExAws
An adapter that sends email using Gmail api
An adapter that stores the email locally, using the specified storage driver.
Manages the creation/monitoring of the global in-memory storage driver,
In-memory storage driver used by the Swoosh.Adapters.Local module.
An adapter that only logs email using Logger.
An adapter that sends email using the MailPace API.
An adapter that sends email using the Mailgun API.
An adapter that sends email using the Mailjet API.
An adapter that sends email using the Mandrill API.
An adapter that sends email using the Postmark API.
An adapter that sends email using the SMTP protocol.
An adapter that sends email using the SMTP2GO API.
An adapter that sends email using the Sendgrid API.
An adapter that sends email using the Sendinblue API (Transactional emails only).
An adapter that sends email using the sendmail binary.
An adapter that sends email using the SocketLabs Injection API.
An adapter that sends email using the SparkPost API.
An adapter that sends emails as messages to the current process.
Specification for a Swoosh API client.
Finch-based ApiClient for Swoosh.
Built-in hackney-based ApiClient.
Struct representing an attachment in an email.
Defines an Email.
Recipient Protocol controls how data is formatted into an email recipient
Defines a mailer.
This module contains a set of assertions functions that you can import in your test cases.
Mix Tasks
Starts the mailbox preview server.