Wasmex.Engine (wasmex v0.8.3)

An Engine which is a global context for compilation and management of Wasm modules.

Engines store global configuration preferences such as compilation settings, enabled features, etc. You'll likely only need at most one of these for a program.

You can create an engine with default configuration settings using EngineConfig::default(). Be sure to consult the documentation of Wasmex.EngineConfig for default settings.



iex> {:ok, _engine} = Wasmex.Engine.new(%Wasmex.EngineConfig{})

Link to this section Summary


Creates a new Wasmex.Engine with default settings.

Creates a new Wasmex.Engine with the specified options.

Ahead-of-time (AOT) compiles a WebAssembly module.

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %Wasmex.Engine{reference: reference(), resource: binary()}

Link to this section Functions

@spec default() :: t()

Creates a new Wasmex.Engine with default settings.



iex> _engine = Wasmex.Engine.default()
@spec new(Wasmex.EngineConfig.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, binary()}

Creates a new Wasmex.Engine with the specified options.



iex> {:ok, _engine} = Wasmex.Engine.new(%Wasmex.EngineConfig{})
Link to this function

precompile_module(engine, bytes)

@spec precompile_module(t(), binary()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, binary()}

Ahead-of-time (AOT) compiles a WebAssembly module.

The bytes provided must be in one of two formats:

This method may be used to compile a module for use with a different target host. The output of this method may be used with Wasmex.Module.unsafe_deserialize/2 on hosts compatible with the Wasmex.EngineConfig associated with this Wasmex.Engine.

The output of this method is safe to send to another host machine for later execution. As the output is already a compiled module, translation and code generation will be skipped and this will improve the performance of constructing a Wasmex.Module from the output of this method.



iex> {:ok, engine} = Wasmex.Engine.new(%Wasmex.EngineConfig{})
iex> bytes = File.read!(TestHelper.wasm_test_file_path())
iex> {:ok, _serialized_module} = Wasmex.Engine.precompile_module(engine, bytes)