View Source Using Nifs

Nifs are the entrypoint between your BEAM code and your C ABI code. Zigler provides semantics which are designed to make it easy to write safe NIF code with the safety, memory guarantees that Zig provides.


Near the top of your module you should use the use Zig directive. This will activate Zigler to seek zig code blocks and convert them to functions. You must provide the otp_app option, which enables Zigler to find a directory to place compilation artifacts (such as libraries) so that they can be shipped with releases. By default, this will be /priv/lib.

compilation artifacts

defaults for compilation artifacts may change in future versions of zigler.

Note that we can ship zig code in any module in-place, so they will live alongside other functions or even other macro alterations you make to the module. In this case, we'll build our code into a module that will be tested with ExUnit.

defmodule NifGuideTest do
  use Zig, otp_app: :zigler
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true

Basic function writing

Once zigler has been activated for a module, write ~Z code anywhere and this code will be assembled into a zig file that will be compiled into the nif artifact.

Then write your desired zig function Zigler will also mount functions with the same name as the function in the body of the module.

Example: simple scalar values

pub fn add_one(input: i32) i32 {
    return input + 1;

test "add one" do
  assert 48 == add_one(47)

Note that Zigler will automatically marshal input and output values across the nif boundary. The following scalar types are accepted by zigler:

  • signed integer (i0..i65535), including non-power-of-two values
  • unsigned integer (u0..u65535), including non-power-of-two values
  • usize, isize, architecture-dependent size (roughly size_t and ssize_t in C)
  • c_char, c_short, c_ushort, c_int, c_uint, c_ulong, c_longlong, c_ulonglong, which are architecture-dependent integer sizes mostly used for c interop.
  • floats f16, f32, and f64.
  • bool (use the atoms true or false exclusively)

Floating point datatypes

Floating point datatypes can take the atoms :infinity, :neg_infinity, and :NaN.

Boolean datatypes

You must pass boolean datatypes true or false atoms.

Zigler can also marshal list parameters into array, and array-like datatypes:

Example: Array-like datatypes

pub fn sum(input: []f32) f32 {
    var total: f32 = 0.0;
    for (input) | value | { total += value; }
    return total;

test "sum" do
  assert 6.0 == sum([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])

The following array-like datatypes are allowed for parameters:

  • arrays [3]T (for example). Note the length is compile-time known.
  • slices []T
  • pointers to arrays *[3]T (for example).
  • multipointers [*]T
  • sentinel-terminated versions of all of the above.
  • cpointers [*c]T

Example: Array-like datatypes as binaries

For all scalar child types, Array-like datatypes may be passed as binaries, thus the following code works with no alteration:

test "sum, with binary input" do
  assert 6.0 == sum(<<1.0 :: float-size(32)-native, 2.0 :: float-size(32)-native, 3.0 :: float-size(32)-native>>)

This also results in a natural interface for treating BEAM binaries as u8 arrays or slices.

Example: Marshalling errors

Zigler will generate code that protects you from sending incompatible datatypes to the desired function:

test "marshalling error" do
  assert_raise ArgumentError, """
  errors were found at the given arguments:

    * 1st argument: 
       expected: list(float | :infinity | :neg_infinity | :NaN) | <<_::_*32>> (for `[]f32`)
       got: `:atom`
  """, fn ->

For more on marshalling collection datatypes, see collections.

Marshalling types manually

You may also manually marshal types into and out of the beam by using the beam.term datatype. To do so, you must first import the beam package. The beam.term type is an opaque, wrapped datatype that ensures safe manipulation of terms as a token in your zig code.

const beam = @import("beam");

pub fn manual_addone(value_term: beam.term) !beam.term {
    const value = try beam.get(i32, value_term, .{});
    return beam.make(value + 1, .{});

test "manual marshalling" do
  assert 48 == manual_addone(47)


An important mechanism for exporting values out of a NIF is to send it to a process ID using the send function. Zigler provides an advanced beam.send function which will perform this operation for you.

pub fn test_send(pid: !void {
    try beam.send(pid, .{.ok, 47}, .{});

test "sending" do
  assert_receive {:ok, 47}

Note that the second argument of send and the options argument are equivalent to a beam.make function call.

Optional values

You may use optional values as both input and output terms. Note that the empty optional value in elixir is nil and the empty optional value in zig is null.

pub fn optional(number: ?u32) ?u32 {
    if (number) | n | {
        if (n == 42) return null;
        return n;
    } else {
        return 47;

test "optionals" do
  assert is_nil(optional(42))
  assert 47 = optional(nil)
  assert 10 = optional(10)

Error Returns

You may use functions which return an error, in which case an ErlangException will be thrown with the value being the atom representing the error.

const OopsError = error { oops };

pub fn erroring() !void {
    return error.oops;

test "erroring" do
  assert_raise ErlangError, "Erlang error: :oops", fn -> erroring() end

A few notes on the above code.

  • to marshal a value out of a beam.term and into a zig static type, use beam.get. This is a failable function, and in this case we hoist the failure in the function return.
  • to marshal a value into a beam.term from a zig static type, use beam.make. This function does not fail.
  • for more information on the final options parameter of get and make, see their respective documentation.
  • zigler will translate the hoisted marshalling failures into detailed BEAM exceptions of type ArgumentError.