Wasmex (wasmex v0.9.1)

Wasmex is a fast and secure WebAssembly and WASI runtime for Elixir. It enables lightweight WebAssembly containers to be run in your Elixir backend. This is the main module, providing most of the needed API to run Wasm binaries.

It uses wasmtime to execute Wasm binaries through a Rust NIF.

Each Wasm module must be compiled from a .wasm or '.wat' file. A compiled Wasm module can be instantiated which usually happens in a GenServer. To start the GenServer, start_link/1 is used:

iex> bytes = File.read!(TestHelper.wasm_test_file_path())
iex> {:ok, instance_pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: bytes})
iex> Wasmex.call_function(instance_pid, "sum", [50, -8])
{:ok, [42]}

Memory of a Wasm instance can be read/written using Wasmex.Memory:

iex> {:ok, pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: File.read!(TestHelper.wasm_test_file_path())})
iex> {:ok, store} = Wasmex.store(pid)
iex> {:ok, memory} = Wasmex.memory(pid)
iex> index = 4
iex> Wasmex.Memory.set_byte(store, memory, index, 42)
iex> Wasmex.Memory.get_byte(store, memory, index)

See start_link/1 for starting and configuring a Wasm instance and call_function/3 for details about calling Wasm functions.



Calls a function with the given name and params on the Wasm instance and returns its results.

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Returns whether a function export with the given name exists in the Wasm instance.

Returns the exported Wasmex.Memory of the given Wasm instance.

Returns the Wasmex.Module of the Wasm instance.

Starts a GenServer which compiles and instantiates a Wasm module from the given .wasm or .wat bytes.

Returns the Wasmex.Store of the Wasm instance.


Link to this function

call_function(pid, name, params, timeout \\ 5000)

@spec call_function(pid(), String.t() | atom(), [number()], pos_integer()) ::
  {:ok, [number()]} | {:error, any()}

Calls a function with the given name and params on the Wasm instance and returns its results.


iex> wat = "(module
...>          (func $helloWorld (result i32) (i32.const 42))
...>          (export \"hello_world\" (func $helloWorld))
...>        )"
iex> {:ok, pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: wat})
iex> Wasmex.call_function(pid, "hello_world", [])
{:ok, [42]}

String Handling

Strings are common candidates for function parameters and return values. However, they can not be used directly when calling Wasm functions, because Wasm only knows number data types. Since Strings are just "a bunch of bytes", we can write these bytes into memory and give our Wasm function a pointer to that memory location.

Strings as Function Parameters

Given we have the following Rust function that returns the first byte of a string input compiled to Wasm:

pub extern "C" fn string_first_byte(bytes: *const u8, length: usize) -> u8 {
    let slice = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(bytes, length) };
    match slice.first() {
        Some(&i) => i,
        None => 0,

This Wasm function can be called from Elixir:

iex> {:ok, pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: File.read!(TestHelper.wasm_test_file_path())})
iex> {:ok, store} = Wasmex.store(pid)
iex> {:ok, memory} = Wasmex.memory(pid)
iex> index = 42
iex> string = "hello, world"
iex> Wasmex.Memory.write_binary(store, memory, index, string)
iex> Wasmex.call_function(pid, "string_first_byte", [index, String.length(string)])
{:ok, [104]} # 104 is the letter "h" in ASCII/UTF-8 encoding

Please note that Elixir and Rust assume Strings to be valid UTF-8. Take care when handling other encodings.

Strings as Function Return Values

Given we have the following Rust function compiled to Wasm (again, copied from our test code):

pub extern "C" fn string() -> *const u8 {
    b"Hello, World!".as_ptr()

This function returns a pointer to its memory. This memory location contains the String "Hello, World!".

This is how we would receive this String in Elixir:

iex> {:ok, pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: File.read!(TestHelper.wasm_test_file_path())})
iex> {:ok, store} = Wasmex.store(pid)
iex> {:ok, memory} = Wasmex.memory(pid)
iex> {:ok, [pointer]} = Wasmex.call_function(pid, "string", [])
iex> Wasmex.Memory.read_string(store, memory, pointer, 13)
"Hello, World!"

Specifying a timeout

The default timeout for call_function is 5 seconds, or 5000 milliseconds. When calling a long-running function, you can specify a timeout value (in milliseconds) for this call.

iex> wat = "(module
...>          (func $helloWorld (result i32) (i32.const 42))
...>          (export \"hello_world\" (func $helloWorld))
...>        )"
iex> {:ok, pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: wat})
iex> Wasmex.call_function(pid, "hello_world", [], 10_000)
{:ok, [42]}

In the example above, we specify a timeout of 10 seconds.

Link to this function


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

Link to this function

function_exists(pid, name)

@spec function_exists(pid(), String.t()) :: boolean()

Returns whether a function export with the given name exists in the Wasm instance.


iex> wat = "(module
...>          (func $helloWorld (result i32) (i32.const 42))
...>          (export \"hello_world\" (func $helloWorld))
...>        )"
iex> {:ok, pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: wat})
iex> Wasmex.function_exists(pid, "hello_world")
iex> Wasmex.function_exists(pid, "something_else")
@spec memory(pid()) :: {:ok, Wasmex.Memory.t()} | {:error, any()}

Returns the exported Wasmex.Memory of the given Wasm instance.


iex> {:ok, pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: File.read!(TestHelper.wasm_test_file_path())})
iex> {:ok, %Wasmex.Memory{}} = Wasmex.memory(pid)
@spec module(pid()) :: {:ok, Wasmex.Module.t()} | {:error, any()}

Returns the Wasmex.Module of the Wasm instance.


iex> {:ok, pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: File.read!(TestHelper.wasm_test_file_path())})
iex> {:ok, %Wasmex.Module{}} = Wasmex.module(pid)
Link to this function


Starts a GenServer which compiles and instantiates a Wasm module from the given .wasm or .wat bytes.

iex> bytes = File.read!(TestHelper.wasm_test_file_path())
iex> {:ok, _pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: bytes})

Alternatively, a precompiled Wasmex.Module can be passed with its Wasmex.Store:

iex> {:ok, store} = Wasmex.Store.new()
iex> {:ok, module} = Wasmex.Module.compile(store, "(module)")
iex> {:ok, _pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{store: store, module: module})


Wasm imports may be given as an additional option. Imports are a map of namespace-name to namespaces. Each namespace is in turn a map of import-name to import.

iex> wat = "(module
...>          (import \"IO\" \"inspect\" (func $log (param i32)))
...>        )"
iex> io_inspect = fn (%{_memory: %Wasmex.Memory{}, _caller: %Wasmex.StoreOrCaller{}} = _context, i) ->
...>                IO.inspect(i)
...>              end
iex> imports = %{
...>   IO: %{
...>     inspect: {:fn, [:i32], [], io_inspect},
...>   }
...> }
iex> {:ok, _pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: wat, imports: imports})

In the example above, we import the "IO" namespace. That namespace is a map of imports, in this case the inspect function, which is represented with a tuple of:

  1. the import type: :fn (a function),
  2. the functions parameter types: [:i32],
  3. the functions return types: [], and
  4. the function to be executed: fn (_context, i) -> IO.inspect(i) end

The first param the function receives is always the call context:

  memory: %Wasmex.Memory{},
  caller: %Wasmex.StoreOrCaller{}
} = context

The caller MUST be used instead of a store in Wasmex API functions. Wasmex might deadlock if the store is used instead of the caller (because running the Wasm instance holds a Mutex lock on the store so we cannot use that store again during the execution of an imported function). The caller, however, MUST NOT be used outside of the imported functions scope.

All other params are regular parameters as specified by the parameter type list.

Valid parameter/return types are:

  • :i32 a 32 bit integer
  • :i64 a 64 bit integer
  • :v128 a 128 bit unsigned integer
  • :f32 a 32 bit float
  • :f64 a 64 bit float

Linking multiple Wasm modules

Wasm module links may be given as an additional option. Links is a map of module names to Wasm modules.

iex> calculator_wasm = File.read!(TestHelper.wasm_link_test_file_path())
iex> utils_wasm = File.read!(TestHelper.wasm_test_file_path())
iex> links = %{utils: %{bytes: utils_wasm}}
iex> {:ok, pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: calculator_wasm, links: links})
iex> Wasmex.call_function(pid, "sum_range", [1, 5])
{:ok, [15]}

It is also possible to link an already compiled module. This improves performance if the same module is used many times by compiling it only once.

iex> calculator_wasm = File.read!(TestHelper.wasm_link_test_file_path())
iex> utils_wasm = File.read!(TestHelper.wasm_test_file_path())
iex> {:ok, store} = Wasmex.Store.new()
iex> {:ok, utils_module} = Wasmex.Module.compile(store, utils_wasm)
iex> links = %{utils: %{module: utils_module}}
iex> {:ok, pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: calculator_wasm, links: links, store: store})
iex> Wasmex.call_function(pid, "sum_range", [1, 5])
{:ok, [15]}

Important: Make sure to use the same store for the linked modules and the main module.

When linking multiple Wasm modules, it is important to handle their dependencies properly. This can be achieved by providing a map of module names to their respective Wasm modules in the links option.

For example, if we have a main module that depends on a calculator module, and the calculator module depends on a utils module, we can link them as follows:

iex> main_wasm = File.read!(TestHelper.wasm_link_dep_test_file_path())
iex> calculator_wasm = File.read!(TestHelper.wasm_link_test_file_path())
iex> utils_wasm = File.read!(TestHelper.wasm_test_file_path())
iex> links = %{
...>   calculator: %{
...>     bytes: calculator_wasm,
...>     links: %{
...>       utils: %{bytes: utils_wasm}
...>     }
...>   }
...> }
iex> {:ok, _pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: main_wasm, links: links})

In this example, the links map specifies that the calculator module depends on the utils module. The links map is a nested map, where each module name is associated with a map that contains the Wasm module bytes and its dependencies.

The links map can also be used to link an already compiled module, as shown in the previous examples.


Optionally, modules can be run with WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) support. WASI functions are provided as native implementations by default but could be overridden with Elixir provided functions.

iex> {:ok, _pid } = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: "(module)", wasi: true})

It is possible to overwrite the default WASI functions using the imports map:

iex> imports = %{
...>   wasi_snapshot_preview1: %{
...>     random_get: {:fn, [:i32, :i32], [:i32],
...>                  fn %{memory: memory, caller: caller}, address, size ->
...>                    Enum.each(0..size, fn index ->
...>                      Wasmex.Memory.set_byte(caller, memory, address + index, 0)
...>                    end)
...>                    # We chose `4` as the random number with a fair dice roll
...>                    Wasmex.Memory.set_byte(caller, memory, address, 4)
...>                    0
...>                  end
...>                 }
...>   }
...> }
iex> {:ok, _pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: "(module)", imports: imports})

In the example above, we overwrite the random_get function which is (as all other WASI functions) implemented in Rust. This way our Elixir implementation of random_get is used instead of the default WASI implementation.

Oftentimes, WASI programs need additional inputs like environment variables, arguments, or file system access. These can configured by additional Wasmex.Wasi.WasiOptions:

iex> wasi_options = %Wasmex.Wasi.WasiOptions{
...>   args: ["hello", "from elixir"],
...>   env: %{
...>     "A_NAME_MAPS" => "to a value",
...>     "THE_TEST_WASI_FILE" => "prints all environment variables"
...>   },
...>   preopen: [%Wasmex.Wasi.PreopenOptions{path: "lib", alias: "src"}]
...> }
iex> {:ok, _pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: "(module)", wasi: wasi_options})

It is also possible to capture stdout, stdin, or stderr of a WASI program using pipes:

iex> {:ok, stdin} = Wasmex.Pipe.new()
iex> {:ok, stdout} = Wasmex.Pipe.new()
iex> wasi_options = %Wasmex.Wasi.WasiOptions{
...>   args: ["wasmex", "echo"],
...>   stdin: stdin,
...>   stdout: stdout
...> }
iex> {:ok, pid } = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: File.read!(TestHelper.wasi_test_file_path()), wasi: wasi_options})
iex> Wasmex.Pipe.write(stdin, "Hey! It compiles! Ship it!")
iex> Wasmex.Pipe.seek(stdin, 0)
iex> {:ok, _} = Wasmex.call_function(pid, :_start, [])
iex> Wasmex.Pipe.seek(stdout, 0)
iex> Wasmex.Pipe.read(stdout)
"Hey! It compiles! Ship it!\n"

In the example above, we call a WASI program which echoes a line from stdin back to stdout.

@spec store(pid()) :: {:ok, Wasmex.StoreOrCaller.t()} | {:error, any()}

Returns the Wasmex.Store of the Wasm instance.


iex> {:ok, pid} = Wasmex.start_link(%{bytes: File.read!(TestHelper.wasm_test_file_path())})
iex> {:ok, %Wasmex.StoreOrCaller{}} = Wasmex.store(pid)